Releases: PDOK/geopackage-validator
Releases · PDOK/geopackage-validator
Release 0.5.10 without RQ16
Temporary rollback of RQ16, which needs spatialite 5.0.0 > to work.
Change table-definition column "data_type" to "type". This makes it shorter.
Merge pull request #64 from PDOK/roel-rename-column-definition Rename table definition column data_type to type.
Adds S3_SECURE flag for minio interop.
Adds a S3_SECURE
environment variable and --s3-secure
flag to validate
and generate-definitions
Fixes passing validations using --validation-set-path
Adds RQ0 and legacy version
- adds RQ0.
- RQ0 and RQ3 are now seen as legacy requirements (when not explicitly called with a validation set those requirements are not validated.
- fixes bug in minio connection when credentials are needed.
Adds a --exit-on-fail flag to validate bugfix
Count rowbased validations and improved table-definition validation.
- table-definitions have changed so that tables and columns are json arrays.
- table-definitions check (RQ8) now checks tables and columns and explicitly outputs invalid results.
- identical error results for row based validations are bundled with the number of errors and an example id to prevent very large output.
Example table-definition:
"geopackage_validator_version": "0.5.2",
"projection": 28992,
"tables": [
"name": "test_allcorrect",
"geometry_column": "geom",
"columns": [
"name": "fid",
"data_type": "INTEGER"
"name": "geom",
"data_type": "POLYGON"
Example aggregate result:
"Error layer: Pand, found geometry: GEOMETRYCOLLECTION that should be MULTIPOLYGON, 6250115 times, example id: 1"
Fix docker image.
- Only check column names for geopackages.
- Do not check attribute tables for rtree.
- Fixed exception handling
- Only test RQ8 if requested.
Refactored validator
- Refactored validator: added Validator class.
- Improved error handling.
Bugfixes RQ14 and RQ15
0.4.2 Tagging 0.4.2