- main.tf now runs successfully with and without nomad ACLs enabled
- nomad ACLs: the toggle is now done on the basis of nomad_acl from env.yml.
- Moved installation of unzip from install.yml to bootstrap.sh.
- Pre- and post steps runs in lexical order.
- make install: lacking binaries
- make install: missing else statement
- nomad: acl toggle, refactor bootstrap, tokens via vault
- nomad: 0.11.3 -> 0.12.1
- consul: 1.8.0 -> 1.8.1
- vault: 1.4.2 -> 1.5.0
- consul-template: 0.25.0 -> 0.25.1
- packer: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1
- terraform: 0.12.26 -> 1.12.29
- Included jq (json query tool) in vagrantbox
- Vault-Consul integration: enable consul secrets engine
- Vault-Consul integration: create dev/admin custom policies, roles and tokens
- Mac installation prerequisites
- Introduce vagrant-hashistack box life-cycle
- Default extra_vars for ansible provisioner
- Override default extra_vars via ANSIBLE_ARGS or prestart scripts
- Consul ACL default policy based on extra_vars switch
- Renamed github actions
- Template push action in separate workflow ( forked & fixed )
- Template was missing directories
- VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE was not properly referenced
- README.md in template directories adds a bit of guidance and context
- Tests now run based on template ( see Added )
- Updated documentation to be more user focused.
- Vagrant box can now be used without any special config.
vagrant init fredrikhgrelland/hashistack
- Publishes a starter repository as template
- Support for extending and altering configuration of the hashistack
- Support for running pre and post steps on startup
- Starts all services by default on
vagrant up
- Vagrantbox package the necessary network configuration
- Ansible will run playbooks inside of box ( added hosts )
- pip: docker -
available in ansible
- VAULT_ADDR is set to http to match vault configuration
- Better documentation. typos fixed
- Github action release fixed ( retry and log upload )
- Github Release with new action
- First beta version. Should be ready for consumption.
- startup.yml waits until all services are up
- Linting rules
- Release process
- Add documentation to released box on vagrant cloud
- Vault as daemon
- Linting in CI/CD
- Startup of services are delayed and controlled by ansible playbook
packaged with the box.
- consul 1.8.0
- Users of this box must include a startup section in the Vagrant file for hashistack to startup.
See Vagrantfile for example.
- Automated tests and release process through github actions
- consul 1.8.0-rc1
- packer 1.6.0
- Tests now started using a combination of terraform and ansible
- Changes to systemd. Ensure startup of network before consul/nomad
- Update to Nomad 0.11.3
- Include changelog
- Add vagrant in docker group #2