Build steps for Ubuntu host:
- Install Unity 2018.2.4f1:
install into the /opt/Unity folder:
chmod +x ~/Downloads/UnitySetup-2018.2.4f1
./UnitySetup-2018.2.4f1 --unattended --install-location=/opt/Unity --components=Unity,Windows-Mono
run Unity and make sure it's activated
- Make sure you have git-lfs installed before cloning this repository.
- Clone simulator from GitHub:
git clone
- Run build:
mkdir build
/opt/Unity/Editor/Unity \
-batchmode \
-nographics \
-silent-crashes \
-quit \
-buildDestination ./build/simulator \
-buildTarget Linux64 \
-executeMethod BuildScript.Build \
-projectPath . \
-logFile /dev/stdout
Test simulator:
- Run rosbridge:
roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
- Run simulator from build/simulator Choose "Free Roaming" -> "DuckieDowntown" as map -> "Duckiebot-duckietown-ros1" as robot make sure it's connected, click "RUN" - make sure it's running, you can operate the robot
- Run rviz or rqt_image_view and see image from topic "/simulator/camera_node/image/compressed"