# Assuming EL6 with EPEL installed
yum -y install python-pip
pip install celery
# Assuming EL6 with EPEL installed
yum -y install rabbitmq-server
service rabbitmq-server start
chkconfig rabbitmq-server on
Install imapsync
# Assuming EL6 with EPEL installed
yum -y install imapsync
celery worker --loglevel=info
The task is called with two host arguments. Each host must have the following keys
- host
- user
- password
The following optional keys are present
- encryption [ssl/tls]
Besides two hosts, an optional third argument can be given with the following optional keys
- feedback_email
- feedback_from_email
import tasks
# Source host, encrypted with TLS
source = {
'host': 'mail-source.example.org',
'user': 'source_user',
'password': 'source_password',
'encryption': 'tls',
# Destination host, unencrypted
destination = {
'host': 'mail-destination.example.org',
'user': 'destination_user',
'password': 'destination_password',
# Options
options = {
'feedback_email': '[email protected]',
'feedback_from_email': '[email protected]',
# Call the task
task = tasks.imapsync.delay(source, destination, options)
# Block till we get the result and print that
print task.get()