diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store index de73b75..0a1f00d 100644 Binary files a/.DS_Store and b/.DS_Store differ diff --git "a/Assignments/assignment-03/MASP_Sa\314\203o_Paulo_(cropped).jpg" "b/Assignments/assignment-03/MASP_Sa\314\203o_Paulo_(cropped).jpg" new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fc0104 Binary files /dev/null and "b/Assignments/assignment-03/MASP_Sa\314\203o_Paulo_(cropped).jpg" differ diff --git "a/Assignments/assignment-04/MASP_Sa\314\203o_Paulo_(cropped).jpg" "b/Assignments/assignment-04/MASP_Sa\314\203o_Paulo_(cropped).jpg" new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fc0104 Binary files /dev/null and "b/Assignments/assignment-04/MASP_Sa\314\203o_Paulo_(cropped).jpg" differ diff --git a/Assignments/assignment-04/index.html b/Assignments/assignment-04/index.html index e156b12..33212e1 100644 --- a/Assignments/assignment-04/index.html +++ b/Assignments/assignment-04/index.html @@ -1,115 +1,115 @@ - - - - - - Tina's Assignment-04-Houses or Museums? - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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- VOTE: - or - - - -
House +1
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Lina Bo Bardi, 1958

- - - -

What should come first, houses or museums? Everything at once: the houses, the schools, the museums, the libraries. Urban Planning cannot ignore cultural issues. If in the construction of new neighbourhoods, new housing forms the basis of the city plan (and by housing we also mean the market, the schools and the public services like the hospital and the post offices), the planning of a city cannot overlook two key public buildings that still today are considered an intellectual luxury: the Museum and the Library.

- - - -

- Museum? What is a museum? In everyday life, when we want to describe a person, thing or idea that is outdated, not practical or useful, we often say ‘they belong in a museum’. The expression is a clear indicator of the place museums occupy in contemporary culture, the perception of them as dusty, useless spaces. Sometimes museums are merely the stage for the exhibitionist antics of architects who, rather than designing them to showcase the ‘pieces’, create complex confections with a decorative character that gets in the way of the ‘museology’. On other occasions, the museum is the setting for dilettantes, for ladies who lunch looking for something to fill in the time, who dabble in sculpture, painting or ceramics and exhibit their handicraft in ‘museums’ that generally lack the one thing that ought to be there: namely, a real collection of painting and sculpture, The modern museum has to be a didactic museum, able to marry conservation with the message that it is the art that must be highlighted, while everything else has a far more modest role. This has to be clearly understood by the architect, who should never use the commission as an opportunity for self-aggrandising pyrotechnics such as you find, for example, at the Castello Sforzesco, where Michelangelo’s celebrated Pietà has been encased in a kind of monument that almost immediately acquired some less than respectful nicknames, or like it happened at the exhibition of the Beistegui Collection at the Louvre in Paris, which was displayed against a series of walls draped in red velvet and gold better suited for a jockey club than to a museum.

- - -

- The problem of the museum has to be tackled today on ‘didactic’ and ‘technical’ grounds. These foundations are essential if the museum is not to become petrified, that is, entirely useless.

- - -


São Paulo Museum of Art
- The experience gained in this field with the São Paulo Museum of Art can be of great use here. After all, what is the point of an isolated work of art, even if it’s exhibited with the most perfect museological technique, if it remains ‘an end in itself’, with no connection at all to our times, with no historical continuity? The visitors, especially the younger ones, will look at the objects in a superficial way, without understanding their meaning, their historical lessons, the light they can shed on the present. Baroque sculptures, saints, silverware, tiles, paintings, altarpieces - all will be mere artistic curiosities to the visitor. In real terms, what didactic methods should we use? Evidently written texts, brief and succinct, and not in the language of the PhD, accompanied by photographs – in a sort of cinematographic commentary. It is only by satisfying these didactic needs that the museum will be able to occupy a vital place and be worthy in the gradation of human needs demanding prompt solution, and of being built at the same time as the houses.

- - -

- These considerations are of the utmost importance as Bahia stands on the brink of creating what could well one day become - given the importance of its collection and the beauty and poetic fascination of the building that will be its home - the country’s most important museum: the Santa Teresa Museum of Sacred Art. A museum that ought to have its own didactic voice in order to become a ‘true’ museum, which is ‘alive’, and not a ‘museum’ in the most obsolete use of the term.

