Location: /Users/arahman/PRIOR_NCSU/SECU_REPOS/ostk-pupp/puppet-trove-2018-06/
In examples/site.pp, class { '::trove::db::mysql':} uses password, that is passed into class trove::db::mysql(){} in manifests/db/mysql.pp
In examples/site.pp, class { '::trove::keystone::auth':} uses password, that is passed into class trove::keystone::auth (){} in keystone/auth.pp
Found a parser limitation .... cannot detect variables like $password in
class trove::keystone::auth (
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Location: /Users/arahman/PRIOR_NCSU/SECU_REPOS/ostk-pupp/puppet-magnum-2018-06/
In examples/magnum.pp, password is passed as class { '::magnum::db::mysql': in class magnum::db::mysql(){} located at manifests/db/mysql.pp. Similarly, domain_password => 'oh_my_no_secret', is used in class { '::magnum::keystone::domain': } that calls class magnum::keystone::domain () {} in manifests/keystone/domain.pp. Eventually the password is used in magnum_config {}
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Location: /Users/arahman/PRIOR_NCSU/SECU_REPOS/ostk-pupp/puppet-sahara-2018-06/
In examples/basic.pp , host => '', is passed into manifests/init.pp through class sahara(){}, which is eventually used in sahara_config {}
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Location: /Users/arahman/PRIOR_NCSU/SECU_REPOS/ostk-pupp/puppet-keystone-2018-06/
In examples/v3_basic.pp, admin_token => 'admin_token', in class { '::keystone': } calls class keystone() {} in keystone_config {} inside manifests/init.pp
In examples/v3_basic.pp, public_url => '', in class keystone::endpoint (){} calls class keystone() {} in keystone::resource::service_identity {} inside manifests/endpoint.pp
In examples/v3_basic.pp, password => 'a_big_secret',', in class { '::keystone::roles::admin':} calls class keystone::roles::admin(){} in keystone_user {} inside roles/admin.pp
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Location: /Users/arahman/PRIOR_NCSU/SECU_REPOS/ostk-pupp/puppet-ironic-2018-06/
In examples/ironic.pp, class { '::ironic::bifrost': }, passes hard-coded passwords into class ironic::bifrost (){} that is located in manifests/bifrost.pp . The two passwords $ironic_db_password and $mysql_password, are declared but not used, so FP.
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Location: /Users/arahman/PRIOR_NCSU/SECU_REPOS/ostk-pupp/puppet-tripleo-2018-06/
In manifests/profile/base/designate/api.pp, $listen_ip = '', is used in $listen_uri = normalize_ip_for_uri(
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Location: /Users/arahman/PRIOR_NCSU/SECU_REPOS/ostk-pupp/puppet-ceilometer-2018-06
In examples/site.pp, the following
class { '::ceilometer::agent::auth':
auth_url => 'http://localhost:5000/v2.0',
auth_password => 'tralalerotralala'
calls ceilometer_config {} inside manifests/agent/auth.pp . This is a TP
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class plumgrid is a class that inherits plumgrid::params means a class needs sth. that comes from params.pp which is plumgrid/manifests/
Not sure what to make of it as it does not help in security smell identification ... so skipping
Location: /Users/arahman/PRIOR_NCSU/SECU_REPOS/ostk-pupp/puppet-neutron-2018-06
examples/neutron.pp: password => 'secrete', in class { '::neutron::server::notifications': calls manifests/server/notifications.pp with password that flows into neutron_config {}
class {'::neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::ucsm':
ucsm_username => 'admin',
ucsm_password => 'password',
calls manifests/plugins/ml2/cisco/uscm.pp with ucsm_username and ucsm_password that flows into neutron_plugin_ml2 {}
In manifests/plugins/ml2/cisco/uscm.pp
nexus_config => {
'n9372-1' => {
'username' => 'admin',
'password' => 'password',
'n9372-2' => {
'username' => 'admin',
'password' => 'password',
username and password flows within $nexus_config, into class neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus(){} in manifests/plugins/ml2/cisco/nexus.pp
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In examples/vitrage.pp, class { '::vitrage::keystone::auth':} calls manifests/keystone/auth.pp with
admin_url => '',
internal_url => '',
public_url => '',
password => 'a_big_secret',
which is propagated into keystone::resource::service_identity {} in manifests/keystone/auth.pp
In examples/vitrage.pp, class { '::vitrage::api':} calls manifests/api.pp, but the specifed paramers mentioned below go nowhere
keystone_password => 'a_big_secret',
keystone_identity_uri => '',
In examples/vitrage.pp, class { '::vitrage::auth':} calls manifests/auth.pp, with parameters below
auth_password => 'a_big_secret',
that is propagated into vitrage_config {} in manifests/auth.pp
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Location: /Users/arahman/PRIOR_NCSU/SECU_REPOS/ostk-pupp/puppet-rally-2018-06/
In example/rally.pp, class { '::rally::settings': } calls manifests/settings.pp and class { '::rally': }
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Location: /Users/arahman/PRIOR_NCSU/SECU_REPOS/puppet-swift-2018-06/
In tests/site.pp the following
class { '::swift::proxy::authtoken':
password => $swift_admin_password,
# assume that the controller host is the swift api server
auth_host => $swift_keystone_node,
calls class swift::proxy::authtoken(){} with password in manifests/proxy/authtoken.pp , which is used in swift_proxy_config {}
In tests/all.pp the following
class { '::swift::proxy::tempauth':
account_user_list => [
'user' => 'admin',
'account' => 'admin',
'key' => 'admin',
'groups' => [ 'admin', 'reseller_admin' ],
calls class swift::proxy::tempauth(){} with account_user_list in manifests/proxy/tempauth.pp , which is used in class swift::proxy::tempauth () {}
Handled by TaintPup ... attributes in list are not handled yet
Location: /Users/arahman/PRIOR_NCSU/SECU_REPOS/ostk-pupp/puppet-gnocchi-2018-06/
In examples/site.pp class { '::gnocchi::keystone::auth':} has password, which is passed into manifests/keystone/auth.pp as keystone::resource::service_identity {}
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