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File metadata and controls

135 lines (97 loc) · 3.85 KB


This package contains some handy utility methods that I use in my hapi.js (v20) server applications.


The package is not in the npm registry (don’t think it’s general-purpose enough), but you can install it from GitHub:

npm install -S peruukki/hapi-server-utils#v3.0.0

Available methods

server(routes, config, defaultPort, [options])

Starts a hapi.js server with Basic Authentication (using @hapi/basic), serving static files (using @hapi/inert) and request proxying (using @hapi/h2o2).

Basic Authentication is enabled by default, but can be disabled by defining the environment variable BASIC_AUTH_DISABLED=true. If it is enabled, all requests are authenticated and access is allowed with the credentials from the environment variables ADMIN_USERNAME and ADMIN_PASSWORD (see lib/auth.js).

The server serves given routes and all route handlers are passed the hapi.js server instance and the given config value, see the example below.

The server listens on port from the environment variable PORT or the given defaultPort.

The optional options object can contain:

  • loggingOptions: additional hapi-pino options to override the defaults
  • staticFilesDir: if given, static files are served from that directory. Pass e.g. path.join(__dirname, 'public') if you have a top-level public directory.

Example usage

// server.js
const { env, server } = require('hapi-server-utils');
const path = require('path');
const routes = require('./routes');

const config = { apiHost: env('API_HOST', '') };
const staticFilesDir = path.join(__dirname, 'public');
server(routes, config, '8080', { staticFilesDir });
// routes.js
module.exports = function routes(server, config) {
  // Proxy API requests
    method: ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'OPTIONS'],
    path: '/api/{param*}',
    handler: {
      proxy: {
        uri: `${config.apiHost}/api/{param}`,
        passThrough: true,

app(routes, config, defaultPort, [options])

Similar to server but doesn't actually start a server, just returns the value from the Hapi.server() call. Useful in tests with e.g. supertest.

Example usage

// app.js
const { app } = require('hapi-server-utils');
const routes = require('../../../routes');

const config = {
  /* Some test config */

module.exports = app(routes, config, '8080');
// assertions.js
const request = require('supertest');

module.exports = async function assertResponse(app, requestUrl, statusCode) {
  const server = await app;
  return request(server.listener)
    .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');

env(key, [defaultValue])

Returns the value of the environment variable denoted by key, or defaultValue if the environment variable is not defined. Just a wrapper for non-prefixed habitat#get.

Example usage

const { env } = require('hapi-server-utils');

const apiHost = env('API_HOST', '');


Run basic tests and lint the JavaScript with ESLint:

npm test


The code is formatted using Prettier (see .prettierrc for the configuration).




This project has been a grateful recipient of the Futurice Open Source sponsorship program.