- -

- First published in Diário de Notícias (Salvador, Bahia), 5 October 1958

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- - - - - - - - - + + + + + + Tina's Assignment-04-Houses or Museums? + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
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+ VOTE: + or + + + +
House +1
+ +
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Lina Bo Bardi, 1958

+ + + +

What should come first, houses or museums? Everything at once: the houses, the schools, the museums, the libraries. Urban Planning cannot ignore cultural issues. If in the construction of new neighbourhoods, new housing forms the basis of the city plan (and by housing we also mean the market, the schools and the public services like the hospital and the post offices), the planning of a city cannot overlook two key public buildings that still today are considered an intellectual luxury: the Museum and the Library.

+ + + +

+ Museum? What is a museum? In everyday life, when we want to describe a person, thing or idea that is outdated, not practical or useful, we often say ‘they belong in a museum’. The expression is a clear indicator of the place museums occupy in contemporary culture, the perception of them as dusty, useless spaces. Sometimes museums are merely the stage for the exhibitionist antics of architects who, rather than designing them to showcase the ‘pieces’, create complex confections with a decorative character that gets in the way of the ‘museology’. On other occasions, the museum is the setting for dilettantes, for ladies who lunch looking for something to fill in the time, who dabble in sculpture, painting or ceramics and exhibit their handicraft in ‘museums’ that generally lack the one thing that ought to be there: namely, a real collection of painting and sculpture, The modern museum has to be a didactic museum, able to marry conservation with the message that it is the art that must be highlighted, while everything else has a far more modest role. This has to be clearly understood by the architect, who should never use the commission as an opportunity for self-aggrandising pyrotechnics such as you find, for example, at the Castello Sforzesco, where Michelangelo’s celebrated Pietà has been encased in a kind of monument that almost immediately acquired some less than respectful nicknames, or like it happened at the exhibition of the Beistegui Collection at the Louvre in Paris, which was displayed against a series of walls draped in red velvet and gold better suited for a jockey club than to a museum.

+ + +

+ The problem of the museum has to be tackled today on ‘didactic’ and ‘technical’ grounds. These foundations are essential if the museum is not to become petrified, that is, entirely useless.

+ + +


São Paulo Museum of Art
+ The experience gained in this field with the São Paulo Museum of Art can be of great use here. After all, what is the point of an isolated work of art, even if it’s exhibited with the most perfect museological technique, if it remains ‘an end in itself’, with no connection at all to our times, with no historical continuity? The visitors, especially the younger ones, will look at the objects in a superficial way, without understanding their meaning, their historical lessons, the light they can shed on the present. Baroque sculptures, saints, silverware, tiles, paintings, altarpieces - all will be mere artistic curiosities to the visitor. In real terms, what didactic methods should we use? Evidently written texts, brief and succinct, and not in the language of the PhD, accompanied by photographs – in a sort of cinematographic commentary. It is only by satisfying these didactic needs that the museum will be able to occupy a vital place and be worthy in the gradation of human needs demanding prompt solution, and of being built at the same time as the houses.

+ + +

+ These considerations are of the utmost importance as Bahia stands on the brink of creating what could well one day become - given the importance of its collection and the beauty and poetic fascination of the building that will be its home - the country’s most important museum: the Santa Teresa Museum of Sacred Art. A museum that ought to have its own didactic voice in order to become a ‘true’ museum, which is ‘alive’, and not a ‘museum’ in the most obsolete use of the term.

+ +

+ First published in Diário de Notícias (Salvador, Bahia), 5 October 1958

+ + +
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+ + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assignments/assignment-04/index_PT.html b/Assignments/assignment-04/index_PT.html index 0c9800a..d2f958a 100644 --- a/Assignments/assignment-04/index_PT.html +++ b/Assignments/assignment-04/index_PT.html @@ -1,112 +1,112 @@ - - - - - - Tina's Assignment-04-Houses or Museums? - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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- VOTO: - ou - - - -
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Lina Bo Bardi, 1958

- - - -

Primeiro as Casas ou Museus? - Tudo de uma só vez: as casas, as escolas, os museus, as bibliotecas. Uma planificação urbanística não pode prescindir dos problemas culturais se a construção de novos bairros, de novas casas, é a base do projeto de uma cidade (nas casas queremos incluir mercados, escolas, serviços coletivos, como saúde, correios, etc.) – o programa, ou melhor, a planificação de uma cidade não pode esquecer dois edifícios públicos, que ainda hoje são considerados um luxo intelectual: o museu e a biblioteca.

