This release requires Parse Android SDK >=
as dependency because of the transient depencency on the internalized bolts module.
- CHANGE: Changed bolts references to use internalized bolts depedency. See #1036 for details. Thanks to Manuel Trezza
- Upgrade to avoid depending on outdated Bolts (#107)
- Repackage from com.parse to com.parse.livequery
- Bumps to use the latest dependency on JitPack for compatibility
- Safely call close on the websocket client with synchronized calls thanks to @mmimeault (#83)
- Back the subscriptions by a thread safe collection map thanks to @mmimeault (#80)
- Change package name thanks to @hermanliang (#64)
- Fix race condition by ensuring that op=connected has been received before sending a new subscribe event thanks to @jhansche (#48)
- Dispatch better disconnect events thanks to @jhansche (#39)
- getClient() method can get URL inferred from Parse.initialize() call thanks to @hermanliang (#30)
- Bump to support Android API 25 (#32)
- Bump to Parse Android 1.14.1 dependency (#32).
- Switch from TubeSock library to OkHttp3 web scokets (#28)
- Fix Locale lint errors thanks to @jhansche (#23)
- Connect/disconnect on background executor thanks to @jhansche (#22)
- Refactor ParseLiveQueryClient not to be typed thanks to @jhansche (#27)
- Initial 1.0.0 release