From 0e8574cf4bd5c31edcf92ccce81f0c9230d83ac7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrea Leopardi Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2023 12:06:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/8] Replace hackney with httpc --- lib/excoveralls/poster.ex | 82 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- mix.exs | 6 +-- mix.lock | 19 ++++----- test/poster_test.exs | 52 ++++++++++++++++--------- 4 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex b/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex index fca0a6ec..f8243cc3 100644 --- a/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex +++ b/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex @@ -5,15 +5,10 @@ defmodule ExCoveralls.Poster do @file_name "" @doc """ - Create a temporarily json file and post it to server using hackney library. - Then, remove the file after it's completed. + Compresses the given `json` and posts it to the coveralls server. """ def execute(json, options \\ []) do - File.write!(@file_name, json |> :zlib.gzip()) - response = send_file(@file_name, options) - File.rm!(@file_name) - - case response do + case json |> :zlib.gzip() |> upload_zipped_json(options) do {:ok, message} -> IO.puts(message) @@ -22,41 +17,62 @@ defmodule ExCoveralls.Poster do end end - defp send_file(file_name, options) do - Application.ensure_all_started(:hackney) + defp upload_zipped_json(content, options) do + Application.ensure_all_started(:ssl) + Application.ensure_all_started(:httpc) + Application.ensure_all_started(:inets) + endpoint = options[:endpoint] || "" + host = URI.parse(endpoint).host + + multipart_boundary = + "---------------------------" <> Base.encode16(:crypto.strong_rand_bytes(8), case: :lower) - response = - :hackney.request( - :post, - "#{endpoint}/api/v1/jobs", - [], - {:multipart, - [ - {:file, file_name, {"form-data", [{"name", "json_file"}, {"filename", file_name}]}, - [{"Content-Type", "gzip/json"}]} - ]}, - [{:recv_timeout, 10_000}] - ) + body = + [ + "--#{multipart_boundary}", + "content-length: #{byte_size(content)}", + "content-disposition: form-data; name=json_file; filename=#{@file_name}", + "content-type: gzip/json", + "", + content, + "--#{multipart_boundary}--" + ] + |> Enum.join("\r\n") - case response do - {:ok, status_code, _, _} when status_code in 200..299 -> + headers = [ + {~c"Host", host}, + {~c"User-Agent", "excoveralls"}, + {~c"Content-Length", Integer.to_string(byte_size(body))}, + {~c"Accept", "*/*"} + ] + + request = { + String.to_charlist(endpoint) ++ ~c"/api/v1/jobs", + headers, + _content_type = ~c"multipart/form-data; boundary=#{multipart_boundary}", + body + } + + case :httpc.request(:post, request, [timeout: 10_000], sync: true) do + {:ok, {{_protocol, status_code, _status_message}, _headers, _body}} + when status_code in 200..299 -> {:ok, "Successfully uploaded the report to '#{endpoint}'."} - {:ok, 500 = _status_code, _, _client} -> - {:ok, "API endpoint `#{endpoint}` is not available and return internal server error! Ignoring upload"} - {:ok, 405 = _status_code, _, _client} -> + {:ok, {{_protocol, 500, _status_message}, _headers, _body}} -> + {:ok, + "API endpoint `#{endpoint}` is not available and return internal server error! Ignoring upload"} + + {:ok, {{_protocol, 405, _status_message}, _headers, _body}} -> {:ok, "API endpoint `#{endpoint}` is not available due to maintenance! Ignoring upload"} - {:ok, status_code, _, client} -> - {:ok, body} = :hackney.body(client) + {:ok, {{_protocol, status_code, _status_message}, _headers, body}} -> {:error, - "Failed to upload the report to '#{endpoint}' (reason: status_code = #{status_code}, body = #{ - body - })."} + "Failed to upload the report to '#{endpoint}' (reason: status_code = #{status_code}, body = #{body})."} - {:error, reason} when reason in [:timeout, :connect_timeout] -> - {:ok, "Unable to upload the report to '#{endpoint}' due to a timeout. Not failing the build."} + {:error, reason} when reason in [:timeout, :connect_timeout] -> + {:ok, + "Unable to upload the report to '#{endpoint}' due to a timeout. Not failing the build."