In the task we get a ciphertext and two RSA public keys: pub1, pub2.
As usual in case when there are more than one RSA public key, it's worth to check if maybe they don't share a prime:
import codecs
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from crypto_commons.rsa.rsa_commons import gcd
def read_key(filename):
with, "r") as input_file:
data =
pub = RSA.importKey(data)
print(pub.e, pub.n)
return pub
def main():
pub1 = read_key("")
pub2 = read_key("")
p = gcd(pub1.n, pub2.n)
And yes, in this case they do share a prime, so we can easily factor both keys.
Now we simply need to recover private keys for both keys by calculating modinv(e, (p-1)*(q-1))
and trying to use them to decrypt the flag:
import codecs
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
from crypto_commons.generic import bytes_to_long
from crypto_commons.rsa.rsa_commons import gcd, get_fi_distinct_primes, modinv
def read_ct():
with"cipher", "rb") as input_file:
data =
msg = bytes_to_long(data)
return msg
p = gcd(pub1.n, pub2.n)
q1 = pub1.n / p
q2 = pub2.n / p
print(p, q1)
print(p, q2)
msg = read_ct()
d1 = modinv(pub1.e, get_fi_distinct_primes([p, q1]))
d2 = modinv(pub2.e, get_fi_distinct_primes([p, q2]))
first = pow(msg, d1, pub1.n)
Already the first key gives us the flag: SECCON{1234567890ABCDEF}
Complete solver here