Fuck me prolog is both amazing and too damn terse for my liking.
Basically you construct a world made out of "facts" and "rules", and then give Prolog a question and it will give you an answer as best it can.
Really weird declarative language... I admit I struggled quite a bit with this.. though it's a beautiful thing when it works. Check this out:
different(red, green).
different(red, blue).
different(green, red).
different(green, blue).
different(blue, green).
different(blue, red).
coloring(Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida) :-
different(Mississippi, Tennessee),
different(Mississippi, Alabama),
different(Alabama, Tennessee),
different(Alabama, Georgia),
different(Alabama, Mississippi),
different(Alabama, Florida),
different(Georgia, Tennessee),
different(Georgia, Alabama),
different(Georgia, Florida).
What we've done there is define what different means. red is different from green and blue (etc.) Then we've defined a rule and we're passing in 5 Unbound (note the capitalization) variables. Prolog will then happily go away and find a solution (if one can be found). In the instance here, prolog will spit back something like:
?- coloring(Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida).
Alabama = blue
Florida = green
Georgia = red
Mississippi = red
Tennessee = green
Which frankly, is amazing. Anyway, ends up writing a sudoku solver, 8 queens puzzle etc. with it. Really need to get happy with recursion for this one... but man, it's terse.