This repository implements patch-denoising methods, with a particular focus on local-low rank methods.
The target application is functional MRI thermal noise removal, but this methods can be applied to a wide range of image modalities.
It includes several local-low-rank based denoising methods (see the documentation for more details):
- Hybrid-PCA
- Optimal Thresholding
- Raw Singular Value Thresholding
A mathematical description of these methods is available in the documentation.
$ pip install patch-denoise
patch-denoise requires Python>=3.9
After installing you can use the patch-denoise
$ patch-denoise input_file.nii output_file.nii --mask="auto"
See patch-denoise --help
for detailed options.
Documentation and examples are available at
$ git clone $ pip install -e patch-denoising[dev,doc,test,optional]
If you use this package for academic work, please cite the associated publication, available on HAL
@inproceedings{comby2023, TITLE = {{Denoising of fMRI volumes using local low rank methods}}, AUTHOR = {Pierre-Antoine, Comby and Zaineb, Amor and Alexandre, Vignaud and Philippe, Ciuciu}, URL = {}, BOOKTITLE = {{ISBI 2023 - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2023}}, ADDRESS = {Carthagena de India, Colombia}, YEAR = {2023}, MONTH = Apr, KEYWORDS = {functional MRI ; patch denoising ; singular value thresholding ; functional MRI patch denoising singular value thresholding}, PDF = {}, HAL_ID = {hal-03895194}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }
For the application of the denoising in an fMRI pypeline using Nipype
For the integration of the patch-denoising in convex optimisation algorithms.