name] [-c
id] [-i
msec] [-s
delay] [[--jmxserver
] | [--connect
host:port]] [--
] [javaargs
The parfait
wrapper script provides instrumentation for
an unmodified Java application. It is a front end to the
modules which developers use to access instrumentation from
Java applications.
The parfait
script is limited to exposing performance metrics
that it can find indirectly, such as via JMX.
In order to be exported to the PCP Memory Mapped Values PMDA
(see pmdammv
(1) for details)
these metrics must first be categorized with PCP metadata.
This is performed by configuration of the parfait-agent.jar
file used by parfait
. In the simplest form the configuration
is sourced from files in the /etc/parfait directory.
Additional JMX managed beans can be added to the default set
through configuration files in the /etc/parfait directory.
If this directory is empty, does not exist, or is otherwise inaccessible, a minimal configuration is read from within the resources of the parfait-agent.jar file.
The available managed beans from a running java
(1) application
can be explored using standard Java tools like jconsole
when JMX access has been setup as in the EXAMPLES section below.
Configuration files must be in the JSON format - refer to the CONFIGURATION section below for details of the file format.
There are two forms of instrumentation available from the
script - direct instrumentation (agent mode) or
via a JMX server (proxy mode).
See the EXAMPLES section below for a sample invocation for both modes.
The command line options available are:
name: The name argument specifies the mmv.* metric tree name in thePMNS
(5) that will be used to identify this application. -
identifier: The numeric performance metric cluster identifier to be used to uniquely identify this application. A value of zero is the default, and causes the MMV PMDA to simply use the next available number. -
msec: Delay between sampling (JMX values in particular) to refresh the values exported to PCP, in milliseconds. The default value is 1000 (1 second) and the minimum allowed value is 250 milliseconds. -
hostname:port: Connect to the JMX server listening on the specified hostname and port number as the source of JMX metrics. This option allows proxying of metrics from a separate process, instead of the default-javaagent
mode of operation. -
msec: Maximum startup time in which JMX values are still being created, before exporting as memory mapped values, in milliseconds. The default value is 5000 (5 seconds). -
: Show a brief usage message and exit.
The following examples can be installed locally using the parfait-examples package.
The affects of each example invocation below can be seen using any PCP client tool, such as
- pminfo
mmv - pmprobe
mmv - pmchart
- pmrep
- pmie
- [... and many others ...]
The default mode of operation involves directly running the Java process to be instrumented with a javaagent:
- parfait --name sleep -- -jar /usr/share/java/parfait/sleep.jar
Behind the scenes this runs:
- java -javaagent:/usr/share/java/parfait/parfait.jar -jar /usr/share/java/parfait/sleep.jar
The alternative is the proxy mode, where an already running Java process is instrumented using its JMX server. To start the Java application with a JMX server exposed, use the following options:
- java -jar /usr/share/java/parfait/sleep.jar
The JMX server is then allowing access from instrumentation by
, which can be invoked as follows:
- parfait --name sleep --connect localhost:9875
Behind the scenes this runs:
- java -jar /usr/share/java/parfait/parfait.jar -connect=localhost:9875
The statically configured metrics used by parfait-agent are configured using JSON configuration files. The default used when no files are present below /etc/parfait is:
This provides a handy reference for the semantic elements of the JSON configuration, which are:
The metrics array: JSON array of individual metrics, must appear at the top level.
Metric name: A string which forms the dotted-form metric name, as well as the optional PCP instance name in square brackets.
Metric description: An optional string providing explanatory help text for a metric.
Metric semantics: An optional string with one of the following values: constant or discrete; count or counter; and gauge, instant or instantaneous. These map directly to the PCP metric semantics. The value instantaneous is the default.
Metric units: A string which will be parsed to produce the JSR-363 units for the metric. Acceptable unit strings include: s, seconds, ms, milliseconds, µs, microseconds, ns, nanoseconds, B, byte, bytes, KiB, Kbyte, MiB, Mbyte, GiB, Gbyte, TiB, Tbyte, EiB, Ebyte, as well as none, one and the empty string.
Whether the metric is optional: A boolean (default: false) which flags whether this metric must exist in the JVM. Certain metrics only appear in some situations, or some versions of the JVM, these should be marked as optional metrics.
Managed bean name mBeanName: A string used to identify the Java managed bean backing this metric in the JVM (e.g. java.lang:type=Memory).
Managed bean attribute name mBeanAttributeName: An optional string used to identify a specific attribute of a managed bean (e.g. HeapMemoryUsage).
Managed bean composite data item (mBeanCompositeDataItem): An optional string used to further classify an individual value of the managed bean attribute (e.g. max).
The contents of the environment variable PARFAIT_JAVA_OPTS, if any, are inserted into the java command line before the -javaagent argument and before any arguments in javaargs.
- $PCP_TMP_DIR/mmv/*:
memory mapped values files created by
. - /etc/parfait/*.json: configuration files defining metrics in the format described above.