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Program Description

Claude Pageau edited this page Jan 1, 2018 · 60 revisions


Speed Camera is a python program that uses opencv computer vision to visually track the largest moving object in the camera designated tracking area and determines the speed and direction. It records and saves an Image and optionally speed data to a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file for later processing.

Program Features

  • Uses video streaming to track largest moving objects in camera view
  • Includes a whiptail script that allows start/stop and managing program features
  • Settings cam be configured in a file that is not overwritten by an upgrade
  • Can capture a video stream image with a variety of resolutions possible
  • Tracks motion in a specified area. This rectangle area is cropped for motion tracking and reduces opencv processing on large image video streams.
  • Motion Tracking Data can be stored in a CSV format file for processing by other applications
  • Includes an opencv template match search to find similar objects to a selected image. Search result images can be put in a separate folder for easy review.
  • can create html files from CSV data and formats for webserver processing
  • Includes a single file file that can be used to review images
  • Option to create subfolder based on max number of images in folder or age of folder before triggering creation of a new date/time named subfolder.
  • Option to manage disk space by specifying free space required before oldest files of specified type are deleted.
  • Speed Camera code can run under MS windows and Non RPI Unix Distros using USB Camera and auto detects when picamera not found. Note bash scripts may not be compatible with standard windows OS.