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File metadata and controls

167 lines (143 loc) · 5.83 KB


The purpose of this role is to create a server on the Hetzner Cloud infrastructure.

For the moment, this role is not functional. I'm still learning how to use all the fonctionnality of the commands of Hetzner collection. So, a lot of modification, addons and deletions. This is useless for the moment, until this disclaimer is not deleted.

how to define and use hetzner token manually and securelly (I hope)

From command line and environment variable.

  • Put it in the vars.json (copy vars.example.json)
  • Encrypt it with ansible-vault to get more security:
ansible-vault encrypt vars.json
New Vault password: 
Confirm New Vault password: 
Encryption successful
  • install jq (sed for json) on your server if you don't have it.
  • initialize your token as a variable:
export HCLOUD_TOKEN=$(ansible-vault view vars.json|jq -r .hcloud_token)

The password entered previously for encrypting the file, will be asked.

You can check the variable with the folowing command:


In the playbook:

    - name: Load the requested vars from json files
        vars_file: "{{ lookup('file', 'vars.json') | from_json }}"

All the Hetzner modules will used the variable hcloud_token or the environment variable HCLOUD_TOKEN if not find. To decrypt the vars.json, you need to call your playbook with the option --ask-vault-pass. For example:

ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass create_json_files.yml


  • ansible_no_log: true|false
  • ansible_debug: true|false

This section is not needed anymore. All the informations are gathered automaticaly. Will be deleted later.

How to define all the hetzner information cloud in json files.

Instead of using the following commands. The same informations are available true the hetzner.hcloud commands. A new module 'hcloud_isos_info' has been created. This module has been develooped following the module used to query servers types. It gathers all the informations about the ISO images availables. tu use it for the moment, you have to make a link to this files. For example if the hetzner collection is installed in the directory /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/ansible_collections/hetzner

ln -s hetzner_servers_ansible/modules/ /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/ansible_collections/hetzner/hcloud/plugins/modules/

Hetzner servers type informations

Hetzner servers types are all generated with the following command to create the json files:

echo "[" > vars/hetzner-server-types.json;hcloud server-type list -o noheader -o columns=name | while read SERVER; do  hcloud server-type describe $SERVER -o json;echo ","; done >> vars/hetzner-server-types.json;echo "]" >> vars/hetzner-server-types.json

Hetzner location informations

Hetzner servers locations are all generated with the follwing command :

echo "[" > vars/hetzner-location-list.json;hcloud location list -o noheader -o columns=name| while read LOCATION; do hcloud location describe $LOCATION -o json;echo ",";done >> vars/hetzner-location-list.json;echo "]" >> vars/hetzner-location-list.json

Hetzner iso images informations

Hetzner iso list is generated with the following command.

echo "[" > vars/hetzner-iso-list.json;hcloud iso list -o noheader -o columns=id |while read ID; do hcloud iso describe $ID -o json;echo ","; done >> vars/hetzner-iso-list.json;echo "]" >> vars/hetzner-iso-list.json

The last comma is not needed in each file, just before the last ]. Need to be deleted.



Role Variables

hostname: "testserver"
# hcloud - Hetzner Cloud
h_server_location: "nbg1"
h_server_type: "cx11"
h_server_image: "ubuntu-18.04"
  - anna_beispiel_salbei_19_pub
  - peter_example_thymian_20_pub

h_volume_name: "testserver-data"
h_volume_size: 10   #in GB
h_volume_format: "ext4"



Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- name: create hcloud server with attached disk volume
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false
  user: root
    - vars/hcloud_token.yml
    - "../../../host_vars/{{ cloudserver }}.yml"   # there the host var file lives

  - name: list server
      api_token: "{{ hcloud_token }}"
      name: "{{ cloudserver }}"

  - name: create server
      api_token: "{{ hcloud_token }}"
      name: "{{ hostname }}"
      server_type: "{{ h_server_type }}"
      image: "{{ h_server_image }}"
      location: "{{ h_server_location }}"
      ssh_keys: "{{ h_server_ssh_keys }}"
      state: present
    register: server

  - name: attach disk volume
      api_token: "{{ hcloud_token }}"
      name: "{{ h_volume_name }}"
      size: "{{ h_volume_size }}"
      format: "{{ h_volume_format }}"
      server: "{{ }}"
      automount: no   # does not mount to the correct place
      state: present
    when: h_volume_size is defined

  - name: list server
      api_token: "{{ hcloud_token }}"
      name: "{{ cloudserver }}"

  - name: print  status
        - "finished creating {{ }}"
        - "id: {{ }}"
        - "type:        {{ server.hcloud_server.server_type }}"
        - "status:      {{ server.hcloud_server.status }}"
        - "datacenter:  {{ server.hcloud_server.datacenter }}"
        - "{{ cloudserver }}  IN A     {{ server.hcloud_server.ipv4_address}}"
        - "{{ cloudserver }}  IN AAAA  {{ server.hcloud_server.ipv6 }}"



Author Information

Patrice Le Guyader