The ResNet50 model pretrained on imagenet for TensorFlow.js as a layers model.
On ImageNet, this model gets to a top-1 validation accuracy of 0.749 and a top-5 validation accuracy of 0.921.
The default input size for this model is 224x224.
This model has been converted, using the tfjs-converter.
The base model and weights were taken from keras.
Install npm install resnet_imagenet
import ResNetPredictor from 'resnet_imagenet';
const tabbyCatURI = '';
const run = async () => {
const predictor = await ResNetPredictor.create();
const prediction = await predictor.classify(tabbyCatURI);
return prediction;
To try the model you can just load it using:
ResNetURL = '';
const ResNet = await tf.loadLayersModel(ResNetURL);