jvmtop is a pure java console utility which is able to monitor all accessible jvms running on the same machine at once and to display jvm metrics which standard operating system tools cannot provide.
It can be seen as an alternative for the jconsole but because of its console nature it can be easilier used in specific environments and has less requirements (e.g. X11). Another advantage is that jvmtop shows you the most important, live metrics of all running jvms at once - in a top-like manner.
jvmtop has been tested using the Oracle JDK, IBM JDK (J9) and OpenJDK under Linux, Solaris and Windows. At least version 6 of the JDK is required.
To install jvmtop, just extract the downloaded the gzipped tarball in a directory of your choice.
Ensure that the environment variable JAVA_HOME
is set to a path of a JDK. A JRE is not sufficient.
Start jvmtop with the execution of jvmtop.sh
Currently, jvmtop has two views: The overview mode and the detail mode.
The overview mode is the top-like view which shows all jvms at once The detail view provides much more details about a specific jvm and provides a top-like view for all threads.
More views and other enhancements are planned. Ideas and suggestions are always welcome (add an entry in the issue tracker).
Command-line: jvmtop.sh
JvmTop 0.4.1 alpha amd64 8 cpus, Linux 2.6.32-27, load avg 0.12
3370 rapperSimpleApp 165m 455m 109m 176m 0.12% 0.00% S6U37 web 21
11272 ver.resin.Resin [ERROR: Could not attach to VM]
27338 WatchdogManager 11m 28m 23m 130m 0.00% 0.00% S6U37 web 31
19187 m.jvmtop.JvmTop 20m 3544m 13m 130m 0.93% 0.47% S6U37 web 20
16733 artup.Bootstrap 159m 455m 166m 304m 0.12% 0.00% S6U37 web 46
Columns are:
PID = process id
MAIN-CLASS = the "jvm name" but often the entry point class (with used main() method)
HPCUR = currently used heap memory
HPMAX = maximum heap memory the jvm can allocate
NHCUR = currently used non-heap memory (e.g. PermGen)
NHMAX = maximum non-heap memory the jvm can allocate
CPU = CPU utilization
GC = percentage of time spent in garbage collection (~100% means that the process does garbage collection only)
VM = Shows JVM vendor, java version and release number (S6U37 = Sun JVM 6, Update 37)
USERNAME = Username which owns this jvm process
#T = Number of jvm threads
DL = If !D is shown if the jvm detected a thread deadlock
Command-line: jvmtop.sh <pid>
JvmTop 0.4.1 alpha amd64, 4 cpus, Linux 2.6.18-34
PID 3539: org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
ARGS: start
VMARGS: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/home/webserver/apache-tomcat-5.5[...]
VM: Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_25
UP: 869:33m #THR: 106 #THRPEAK: 143 #THRCREATED: 128020 USER: webserver
CPU: 4.55% GC: 3.25% HEAP: 137m / 227m NONHEAP: 75m / 304m
Note: Only top 10 threads (according cpu load) are shown!
25 http-8080-Processor13 RUNNABLE 4.55% 1.60%
128022 RMI TCP Connection(18)-10.101. RUNNABLE 1.82% 0.02%
36578 http-8080-Processor164 RUNNABLE 0.91% 2.35%
36453 http-8080-Processor94 RUNNABLE 0.91% 1.52%
27 http-8080-Processor15 RUNNABLE 0.91% 1.81%
14 http-8080-Processor2 RUNNABLE 0.91% 3.17%
128026 JMX server connection timeout TIMED_WAITING 0.00% 0.00%
128025 JMX server connection timeout TIMED_WAITING 0.00% 0.00%
128024 JMX server connection timeout TIMED_WAITING 0.00% 0.00%
128023 JMX server connection timeout TIMED_WAITING 0.00% 0.00%
Columns are:
TID = thread id
NAME = thread name
STATE = current thread state
CPU = current CPU utilization (in ratio to available cpu time on all processors)
TOTALCPU = CPU utilization (in ratio to process cpu consumption) since the thread is alive
BLOCKEDBY = the thread id which blocks this thread