This example shows how to use go4data as a package instead of a cli tool. The first thing to do is to make sure the process you want done is available in Handlers
The code belows shows how to list directories and read all the files
listDirProc := NewProcessor("listdir", "found_files")
readFileProc := NewProcessor("readfile", "file_data")
// Assign the correct Handlers
// Setup configurations for both Handlers if other than default behavior is wanted
listConfig := listDirProc.GetConfiguration()
err := listConfig.SetProperty("path", "path/to/files")
if err != nil {
// Unsafe but faster way to set a Configuration
readFileProc.GetConfiguration().SetProperty("remove_after", false)
// Files found by listDirProc is published to found_files, so we want to read on that topic
// Start processing
if err := listDirProc.Start(context.Background()); err != nil {
if err := readFileProc.Start(context.Background()); err != nil {
// Now to get data we need to subscribe to a topic
// this can be done without a processor
pipe, err := pubsub.Subscribe(topic, readFileProc.ID, p.QueueSize)
if err != nil {
return err
// Pipe is a data channel with Payloads, can be used