- - - -

- Museu? O que é o Museu? - Correntemente, quando se quer designar uma pessoa, uma coisa, uma idéia antiquada, inútil, fora de uso, costuma-se dizer: “É uma peça de museu”. Querendo indicar com estas palavras o lugar que, no quadro da cultura contemporânea, o museu ocupa, lugar poeirento e inútil. Às vezes, o museu é um mero palco para exercícios exibicionistas dos arquitetos que projetam para a exposição das “peças”, vitrinas, aparelhamentos tão complicados que interferem com o seu decorativismo no caráter geral do que se chama “museografia”. Outras vezes, o museu é o palco para os diletantes, senhoras à procura de uma ocupação, dedicando-se, nas horas vagas, à escultura, à pintura, ou à cerâmica e que expõem suas obras no “museu” em que geralmente está ausente o que lá deveria estar: o acervo verdadeiro de pintura e escultura. O museu moderno tem que ser um museu didático, tem que juntar à conservação a capacidade de transmitir a mensagem de que as obras devem ser postas em evidência, com uma função didática, que diríamos quase modesta, por parte do arquiteto, que não deve aproveitar a ocasião para dar espetáculo em torno de si, projetando, por exemplo, em volta de uma célebre escultura, como foi feito no caso de a “Pietá”, de Michelangelo, no Castello Sforzesco, uma espécie de monumento, batizado, imediatamente, pelo povo, de uma maneira pouco respeitosa, ou como aconteceu na exposição da coleção Bestegui, em Paris, no Louvre, uma série de paredes de veludo vermelho e ouro, mais própria para um jóquei-clube do que para um museu. - -

- - -

- O complicado problema de um museu tem que ser hoje enfrentado na base “didática” e “técnica”. Não se pode prescindir d essas bases, para não cair em um museu petrificado, isto é, inteiramente inútil. -

- - -


São Paulo Museum of Art
- Podem ser de grande utilidade as experiências feitas nesse campo, por exemplo, o Museu de Arte de São Paulo. De fato, qual a significação de uma peça isolada, uma obra de arte, mesmo se exposta com a mais perfeita técnica museográfica, se esta obra é “fim em si mesma”, isolada no tempo e no espaço, sem nenhuma ligação com o nosso tempo, sem continuidade histórica? Os visitantes, especialmente os jovens, olharão, superficialmente, os objetos, sem conseguir compreender a sua significação, a sua lição histórica, fornecedora dos meios para compreender o presente. As esculturas barrocas, os santos, as pratas, os azulejos, as pinturas, os altares serão para os visitantes meras curiosidades artísticas. Em termos, quais serão esses meios didáticos? Evidentemente, comentários escritos, breves e sumarentos, acompanhados de fotografias com referências não “doutorais”, uma espécie de comentário cinematográfico. Somente satisfazendo tais necessidades didáticas o museu poderá ocupar um lugar vital e ser digno na gradação dos interesses humanos a serem satisfeitos logo, de aparecer juntamente com as casas.

- - -

- Tais considerações são da maior importância, estando a Bahia no ponto de criar, na iminência de realizar, o que poderá ser um dia, ela beleza e fascinação poética do edifício que o abrigará, pela importância das obras a serem nele expostas, o museu mais importante do país: o Museu de Arte Sacra de Santa Teresa. Museu que deverá ter a sua impostação didática para ser um museu “verdadeiro”, vivo, e não um “museu” no sentido mais superado da palavra.