} {:error, reason} -> {:error, "Failed to upload the report to '#{endpoint}' (reason: #{inspect(reason)})."} diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs index 72c6b33b..2df241de 100644 --- a/mix.exs +++ b/mix.exs @@ -30,16 +30,16 @@ defmodule ExCoveralls.Mixfile do end def application do - [extra_applications: [:eex, :tools, :xmerl]] + [extra_applications: [:eex, :tools, :xmerl, :inets]] end defp elixirc_paths(:test), do: ["lib", "test/fixtures/test_missing.ex"] defp elixirc_paths(_), do: ["lib"] - def deps do + defp deps do [ {:jason, "~> 1.0"}, - {:hackney, "~> 1.16"}, + {:bypass, "~> 2.1.0", only: :test}, {:ex_doc, ">= 0.0.0", only: :dev, runtime: false}, {:meck, "~> 0.8", only: :test}, {:mock, "~> 0.3.6", only: :test}, diff --git a/mix.lock b/mix.lock index ee61118c..32ee0786 100644 --- a/mix.lock +++ b/mix.lock @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ %{ - "certifi": {:hex, :certifi, "2.9.0", "6f2a475689dd47f19fb74334859d460a2dc4e3252a3324bd2111b8f0429e7e21", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "266da46bdb06d6c6d35fde799bcb28d36d985d424ad7c08b5bb48f5b5cdd4641"}, - "earmark": {:hex, :earmark, "1.4.3", "364ca2e9710f6bff494117dbbd53880d84bebb692dafc3a78eb50aa3183f2bfd", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "8cf8a291ebf1c7b9539e3cddb19e9cef066c2441b1640f13c34c1d3cfc825fec"}, + "bypass": {:hex, :bypass, "2.1.0", "909782781bf8e20ee86a9cabde36b259d44af8b9f38756173e8f5e2e1fabb9b1", [:mix], [{:plug, "~> 1.7", [hex: :plug, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.0", [hex: :plug_cowboy, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:ranch, "~> 1.3", [hex: :ranch, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "d9b5df8fa5b7a6efa08384e9bbecfe4ce61c77d28a4282f79e02f1ef78d96b80"}, + "cowboy": {:hex, :cowboy, "2.10.0", "ff9ffeff91dae4ae270dd975642997afe2a1179d94b1887863e43f681a203e26", [:make, :rebar3], [{:cowlib, "2.12.1", [hex: :cowlib, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:ranch, "1.8.0", [hex: :ranch, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "3afdccb7183cc6f143cb14d3cf51fa00e53db9ec80cdcd525482f5e99bc41d6b"}, + "cowboy_telemetry": {:hex, :cowboy_telemetry, "0.4.0", "f239f68b588efa7707abce16a84d0d2acf3a0f50571f8bb7f56a15865aae820c", [:rebar3], [{:cowboy, "~> 2.7", [hex: :cowboy, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:telemetry, "~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "7d98bac1ee4565d31b62d59f8823dfd8356a169e7fcbb83831b8a5397404c9de"}, + "cowlib": {:hex, :cowlib, "2.12.1", "a9fa9a625f1d2025fe6b462cb865881329b5caff8f1854d1cbc9f9533f00e1e1", [:make, :rebar3], [], "hexpm", "163b73f6367a7341b33c794c4e88e7dbfe6498ac42dcd69ef44c5bc5507c8db0"}, "earmark_parser": {:hex, :earmark_parser, "1.4.12", "b245e875ec0a311a342320da0551da407d9d2b65d98f7a9597ae078615af3449", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "711e2cc4d64abb7d566d43f54b78f7dc129308a63bc103fbd88550d2174b3160"}, "ex_doc": {:hex, :ex_doc, "0.23.0", "a069bc9b0bf8efe323ecde8c0d62afc13d308b1fa3d228b65bca5cf8703a529d", [:mix], [{:earmark_parser, "~> 1.4.0", [hex: :earmark_parser, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:makeup_elixir, "~> 0.14", [hex: :makeup_elixir, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "f5e2c4702468b2fd11b10d39416ddadd2fcdd173ba2a0285ebd92c39827a5a16"}, - "hackney": {:hex, :hackney, "1.18.1", "f48bf88f521f2a229fc7bae88cf4f85adc9cd9bcf23b5dc8eb6a1788c662c4f6", [:rebar3], [{:certifi, "~> 2.9.0", [hex: :certifi, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:idna, "~> 6.1.0", [hex: :idna, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:metrics, "~> 1.0.0", [hex: :metrics, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:mimerl, "~> 1.1", [hex: :mimerl, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:parse_trans, "3.3.1", [hex: :parse_trans, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:ssl_verify_fun, "~> 1.1.0", [hex: :ssl_verify_fun, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:unicode_util_compat, "~> 0.7.0", [hex: :unicode_util_compat, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "a4ecdaff44297e9b5894ae499e9a070ea1888c84afdd1fd9b7b2bc384950128e"}, - "idna": {:hex, :idna, "6.1.1", "8a63070e9f7d0c62eb9d9fcb360a7de382448200fbbd1b106cc96d3d8099df8d", [:rebar3], [{:unicode_util_compat, "~> 0.7.0", [hex: :unicode_util_compat, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "92376eb7894412ed19ac475e4a86f7b413c1b9fbb5bd16dccd57934157944cea"}, "jason": {:hex, :jason, "1.1.1", "d3ccb840dfb06f2f90a6d335b536dd074db748b3e7f5b11ab61d239506585eb2", [:mix], [{:decimal, "~> 1.0", [hex: :decimal, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm", "639645cfac325e34938167b272bae0791fea3a34cf32c29525abf1d323ed4c18"}, "makeup": {:hex, :makeup, "1.0.5", "d5a830bc42c9800ce07dd97fa94669dfb93d3bf5fcf6ea7a0c67b2e0e4a7f26c", [:mix], [{:nimble_parsec, "~> 0.5 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :nimble_parsec, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "cfa158c02d3f5c0c665d0af11512fed3fba0144cf1aadee0f2ce17747fba2ca9"}, "makeup_elixir": {:hex, :makeup_elixir, "0.15.0", "98312c9f0d3730fde4049985a1105da5155bfe5c11e47bdc7406d88e01e4219b", [:mix], [{:makeup, "~> 1.0", [hex: :makeup, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:nimble_parsec, "~> 1.1", [hex: :nimble_parsec, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "75ffa34ab1056b7e24844c90bfc62aaf6f3a37a15faa76b07bc5eba27e4a8b4a"}, "meck": {:hex, :meck, "0.8.13", "ffedb39f99b0b99703b8601c6f17c7f76313ee12de6b646e671e3188401f7866", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "d34f013c156db51ad57cc556891b9720e6a1c1df5fe2e15af999c84d6cebeb1a"}, - "metrics": {:hex, :metrics, "1.0.1", "25f094dea2cda98213cecc3aeff09e940299d950904393b2a29d191c346a8486", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "69b09adddc4f74a40716ae54d140f93beb0fb8978d8636eaded0c31b6f099f16"}, - "mimerl": {:hex, :mimerl, "1.2.0", "67e2d3f571088d5cfd3e550c383094b47159f3eee8ffa08e64106cdf5e981be3", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "f278585650aa581986264638ebf698f8bb19df297f66ad91b18910dfc6e19323"}, + "mime": {:hex, :mime, "2.0.5", "dc34c8efd439abe6ae0343edbb8556f4d63f178594894720607772a041b04b02", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "da0d64a365c45bc9935cc5c8a7fc5e49a0e0f9932a761c55d6c52b142780a05c"}, "mock": {:hex, :mock, "0.3.6", "e810a91fabc7adf63ab5fdbec5d9d3b492413b8cda5131a2a8aa34b4185eb9b4", [:mix], [{:meck, "~> 0.8.13", [hex: :meck, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "bcf1d0a6826fb5aee01bae3d74474669a3fa8b2df274d094af54a25266a1ebd2"}, "nimble_parsec": {:hex, :nimble_parsec, "1.1.0", "3a6fca1550363552e54c216debb6a9e95bd8d32348938e13de5eda962c0d7f89", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "08eb32d66b706e913ff748f11694b17981c0b04a33ef470e33e11b3d3ac8f54b"}, - "parse_trans": {:hex, :parse_trans, "3.3.1", "16328ab840cc09919bd10dab29e431da3af9e9e7e7e6f0089dd5a2d2820011d8", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "07cd9577885f56362d414e8c4c4e6bdf10d43a8767abb92d24cbe8b24c54888b"}, + "plug": {:hex, :plug, "1.14.2", "cff7d4ec45b4ae176a227acd94a7ab536d9b37b942c8e8fa6dfc0fff98ff4d80", [:mix], [{:mime, "~> 1.0 or ~> 2.0", [hex: :mime, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:plug_crypto, "~> 1.1.1 or ~> 1.2", [hex: :plug_crypto, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:telemetry, "~> 0.4.3 or ~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "842fc50187e13cf4ac3b253d47d9474ed6c296a8732752835ce4a86acdf68d13"}, + "plug_cowboy": {:hex, :plug_cowboy, "2.6.1", "9a3bbfceeb65eff5f39dab529e5cd79137ac36e913c02067dba3963a26efe9b2", [:mix], [{:cowboy, "~> 2.7", [hex: :cowboy, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:cowboy_telemetry, "~> 0.3", [hex: :cowboy_telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:plug, "~> 1.14", [hex: :plug, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "de36e1a21f451a18b790f37765db198075c25875c64834bcc82d90b309eb6613"}, + "plug_crypto": {:hex, :plug_crypto, "1.2.5", "918772575e48e81e455818229bf719d4ab4181fcbf7f85b68a35620f78d89ced", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "26549a1d6345e2172eb1c233866756ae44a9609bd33ee6f99147ab3fd87fd842"}, + "ranch": {:hex, :ranch, "1.8.0", "8c7a100a139fd57f17327b6413e4167ac559fbc04ca7448e9be9057311597a1d", [:make, :rebar3], [], "hexpm", "49fbcfd3682fab1f5d109351b61257676da1a2fdbe295904176d5e521a2ddfe5"}, "sax_map": {:hex, :sax_map, "1.0.1", "51a9382d741504c34d49118fb36d691c303d042e1da88f8edae8ebe75fe74435", [:mix], [{:saxy, "~> 