A command line interface for the figlet.js library.
_______ __ _______ ___ _______ ___________
/" "||" \ /" _ "| |" | /" "|(" _ ")
(: ______)|| | (: ( \___) || | (: ______) )__/ \\__/
\/ | |: | \/ \ |: | \/ | \\_ /
// ___) |. | // \ ___ \ |___ // ___)_ |. |
(: ( /\ |\(: _( _|( \_|: \(: "| \: |
\__/ (__\_|_)\_______) \_______)\_______) \__|
Install this globally and you'll have access to the figlet.js library on the command line:
npm install -g figlet-cli
Below is a simple example that uses the default options.
figlet "hello world"
Below is an example that uses a custom font.
figlet -f "Dancing Font" "Hi"
Following example uses an external font file
figlet --ff .\phm-largetype.flf "Hi"
Eventually I think it would be nice for this app to have to same command line interface as the C-based app.
This was originally submitted to figlet.js by timhudson. It's been broken out as a spearate project so users can control which figlet they want to use on the command line (i.e., so installing the figlet.js library globally wont conflict with the C-based command line figlet app).
- 2014.01.02 v0.1.0 Initial release.