- -

- Publicado pela primeira vez no Diário de Notícias (Salvador, Bahia), 5 de outubro de 1958

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- - - - - - + + + + + + Tina's Assignment-04-Houses or Museums? + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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+ VOTO: + ou + + + +
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Lina Bo Bardi, 1958

+ + + +

Primeiro as Casas ou Museus? + Tudo de uma só vez: as casas, as escolas, os museus, as bibliotecas. Uma planificação urbanística não pode prescindir dos problemas culturais se a construção de novos bairros, de novas casas, é a base do projeto de uma cidade (nas casas queremos incluir mercados, escolas, serviços coletivos, como saúde, correios, etc.) – o programa, ou melhor, a planificação de uma cidade não pode esquecer dois edifícios públicos, que ainda hoje são considerados um luxo intelectual: o museu e a biblioteca.

+ + + +

+ Museu? O que é o Museu? + Correntemente, quando se quer designar uma pessoa, uma coisa, uma idéia antiquada, inútil, fora de uso, costuma-se dizer: “É uma peça de museu”. Querendo indicar com estas palavras o lugar que, no quadro da cultura contemporânea, o museu ocupa, lugar poeirento e inútil. Às vezes, o museu é um mero palco para exercícios exibicionistas dos arquitetos que projetam para a exposição das “peças”, vitrinas, aparelhamentos tão complicados que interferem com o seu decorativismo no caráter geral do que se chama “museografia”. Outras vezes, o museu é o palco para os diletantes, senhoras à procura de uma ocupação, dedicando-se, nas horas vagas, à escultura, à pintura, ou à cerâmica e que expõem suas obras no “museu” em que geralmente está ausente o que lá deveria estar: o acervo verdadeiro de pintura e escultura. O museu moderno tem que ser um museu didático, tem que juntar à conservação a capacidade de transmitir a mensagem de que as obras devem ser postas em evidência, com uma função didática, que diríamos quase modesta, por parte do arquiteto, que não deve aproveitar a ocasião para dar espetáculo em torno de si, projetando, por exemplo, em volta de uma célebre escultura, como foi feito no caso de a “Pietá”, de Michelangelo, no Castello Sforzesco, uma espécie de monumento, batizado, imediatamente, pelo povo, de uma maneira pouco respeitosa, ou como aconteceu na exposição da coleção Bestegui, em Paris, no Louvre, uma série de paredes de veludo vermelho e ouro, mais própria para um jóquei-clube do que para um museu. + +

+ + +

+ O complicado problema de um museu tem que ser hoje enfrentado na base “didática” e “técnica”. Não se pode prescindir d essas bases, para não cair em um museu petrificado, isto é, inteiramente inútil. +

+ + +


São Paulo Museum of Art
+ Podem ser de grande utilidade as experiências feitas nesse campo, por exemplo, o Museu de Arte de São Paulo. De fato, qual a significação de uma peça isolada, uma obra de arte, mesmo se exposta com a mais perfeita técnica museográfica, se esta obra é “fim em si mesma”, isolada no tempo e no espaço, sem nenhuma ligação com o nosso tempo, sem continuidade histórica? Os visitantes, especialmente os jovens, olharão, superficialmente, os objetos, sem conseguir compreender a sua significação, a sua lição histórica, fornecedora dos meios para compreender o presente. As esculturas barrocas, os santos, as pratas, os azulejos, as pinturas, os altares serão para os visitantes meras curiosidades artísticas. Em termos, quais serão esses meios didáticos? Evidentemente, comentários escritos, breves e sumarentos, acompanhados de fotografias com referências não “doutorais”, uma espécie de comentário cinematográfico. Somente satisfazendo tais necessidades didáticas o museu poderá ocupar um lugar vital e ser digno na gradação dos interesses humanos a serem satisfeitos logo, de aparecer juntamente com as casas.

+ + +

+ Tais considerações são da maior importância, estando a Bahia no ponto de criar, na iminência de realizar, o que poderá ser um dia, ela beleza e fascinação poética do edifício que o abrigará, pela importância das obras a serem nele expostas, o museu mais importante do país: o Museu de Arte Sacra de Santa Teresa. Museu que deverá ter a sua impostação didática para ser um museu “verdadeiro”, vivo, e não um “museu” no sentido mais superado da palavra.