1.0", [hex: :saxy, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "a7c57c25d23bfc3ce93cf93400dcfb447fe463d27ee8c6913545161e78dc487a"}, "saxy": {:hex, :saxy, "0.10.0", "38879f46a595862c22114792c71379355ecfcfa0f713b1cfcc59e1d4127f1f55", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "da130ed576e9f53d1a986ec5bd2fa72c1599501ede7d7a2dceb81acf53bf9790"}, - "ssl_verify_fun": {:hex, :ssl_verify_fun, "1.1.7", "354c321cf377240c7b8716899e182ce4890c5938111a1296add3ec74cf1715df", [:make, :mix, :rebar3], [], "hexpm", "fe4c190e8f37401d30167c8c405eda19469f34577987c76dde613e838bbc67f8"}, - "unicode_util_compat": {:hex, :unicode_util_compat, "0.7.0", "bc84380c9ab48177092f43ac89e4dfa2c6d62b40b8bd132b1059ecc7232f9a78", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "25eee6d67df61960cf6a794239566599b09e17e668d3700247bc498638152521"}, + "telemetry": {:hex, :telemetry, "1.2.1", "68fdfe8d8f05a8428483a97d7aab2f268aaff24b49e0f599faa091f1d4e7f61c", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm", "dad9ce9d8effc621708f99eac538ef1cbe05d6a874dd741de2e689c47feafed5"}, } diff --git a/test/poster_test.exs b/test/poster_test.exs index ad3952e2..034ffc91 100644 --- a/test/poster_test.exs +++ b/test/poster_test.exs @@ -1,36 +1,52 @@ defmodule PosterTest do use ExUnit.Case - import Mock import ExUnit.CaptureIO - - test_with_mock "post json", :hackney, [request: fn(_, _, _, _, _) -> {:ok, 200, "", ""} end] do + + setup do + bypass = + %{bypass: bypass, endpoint: "http://localhost:#{bypass.port}/"} + end + + test "successfully posting JSON", %{bypass: bypass, endpoint: endpoint} do + Bypass.expect(bypass, fn conn -> + assert conn.method == "POST" + assert {"host", "localhost"} in conn.req_headers + Plug.Conn.resp(conn, 200, "") + end) + assert capture_io(fn -> - ExCoveralls.Poster.execute("json") - end) =~ ~r/Successfully uploaded/ + ExCoveralls.Poster.execute("{}", endpoint: endpoint) + end) =~ "Successfully uploaded" end - test_with_mock "post json fails", :hackney, [request: fn(_, _, _, _, _) -> {:error, "failed"} end] do + test "post JSON fails", %{bypass: bypass, endpoint: endpoint} do + Bypass.down(bypass) + assert_raise ExCoveralls.ReportUploadError, fn -> - ExCoveralls.Poster.execute("json") + ExCoveralls.Poster.execute("{}", endpoint: endpoint) end end - test_with_mock "post json timeout", :hackney, [request: fn(_, _, _, _, _) -> {:error, :timeout} end, - request: fn(_, _, _, _, _) -> {:error, :connect_timeout} end] do - assert capture_io(fn -> - assert ExCoveralls.Poster.execute("json") == :ok - end) =~ ~r/timeout/ - end - - test_with_mock "post json fails due internal server error", :hackney, [request: fn(_, _, _, _, _) -> {:ok, 500, "", ""} end] do + test "post JSON fails due internal server error", + %{bypass: bypass, endpoint: endpoint} do + Bypass.expect(bypass, fn conn -> + assert conn.method == "POST" + Plug.Conn.resp(conn, 500, "") + end) + assert capture_io(fn -> - assert ExCoveralls.Poster.execute("json") == :ok + assert ExCoveralls.Poster.execute("{}", endpoint: endpoint) == :ok end) =~ ~r/internal server error/ end - test_with_mock "post json fails due to maintenance", :hackney, [request: fn(_, _, _, _, _) -> {:ok, 405, "", ""} end] do + test "post JSON fails due to maintenance", %{bypass: bypass, endpoint: endpoint} do + Bypass.expect(bypass, fn conn -> + assert conn.method == "POST" + Plug.Conn.resp(conn, 405, "") + end) + assert capture_io(fn -> - assert ExCoveralls.Poster.execute("json") == :ok + assert ExCoveralls.Poster.execute("{}", endpoint: endpoint) == :ok end) =~ ~r/maintenance/ end end From d7f525e59d76689848b2d3e797d296721d801436 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrea Leopardi Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 18:52:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/8] SSL options --- lib/excoveralls/poster.ex | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- mix.exs | 1 + mix.lock | 1 + 3 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex b/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex index f8243cc3..9c98f221 100644 --- a/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex +++ b/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex @@ -54,7 +54,20 @@ defmodule ExCoveralls.Poster do body } - case :httpc.request(:post, request, [timeout: 10_000], sync: true) do + http_options = [ + timeout: 10_000, + ssl: + [ + verify: :verify_peer, + depth: 2, + customize_hostname_check: [ + match_fun: :public_key.pkix_verify_hostname_match_fun(:https) + ] + # + ] ++ cacert_option() + ] + + case :httpc.request(:post, request, http_options, sync: true, body_format: :binary) do {:ok, {{_protocol, status_code, _status_message}, _headers, _body}} when status_code in 200..299 -> {:ok, "Successfully uploaded the report to '#{endpoint}'."} @@ -78,4 +91,30 @@ defmodule ExCoveralls.Poster do {:error, "Failed to upload the report to '#{endpoint}' (reason: #{inspect(reason)})."} end end + + defp cacert_option do + if Code.ensure_loaded?(CAStore) do + [cacertfile: String.to_charlist(CAStore.file_path())] + else + case :public_key.cacerts_load() do + :ok -> + [cacerts: :public_key.cacerts_get()] + + {:error, reason} -> + raise ExCoveralls.ReportUploadError, + message: """ + Failed to load OS certificates. We tried to use OS certificates because we + couldn't find the :castore library. If you want to use :castore, please add + + {:castore, "~> 1.0"} + + to your dependencies. Otherwise, make sure you can load OS certificates by + running :public_key.cacerts_load() and checking the result. The error we + got was: + + #{inspect(reason)} + """ + end + end + end end diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs index 2df241de..ab459f80 100644 --- a/mix.exs +++ b/mix.exs @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ defmodule ExCoveralls.Mixfile do defp deps do [ + {:castore, "~> 1.0", optional: true}, {:jason, "~> 1.0"}, {:bypass, "~> 2.1.0", only: :test}, {:ex_doc, ">= 0.0.0", only: :dev, runtime: false}, diff --git a/mix.lock b/mix.lock index 32ee0786..73ff8823 100644 --- a/mix.lock +++ b/mix.lock @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ %{ "bypass": {:hex, :bypass, "2.1.0", "909782781bf8e20ee86a9cabde36b259d44af8b9f38756173e8f5e2e1fabb9b1", [:mix], [{:plug, "~> 1.7", [hex: :plug, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.0", [hex: :plug_cowboy, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:ranch, "~> 1.3", [hex: :ranch, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "d9b5df8fa5b7a6efa08384e9bbecfe4ce61c77d28a4282f79e02f1ef78d96b80"}, + "castore": {:hex, :castore, "1.0.3", "7130ba6d24c8424014194676d608cb989f62ef8039efd50ff4b3f33286d06db8", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "680ab01ef5d15b161ed6a95449fac5c6b8f60055677a8e79acf01b27baa4390b"}, "cowboy": {:hex, :cowboy, "2.10.0", "ff9ffeff91dae4ae270dd975642997afe2a1179d94b1887863e43f681a203e26", [:make, :rebar3], [{:cowlib, "2.12.1", [hex: :cowlib, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:ranch, "1.8.0", [hex: :ranch, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "3afdccb7183cc6f143cb14d3cf51fa00e53db9ec80cdcd525482f5e99bc41d6b"}, "cowboy_telemetry": {:hex, :cowboy_telemetry, "0.4.0", "f239f68b588efa7707abce16a84d0d2acf3a0f50571f8bb7f56a15865aae820c", [:rebar3], [{:cowboy, "~> 2.7", [hex: :cowboy, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:telemetry, "~> 1.0", [hex: :telemetry, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "7d98bac1ee4565d31b62d59f8823dfd8356a169e7fcbb83831b8a5397404c9de"}, "cowlib": {:hex, :cowlib, "2.12.1", "a9fa9a625f1d2025fe6b462cb865881329b5caff8f1854d1cbc9f9533f00e1e1", [:make, :rebar3], [], "hexpm", "163b73f6367a7341b33c794c4e88e7dbfe6498ac42dcd69ef44c5bc5507c8db0"}, From abd7dbffc8da00714a70174cc357f75d35ebda76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrea Leopardi Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 11:24:12 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 3/8] FIXUP --- lib/excoveralls/poster.ex | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex b/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex index 9c98f221..24d95537 100644 --- a/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex +++ b/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex @@ -92,28 +92,46 @@ defmodule ExCoveralls.Poster do end end - defp cacert_option do - if Code.ensure_loaded?