- Limiting the number of features is a popular technique to mitigate overfitting. However, simply tossing aside features can be too blunt an instrument for the job.
Norms (§2.3.10)
Sum of the absolute values of a vector x's elements.
Square root of the sum of the squares of a vector x's elements.
L2 Norm of a matrix X : square root of the sum of the squares of the matrix elements. (This is also called Frobenius norm in linear algebra).
- Regularization parameter λ. Use a validation set to find the optimal value of λ.
- (1-ηλ) < 1 → The weights of the networ gets smaller over training iterations.
- λ ↗ , w ↘ . L2 regularization encourages models with small weights.
- With the allowed range of network weights constraining to be small, the overall complexity of model decreases.
L1 tends to shrink coefficients to zero whereas L2 tends to shrink coefficients evenly.
L1 is therefore useful for feature selection, as we can drop any variables associated with coefficients that go to zero.
In other words, L1 encourages a sparse model (model with a small fraction of parameters being non-zero). -
Reference : 3 The difference between L1 and L2 regularization