+ +

+ Publicado pela primeira vez no Diário de Notícias (Salvador, Bahia), 5 de outubro de 1958

+ + +
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+ + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assignments/assignment-04/style.css b/Assignments/assignment-04/style.css index 6a86b4c..1603fc7 100644 --- a/Assignments/assignment-04/style.css +++ b/Assignments/assignment-04/style.css @@ -1,208 +1,208 @@ -body{ - font-family: Nunito; - background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); - - box-sizing: border-box; - -} - -body{ - height: 100%; -} - -body{ - min-height: 100vh; -} - -main { - padding: 50px; - border: 0.5px dashed #f86d6d; - color: #141414; - margin: 50px 100px; - background-color: rgb(248, 241, 191); - } - - -header { - height: 1vh; - margin: 50px 100px; - padding: 5px; -} - -footer { - height: 1vh; - margin: 0px 100px; - text-align: right; - font-size: 9pt; - color:rgb(99, 100, 100) -} - - - - -.box_0{ - color:blue -} -h1{ - color:blue; - font-size: 32px; -} - -h4{ - color: rgb(36, 74, 189); - font-size: 18; - font-family: Nunito; - font-style: italic; - font-weight: 200; - font-display: light; -} - -p{ - font-size: 16px; - 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223, 243) +} + +.box_vote:hover { + background-color: rgb(128, 255, 212); + font-weight: bold; + +} + + +.box_2{ + color: rgb(217, 119, 119); + font-size: 14; + font-family: Nunito; + font-weight: 300; + font-display: light; +} + +.museum_image{ + width: 30%; + padding: 10px; + inline-size: auto; + font-style: italic; + font-weight: bold; +} + + + +@media only screen and (min-width : 275px) { + + main { + padding: 10px; + border: 0.5px dashed #f86d6d; + color: #141414; + margin: 0; + background-color: rgb(248, 241, 191); + + } + + header { + height: 1vh; + margin: 0px; + padding-top: 10px; + padding-bottom: 50px; + } + + .museum_image{ + + width: 5%; + padding: 0px; + inline-size: auto; + font-style: italic; + font-weight: bold; + align-items: right; + } + img.image-1{ + inline-size: 95%; + } + + footer { + height: 1vh; + margin: 0px; + text-align: right; + font-size: 9pt; + color:rgb(99, 100, 100); + ; + } +} + + + + + + +@media only screen and (min-width : 768px) { + main { + 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a/exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/.DS_Store b/exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/.DS_Store new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01a3c0c Binary files /dev/null and b/exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/.DS_Store differ diff --git a/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-fox.png b/exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-fox.png similarity index 100% rename from starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-fox.png rename to exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-fox.png diff --git a/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-little-prince.png b/exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-little-prince.png similarity index 100% rename from starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-little-prince.png rename to exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-little-prince.png diff --git a/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-narrator.png b/exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-narrator.png similarity index 100% rename from starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-narrator.png rename to exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-narrator.png diff --git a/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-railway-switchman.png b/exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-railway-switchman.png similarity index 100% rename from starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-railway-switchman.png rename to exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-railway-switchman.png diff --git a/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-turkish-astronomer.png b/exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-turkish-astronomer.png similarity index 100% rename from starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-turkish-astronomer.png rename to exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-turkish-astronomer.png diff --git a/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-vain-man.png b/exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-vain-man.png similarity index 100% rename from starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-vain-man.png rename to exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/the-vain-man.png diff --git a/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/three-petal-flower.png b/exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/three-petal-flower.png similarity index 100% rename from starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/three-petal-flower.png rename to exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/images/three-petal-flower.png diff --git a/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/index.html b/exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/index.html similarity index 100% rename from starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/index.html rename to exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/index.html diff --git a/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/styles.css b/exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/styles.css similarity index 100% rename from starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/styles.css rename to exercises/starter_code_week_08/responsive_with_media_queries/styles.css diff --git a/exercises/starter_code_week_09/.DS_Store b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/.DS_Store new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c573f1a Binary files /dev/null and b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/.DS_Store differ diff --git a/exercises/starter_code_week_09/amusement_park_operator/main.js b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/amusement_park_operator/main.