(CAStore) do - [cacertfile: String.to_charlist(CAStore.file_path())] - else - case :public_key.cacerts_load() do - :ok -> - [cacerts: :public_key.cacerts_get()] - - {:error, reason} -> - raise ExCoveralls.ReportUploadError, - message: """ - Failed to load OS certificates. We tried to use OS certificates because we - couldn't find the :castore library. If you want to use :castore, please add - - {:castore, "~> 1.0"} - - to your dependencies. Otherwise, make sure you can load OS certificates by - running :public_key.cacerts_load() and checking the result. The error we - got was: - - #{inspect(reason)} - """ + if function_exported?(:public_key, :cacerts_load, 0) do + defp cacert_option do + if Code.ensure_loaded?(CAStore) do + [cacertfile: String.to_charlist(CAStore.file_path())] + else + case :public_key.cacerts_load() do + :ok -> + [cacerts: :public_key.cacerts_get()] + + {:error, reason} -> + raise ExCoveralls.ReportUploadError, + message: """ + Failed to load OS certificates. We tried to use OS certificates because we + couldn't find the :castore library. If you want to use :castore, please add + + {:castore, "~> 1.0"} + + to your dependencies. Otherwise, make sure you can load OS certificates by + running :public_key.cacerts_load() and checking the result. The error we + got was: + + #{inspect(reason)} + """ + end + end + end + else + defp cacert_option do + if Code.ensure_loaded?(CAStore) do + [cacertfile: String.to_charlist(CAStore.file_path())] + else + raise ExCoveralls.ReportUploadError, + message: """ + Failed to use any SSL certificates. We didn't find the :castore library, + and we couldn't use OS certificates because that requires OTP 25 or later. + If you want to use :castore, please add + + {:castore, "~> 1.0"} + + """ end end end From c42abb6ceb3426a15097752c3c1528e15a6c428d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrea Leopardi Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 11:32:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 4/8] Cache fixed --- .github/workflows/tests.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/tests.yml b/.github/workflows/tests.yml index 895f3c50..ce8f2ff9 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/tests.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/tests.yml @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ jobs: - uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: deps - key: ${{ runner.os }}-mix-${{ hashFiles(format('{0}{1}', github.workspace, '/mix.lock')) }} + key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.elixir }}-otp${{ matrix.otp }}-mix-${{ hashFiles(format('{0}{1}', github.workspace, '/mix.lock')) }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-mix- - run: mix deps.get From 5ad9e5fd77c04ae6ffd2fdb773c4f6bef160e3ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrea Leopardi Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 11:39:42 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 5/8] Aaaah, caching again --- .github/workflows/tests.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/tests.yml b/.github/workflows/tests.yml index ce8f2ff9..539d207a 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/tests.