diff --git a/packages/web-app-files/src/components/SideBar/Actions/SpaceActions.vue b/packages/web-app-files/src/components/SideBar/Actions/SpaceActions.vue
index 817614406d3..c06d62081d9 100644
--- a/packages/web-app-files/src/components/SideBar/Actions/SpaceActions.vue
+++ b/packages/web-app-files/src/components/SideBar/Actions/SpaceActions.vue
@@ -5,7 +5,12 @@
" in the public link list of folder "simple-folder" on the webUI
When the public uses the webUI to access the last public link created by user "Alice" in a new session
- Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI as single share
| role | permissions |
| Viewer | read |
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Feature: Share by public link with different roles
| permissions | |
| path | /simple-folder |
When the public uses the webUI to access the last public link created by user "Alice" in a new session
- Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI as single share
| role | permissions |
| Viewer | read |
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ Feature: Share by public link with different roles
And the public uploads file "'single'quotes.txt" in files-drop page
And the public uploads file "new-lorem.txt" in files-drop page
Then the following files should be listed on the files-drop page:
- | new-lorem.txt |
+ | new-lorem.txt |
And as "Alice" the content of "simple-folder/'single'quotes.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "'single'quotes.txt"
And as "Alice" the content of "simple-folder/new-lorem.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "new-lorem.txt"
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Feature: Share by public link with different roles
And the public uploads file "'single'quotes.txt" in files-drop page
And the public uploads file "new-lorem.txt" in files-drop page
Then the following files should be listed on the files-drop page:
- | new-lorem.txt |
+ | new-lorem.txt |
And as "Alice" the content of "simple-folder/'single'quotes.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "'single'quotes.txt"
And as "Alice" the content of "simple-folder/new-lorem.txt" in the server should be the same as the content of local file "new-lorem.txt"
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingPublicManagement/shareByPublicLink.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingPublicManagement/shareByPublicLink.feature
index 967c8f1bb08..ff48c1ec015 100644
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingPublicManagement/shareByPublicLink.feature
+++ b/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingPublicManagement/shareByPublicLink.feature
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Feature: Public link share management
And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI
When the user copies the url of public link named "Public-link" of folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
And the user navigates to the copied public link using the webUI
- Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI as single share
Scenario: access details dialog of public share and check the tabs displayed
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ Feature: Public link share management
| name | public link |
| permissions | read |
When the public uses the webUI to access the last public link created by user "Alice" in a new session
- Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI as single share
And the create button should not be visible on the webUI
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingPublicManagement/sharingPublicSession.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingPublicManagement/sharingPublicSession.feature
index b730f9102ac..4f1669c7b72 100644
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingPublicManagement/sharingPublicSession.feature
+++ b/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingPublicManagement/sharingPublicSession.feature
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ Feature: Session storage for public link
And user "Alice" has created file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" in the server
And user "Alice" has shared folder "simple-folder" with link with "read" permissions and password "pass123" in the server
When the public uses the webUI to access the last public link created by user "Alice" with password "pass123" in a new session
- Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI as single share
When the user reloads the current page of the webUI
- Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI as single share
Scenario: Public accesses the public link files page in a new session after visiting once (folder share)
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ Feature: Session storage for public link
And user "Alice" has created file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" in the server
And user "Alice" has shared folder "simple-folder" with link with "read" permissions and password "pass123" in the server
When the public uses the webUI to access the last public link created by user "Alice" with password "pass123" in a new session
- Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI as single share
Scenario: Public accesses the public link files page in a new session after visiting once (file share)
Given user "Alice" has created file "lorem.txt" in the server
And user "Alice" has shared folder "lorem.txt" with link with "read" permissions and password "pass123" in the server
When the public uses the webUI to access the last public link created by user "Alice" with password "pass123" in a new session
- Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI as single share
Scenario: Public link author changes the password when the public is in public link files page session (folder share)
@@ -37,21 +37,21 @@ Feature: Session storage for public link
And user "Alice" has created file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" in the server
And user "Alice" has shared folder "simple-folder" with link with "read" permissions and password "pass123" in the server
When the public uses the webUI to access the last public link created by user "Alice" with password "pass123" in a new session
- Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI as single share
And user "Alice" changes the password of last public link to "newpass" using the Sharing API in the server
When the user reloads the current page of the webUI
Then the password input for the public link should appear on the webUI
When the user accesses the public link with password "newpass" using the webUI
- Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI as single share
Scenario: Public link author changes the password when the public is in public link files page session (file share)
Given user "Alice" has created file "lorem.txt" in the server
And user "Alice" has shared folder "lorem.txt" with link with "read" permissions and password "pass123" in the server
When the public uses the webUI to access the last public link created by user "Alice" with password "pass123" in a new session
- Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI as single share
And user "Alice" changes the password of last public link to "newpass" using the Sharing API in the server
When the user reloads the current page of the webUI
Then the password input for the public link should appear on the webUI
When the user accesses the public link with password "newpass" using the webUI
- Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI as single share
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/pageObjects/FilesPageElement/filesList.js b/tests/acceptance/pageObjects/FilesPageElement/filesList.js
index 7031ffdf9eb..7fb94c3c9bd 100644
--- a/tests/acceptance/pageObjects/FilesPageElement/filesList.js
+++ b/tests/acceptance/pageObjects/FilesPageElement/filesList.js
@@ -343,6 +343,10 @@ module.exports = {
await this.waitForElementPresent({ selector: '@anyAfterLoading', abortOnFailure })
return this
+ waitForFileVisibleAsSingleShare: async function (resource) {
+ await this.waitForElementPresent({ selector: '@sharedDetailResource' })
+ return this
+ },
* Wait for a filerow with given filename to be visible
@@ -699,6 +703,9 @@ module.exports = {
filesListProgressBar: {
selector: '#files-list-progress'
+ sharedDetailResource: {
+ selector: '.resource-details .oc-resource-name'
+ },
anyAfterLoading: {
'//*[self::table[contains(@class, "files-table")] or self::div[contains(@class, "files-empty")] or self::div[contains(@class, "files-not-found")] or self::div[contains(@class, "resource-details")]]',
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/stepDefinitions/filesContext.js b/tests/acceptance/stepDefinitions/filesContext.js
index 392848b0c43..d45b29d88ac 100644
--- a/tests/acceptance/stepDefinitions/filesContext.js
+++ b/tests/acceptance/stepDefinitions/filesContext.js
@@ -359,6 +359,10 @@ Then('folder {string} should be listed on the webUI', (folder) => {
return client.page.FilesPageElement.filesList().waitForFileVisible(folder, 'folder')
+Then('file/folder {string} should be listed on the webUI as single share', (resource) => {
+ return client.page.FilesPageElement.filesList().waitForFileVisibleAsSingleShare(resource)
Then('file/folder with path {string} should be listed on the webUI', function (path) {
return client.page.FilesPageElement.filesList().waitForFileVisible(path)