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2badda5 --- /dev/null +++ b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/amusement_park_operator/main.js @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +/* + ---------------------------------------- + PART 1 + ---------------------------------------- + Imagine you work the information booth at a theme park and help recommend rides to guests. + + 1. Declare a variable age. Assign it the value 25. + 2. Declare a variable height. Assign it the value 5. + 3. Log each variable to the console, example: console.log(age) + + ---------------------------------------- + PART 2 + ---------------------------------------- + Write out an if / else if / else statement for the following conditions: + + 1. If a person is less than 8 years old, recommend the merry-go-round. + console.log("Check out the Merry-Go-Round. You'll love it!"); + 2. Otherwise if a person is more than 8 years old AND less than 65 years old AND more than 4.5 feet tall, recommend the roller coaster. + console.log("Check out the Roller Coaster. It's awesome!"); + 3. Otherwise, recommend the lazy river + console.log('Why not enjoy a float down the Lazy River?'); +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/exercises/starter_code_week_09/arrays_and_loops/indes.html b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/arrays_and_loops/indes.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5f5a12 --- /dev/null +++ b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/arrays_and_loops/indes.html @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + + + + Arrays + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/exercises/starter_code_week_09/arrays_and_loops/main.js b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/arrays_and_loops/main.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98b2e72 --- /dev/null +++ b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/arrays_and_loops/main.js @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* + We have an array of people's ages, saved in the variable ages. + Write a for-loop that will print each of the elements to the console. + let ages = [29, 27, 24, 31, 23, 28, 26, 30, 25, 23] + + + We have an array of names, saved in the variable names. + Write a for-loop that will print each of the elements to the console. + let names = ["Olivia", "Ethan", "Isabella", "Liam", "Sophia", "Noah", "Ava", "Mason"] +*/ + +let ages = [29, 27, 24, 31, 23, 28, 26, 30, 25, 23] + +for(let i = 0; i < ages.legth; i = i + 1 ){ + console.log(ages[i]) + +} + +let names = ["Olivia", "Ethan", "Isabella", "Liam", "Sophia", "Noah", "Ava", "Mason"] + +for(let i = 0; i + + + + + Function Practice + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/exercises/starter_code_week_09/functions_practice/main.js b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/functions_practice/main.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d5031b --- /dev/null +++ b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/functions_practice/main.js @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/* + Write a function for each of the following problems: + + [1] Console logs "hello" + [2] Console logs "world" + [3] Takes a parameter called "name" and console logs it + [4] Takes a parameter called "name" and console logs "hello" + name + [5] Takes a parameter called "number" and multiplies it by itself, then console logs the result + [6] Take a number as a parameter and return itself squared + [7] Have 3 optional parameters, all numbers. Add all the numbers together. If the function is called without passing any numbers in, simply return 10 +*/ + +function sayHello(){ + console.log('Hello') +} +sayHello() + +function callName(name){ + // console.log("Hello" + name) <- this is the same to the below one// + console.log(`Hello, ${name}`) +} +callName("Kevin") +callName("Chris") +callName("Sarah") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/exercises/starter_code_week_09/house_of_dust/main.js b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/house_of_dust/main.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c28ce4 --- /dev/null +++ b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/house_of_dust/main.js @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/* + Alison Knowles’s The House of Dust is among the earliest computerized poems, consisting of the phrase “a house of” followed by a randomized sequence of 1) a material, 2) a site or situation, a light source, and 3) a category of inhabitants taken from four distinct lists. + + 1. Create two to four lists of words or phrases. Each list should have some sort of theme, or be similar in some way. As a guiding principle, each list should have 5+ items to start. Your lists should be separate in some way (in theme, purpose, or structure). + 2. Write the formula for selecting a random element from an array. Use string interpolation to swap out one of the words in the poem for a randomly selected element from your list. + + Hint: Formula for selecting a random element from an array + let randomElement = arrayName[Math.floor(Math.random()*arrayName.length)]; + Article: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/javascript/select-random-item-array/ + + 3. Write a function that logs the randomized poem to the console. + -- console.log() + + 4. Invoke (call) the function to run the poem. + + 5. Check the console for the result. + 6. [Bonus] Write the poem to the browser window using document.write() + + Sample Poem: // A house of steel / Among high mountains / Using candles / Inhabited by people who sleep almost all the time. +*/ + +let listOne = [ + "a house of wood", + "a house of brick", + "a house of broken dishes", + "a house of discarded clothing", + "a house of dust" +]; + +let listTwo = [ + "among other houses", + "among small hills", + "among high montains", + "by a river", + "by an abandoned lake" +]; + +function eventScore() { + // your code in here +} + +eventScore() \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/exercises/starter_code_week_09/sentence_generator/index.html b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/sentence_generator/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..686be02 --- /dev/null +++ b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/sentence_generator/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + + + + + + Sentence Generator + + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/exercises/starter_code_week_09/sentence_generator/main.js b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/sentence_generator/main.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..214b2cc --- /dev/null +++ b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/sentence_generator/main.js @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ + + + + +/* + + ---------------------------------------- + PART 1 + ---------------------------------------- + 1. Create three variables called noun verb and adjective and store one of each type. + 2. Choose a short one sentence poem that includes the following variables: +  —  Sample sentence: `My ${noun} leaps ${adjective} when I ${verb} a rainbow in the sky:` + 3. Create five different versions of this sentence with different variables. + 4. Write it to the browser window using document.write() + + ---------------------------------------- + PART 2 + ---------------------------------------- + 1. Make Make a list of at least five words for each variable: + — Sample array: let nouns = [ ‘heart’, ‘rainbow’, ‘ocean’];. + 2. Create a randomly generated sentence by using the variables. + — Sample sentence: `My ${noun} leaps ${adjective} when I ${verb} a rainbow in the sky:` + 3. Write it to the browser window using document.write() + + Hint: Formula for selecting a random element from an array + Article: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/javascript/select-random-item-array/ <-this article explain how to do it + let item = arrayName[Math.floor(Math.random()*arrayName.length)]; + + let nouns = ["heart", "rainbow", "ocean"]; + let verbs = ["look", "make", "continue"]; + let adjectives = ["good", "different", "possible"]; + +*/ + diff --git a/exercises/starter_code_week_09/sentence_generator/styles.css b/exercises/starter_code_week_09/sentence_generator/styles.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/projects/project-02 - Copy/css/styles.css b/projects/project-02 - Copy/css/styles.css index f1caa96..68c8c3d 100644 --- a/projects/project-02 - Copy/css/styles.css +++ b/projects/project-02 - Copy/css/styles.css @@ -1,168 +1,168 @@ - -* { - padding: 0; - margin: 0; - box-sizing: border-box; -} - -html, -body { - height: 100%; -} - -body { - /* min-height: 100vh; 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- - - - - - - - - + + + + + + ADERERROR Official Site + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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+ 'A-VENTORY Tech Collection' 3rd Drop +
+ View Product > +
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+ 23FW 2nd Drop +
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+ 23FW New Jumper & Jacket +
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+ + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/projects/project-02/css/styles.css b/projects/project-02/css/styles.css index 0fea423..ec39e09 100644 --- a/projects/project-02/css/styles.css +++ b/projects/project-02/css/styles.css @@ -1,204 +1,204 @@ - - -html, -body { - font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; - height: 100%; -} - -header { - display: block; - font-size: 10pt; - overflow: hidden; - - position: fixed; /* Set the navbar to fixed position */ - top: 0; /* Position the navbar at the top of the page */ - width: 100%; -} - -* { - padding: 0; - margin: 0; - box-sizing: border-box; -} - -ul.container { -display: flex; -flex-wrap: nowrap; -justify-content: space-around; -list-style: none; -background: white; -margin: 0px; -line-height: 60px; -; -} - -ul { - - margin-block-start: 1em; - margin-block-end: 1em; - margin-inline-start: 0px; - margin-inline-end: 0px; - padding-inline-start: 40px; -} - -a:-webkit-any-link{ - cursor: pointer; -} -a:link { text-decoration: none; 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+} + +.item--5{ + grid-column-start: 1; + grid-column-end: 1; + + grid-row-start: 3; + grid-row-end: 3; +} + +.item--6{ + grid-column-start: 2; + grid-column-end: 2; + + grid-row-start: 3; + grid-row-end: 3; +} + + + + + +.floatrightinfo{ + align-content: end; + text-align: right; + width: 40%; + height: 500px; +} + + + + + +footer{ + + height: 500px; + width: 100%; + + font-size: 8pt; + color: grey +} + +.footerleft{ + } \ No newline at end of file