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/tests.yml @@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ jobs: path: deps key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.elixir }}-otp${{ matrix.otp }}-mix-${{ hashFiles(format('{0}{1}', github.workspace, '/mix.lock')) }} restore-keys: | - ${{ runner.os }}-mix- + ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.elixir }}-otp${{ matrix.otp }}-mix- - run: mix deps.get - run: mix coveralls.github From 6275ab6c8db4441fee1548c3803f83971f830626 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrea Leopardi Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 12:10:48 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 6/8] FIXUP --- lib/excoveralls/poster.ex | 16 +++++++++++----- test/poster_test.exs | 5 ++--- 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex b/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex index 24d95537..0aed9c1b 100644 --- a/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex +++ b/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ defmodule ExCoveralls.Poster do Application.ensure_all_started(:inets) endpoint = options[:endpoint] || "" - host = URI.parse(endpoint).host multipart_boundary = "---------------------------" <> Base.encode16(:crypto.strong_rand_bytes(8), case: :lower) @@ -41,12 +40,19 @@ defmodule ExCoveralls.Poster do |> Enum.join("\r\n") headers = [ - {~c"Host", host}, - {~c"User-Agent", "excoveralls"}, - {~c"Content-Length", Integer.to_string(byte_size(body))}, - {~c"Accept", "*/*"} + {~c"Host", String.to_charlist(URI.parse(endpoint).host)}, + {~c"User-Agent", ~c"excoveralls"}, + {~c"Content-Length", String.to_charlist(Integer.to_string(byte_size(body)))}, + {~c"Accept", ~c"*/*"} ] + # All header names and values MUST be charlists in older OTP versions. In newer versions, + # binaries are fine. This is hard to debug because httpc simply *hangs* on older OTP + # versions if you use a binary value. + if Enum.any?(headers, fn {_, val} -> not is_list(val) end) do + raise "all header names and values must be charlists" + end + request = { String.to_charlist(endpoint) ++ ~c"/api/v1/jobs", headers, diff --git a/test/poster_test.exs b/test/poster_test.exs index 034ffc91..5e54fe02 100644 --- a/test/poster_test.exs +++ b/test/poster_test.exs @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ defmodule PosterTest do setup do bypass = - %{bypass: bypass, endpoint: "http://localhost:#{bypass.port}/"} + %{bypass: bypass, endpoint: "http://localhost:#{bypass.port}"} end test "successfully posting JSON", %{bypass: bypass, endpoint: endpoint} do @@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ defmodule PosterTest do end end - test "post JSON fails due internal server error", - %{bypass: bypass, endpoint: endpoint} do + test "post JSON fails due internal server error", %{bypass: bypass, endpoint: endpoint} do Bypass.expect(bypass, fn conn -> assert conn.method == "POST" Plug.Conn.resp(conn, 500, "") From baff7377eab53dc604822ffbf31bc39ba4fdcb63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrea Leopardi Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2023 18:24:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 7/8] Add missing apps to :extra_applications --- mix.exs | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs index ab459f80..acc1a6cf 100644 --- a/mix.exs +++ b/mix.exs @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ defmodule ExCoveralls.Mixfile do end def application do - [extra_applications: [:eex, :tools, :xmerl, :inets]] + [extra_applications: [:eex, :tools, :xmerl, :inets, :ssl, :public_key]] end defp elixirc_paths(:test), do: ["lib", "test/fixtures/test_missing.ex"] From f2161dc271ed7aca25447da83d52221311ba941b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrea Leopardi Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2023 18:28:44 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 8/8] Add better check for :public_key --- lib/excoveralls/poster.ex | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex b/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex index 0aed9c1b..5b202f24 100644 --- a/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex +++ b/lib/excoveralls/poster.ex @@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ defmodule ExCoveralls.Poster do end end - if function_exported?(:public_key, :cacerts_load, 0) do + # TODO: remove this once we depend on an Elixir version that requires OTP 25+. + if System.otp_release() >= "25" do defp cacert_option do if Code.ensure_loaded?(CAStore) do [cacertfile: String.to_charlist(CAStore.file_path())]