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johnedquinn edited this page Oct 16, 2024 · 1 revision

PartiQL value is an experimental feature. This serde is not finalized and may contain bugs.

PartiQL Value <> ION

This section talks about Serialization and Deserialization between PartiQL Value and Ion Value.

Write To Ion Value

syntax shown in example column are for demostration purpose only

PartiQLValue Type Ion Value Type example
BOOL BOOL bool true -> true; false -> false
INT8 INT int8 3 -> 3
INT16 INT int16 314 -> 314
INT32 INT int32 31415 -> 31415
INT64 INT int64 314159265358 -> 314159265358
INT INT int 31415926535897932384 -> 31415926535897932384
DECIMAL DECIMAL decimal(3,2) 3.14 -> 3.14; decimal 3.1415925 -> 3.1415926
FLOAT32 FLOAT buggy float32 0.33 -> 3.3e-1
FLOAT64 FLOAT float64 0.33 -> 3.3e-1
CHAR STRING char 'a' -> "a"
STRING STRING string 'abc' -> "abc"
SYMBOL SYMBOL symbol "a" -> 'a'
BINARY BLOB binary {{'binary'}} -> {{YmluYXJ5}}
BYTE BLOB byte {'byte'} -> {{YQ==}}
BLOB BLOB blob {'blob'} -> {{YmxvYg==}}
CLOB CLOB clob {{'clob'}} -> {{"clob"}}
DATE STRUCT date '2023-01-01' -> $date::{year:2023, month:1, day: 1}
TIME STRUCT time '00:00:00.00' -> $time::{hour:0, minute: 0, second: 0.00}; time '00:00:00+00:00' -> $time::{hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0., offset: 0}; time '00:00:00-00:00' -> $time::{hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0., offset:}
TIMESTAMP STRUCT OR TIMESTAMP timestamp '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z' -> 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z, timestamp '2023-01-01T00:00:00-00:00' -> 2023-01-01T00:00:00-00:00; `2023-01-01` -> 2023-01-01T00:00:00-00:00' timestamp '2023-01-01T00:00:00' -> $timestamp::{year:2023, month:1, day:1, hour:0, minute:0, second: 0.}
BAG LIST <<1,2,3>> -> $bag::[1,2,3]
LIST LIST [1,2,3] -> [1,2,3]
SEXP SEXP sexp (1,2,3) -> (1,2,3)
STRUCT STRUCT {'a': 1} -> {a : 1}
NULL NULL null -> null.null
MISSING NULL missing -> $missing::null.null
NULLABLE_BOOL BOOL null -> null.bool else same as BOOL
NULLABLE_INT8 INT null -> null.INT else same as INT8
NULLABLE_INT16 INT null -> null.INT else same as INT16
NULLABLE_INT32 INT null -> null.INT else same as INT32
NULLABLE_INT64 INT null -> null.INT else same as INT64
NULLABLE_INT INT null -> null.INT else same as INT
NULLABLE_FLOAT32 FLOAT null -> null.FLOAT else same as FLOAT32
NULLABLE_FLOAT64 FLOAT null -> null.FLOAT else same as FLOAT64
NULLABLE_CHAR STRING null -> null.string else same as CHAR
NULLABLE_STRING STRING null -> null.string else same as STRING
NULLABLE_SYMBOL SYMBOL null -> null.symbol else same as SYMBOL
NULLABLE_BINARY BLOB null -> null.blob else same as BINARY
NULLABLE_BYTE BLOB null -> null.blob else same as BYTE
NULLABLE_BLOB BLOB null -> null.blob else same as BLOB
NULLABLE_CLOB CLOB null -> null.clob else same as CLOB
NULLABLE_DATE STRUCT null -> $date::null.struct else same as DATE
NULLABLE_TIME STRUCT null -> $time::null.struct else same as TIME
NULLABLE_BAG LIST null -> $bag::null.list else same as BAG
NULLABLE_LIST LIST null -> null.list else same as LIST
NULLABLE_SEXP SEXP null -> null.sexp else same as SEXP
NULLABLE_STRUCT STRUCT null -> null.struct else same as STRUCT

Read From Ion Data

PartiQL reserves some keywords which are used as Ion annotations to extend the Ion types. To distinguish between generic Ion data and PartiQL data encoded as Ion, the reader has two modes: IonGeneric and IonForPartiQL.

Ion Generic

If using IonGeneric mode: The ion value annotations are always treated as annotations on PartiQL value.

For example: - $missing::null will be treated as nullValue(annotations = ["missing"])

Ion For PartiQL

When using IonForPartiQL mode, the last annotation is checked to see if this is an encoded PartiQL value. If the annotation is a PartiQL reserved keyword, then we validate and construct the PartiQL value.

For example:

  • $missing::null will be treated as missingValue(annotations = [])
  • a::b::$missing:null will be treated as missingValue(annotations = ["a", "b"])
  • a::$missing::b::null will be treated as nullValue(annotation = ["a", "$missing", "b"]
  • $missing::1 will cause an exception.
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