diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index bc7626194..c1210e13a 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -43,4 +43,3 @@ regex = "1"
 default = []
 slow-tests = []
-staking-miner-playground-tests = []
diff --git a/tests/staking_miner_node.rs b/tests/staking_miner_node.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index e4111ba02..000000000
--- a/tests/staking_miner_node.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-//! Requires a `staking-miner-playground binary ` in the path to run integration tests against.
-#![cfg(feature = "staking-miner-playground-tests")]
-pub mod common;
-use assert_cmd::cargo::cargo_bin;
-use codec::Decode;
-use common::{init_logger, run_staking_miner_playground, KillChildOnDrop};
-use scale_info::TypeInfo;
-use staking_miner::{
-	prelude::ChainClient,
-	signer::{PairSigner, Signer},
-use std::process;
-use subxt::dynamic::Value;
-async fn constants_updated_on_the_fly() {
-	init_logger();
-	let (_drop, ws_url) = run_staking_miner_playground();
-	let _miner = KillChildOnDrop(
-		process::Command::new(cargo_bin(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME")))
-			.stdout(process::Stdio::piped())
-			.stderr(process::Stdio::piped())
-			.env("RUST_LOG", "runtime=debug,staking-miner=debug")
-			.args(["--uri", &ws_url, "monitor", "--seed-or-path", "//Alice", "seq-phragmen"])
-			.spawn()
-			.unwrap(),
-	);
-	let api = ChainClient::from_url(&ws_url).await.unwrap();
-	let signer = Signer::new("//Alice").unwrap();
-	let length: u32 = 1024;
-	let weight: u64 = 2048;
-	submit_tx("ConfigBlock", "set_block_weight", &api, vec![Value::u128(weight as u128)], &signer)
-		.await;
-	submit_tx("ConfigBlock", "set_block_length", &api, vec![Value::u128(length as u128)], &signer)
-		.await;
-	tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(12)).await;
-	assert_eq!(weight, read_storage::<u64>("ConfigBlock", "BlockWeight", &api, vec![]).await);
-	assert_eq!(length, read_storage::<u32>("ConfigBlock", "BlockLength", &api, vec![]).await);
-async fn submit_tx(
-	pallet: &str,
-	name: &str,
-	api: &ChainClient,
-	params: Vec<Value>,
-	signer: &PairSigner,
-) {
-	let tx = subxt::dynamic::tx(pallet, name, params);
-	api.tx().sign_and_submit_then_watch_default(&tx, signer).await.unwrap();
-async fn read_storage<T: Decode + TypeInfo + 'static>(
-	pallet: &str,
-	name: &str,
-	api: &ChainClient,
-	params: Vec<Value>,
-) -> T {
-	let addr = subxt::dynamic::storage(pallet, name, params);
-	let val = api
-		.storage()
-		.at_latest()
-		.await
-		.expect("Get storage should work")
-		.fetch(&addr)
-		.await
-		.expect("Fetch storage should work")
-		.expect("Storage should exist");
-	Decode::decode(&mut val.encoded()).expect("Storage should be decodable")