Payara Server Community Edition 5.2020.3
Release Notes
[FISH-6 ] - Multiple Data Series in a Graph
[FISH-31 ] - HTTP/2 Support for JDK Native ALPN APIs
[FISH-128 ] - OpenAPI does not include APIs from jars within a war (other jars)
[FISH-148 ] - Support multirelease JARs in WARs
[FISH-151 ] - Implement MicroProfile JWT-Auth 1.1.1
[FISH-171 ] - Support for multi HTTPAuthenticationMechanism
[FISH-205 ] - Allow dynamic reconfiguration of log levels for Payara Micro instance
[FISH-208 ] - Improvements in stop-domain process
[FISH-219 ] - Indicate missing default value when using custom template for create-domain
Bug Fixes
[FISH-42 ] - OpenAPI document has duplicate Tag items
[FISH-50 ] - JDK11 illegal reflective access by OpenAPI document generation
[FISH-56 ] - OpenAPI document doesn't use @Schema when class is in jar dependency of the project
[FISH-70 ] - JsonArray as return type breaks the OpenAPI document generation
[FISH-92 ] - OpenAPI document fails for bidirectional references
[FISH-197 ] - JDBCRealm requires the Message Digest field although a default value should be used
[FISH-207 ] - Disabling applications via their deployment group targets not working
[FISH-211 ] - PayaraMicro APIs not initializable when run via RootLauncher
[FISH-236 ] - GitHub #4688 Typo in docker file - removal of /tmp/tmpfile
[FISH-260 ] - Missing invocation on top of invocation stack
[FISH-263 ] - Community Contribution: NPE when enabling versioned application with Microprofile Config
Component Upgrades
[FISH-243 ] - Update Monitoring Console Process to 1.2.1
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