:boom: Visual regression tests failed. Please find the screenshots inside ...
\\n\\n\\n\\n" >> %s/comments.file' % dir["web"],
- 'echo "Diff Image: " >> %s/comments.file' % dir["web"],
- 'for f in *.png; do echo \'!\'"[$f]($CACHE_ENDPOINT/$CACHE_BUCKET/${DRONE_REPO}/${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}/vrt/screenshots/diff/%s/$f)" >> %s/comments.file; done' % (backend, dir["web"]),
- "cd ../../latest",
- "cd %s" % backend,
- 'echo "Actual Image: " >> %s/comments.file' % dir["web"],
- 'for f in *.png; do echo \'!\'"[$f]($CACHE_ENDPOINT/$CACHE_BUCKET/${DRONE_REPO}/${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}/vrt/screenshots/latest/%s/$f)" >> %s/comments.file; done' % (backend, dir["web"]),
- 'echo "Comparing Against: " >> %s/comments.file' % dir["web"],
- 'for f in *.png; do echo \'!\'"[$f](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/owncloud/web/%s/tests/vrt/baseline/%s/$f)" >> %s/comments.file; done' % (branch, backend, dir["web"]),
- 'echo "\n
" >> %s/comments.file' % dir["web"],
- "more %s/comments.file" % dir["web"],
- ],
- "environment": {
- "TEST_CONTEXT": suite,
- "from_secret": "cache_public_s3_server",
- },
- "from_secret": "cache_public_s3_bucket",
- },
- },
- "when": {
- "status": [
- "failure",
- ],
- "event": [
- "pull_request",
- ],
- },
- }]
def buildGithubComment(suite):
return [{
"name": "build-github-comment",
@@ -3063,7 +2924,7 @@ def skipIfUnchanged(ctx, type):
return []
-def genericCache(name, action, mounts, cache_key):
+def genericCache(name, action, mounts):
rebuild = "false"
restore = "false"
if action == "rebuild":
@@ -3075,31 +2936,25 @@ def genericCache(name, action, mounts, cache_key):
step = {
"name": "%s_%s" % (action, name),
- "environment": {
- "from_secret": "cache_s3_access_key",
- },
- "from_secret": "cache_s3_secret_key",
- },
- },
+ "image": PLUGINS_S3_CACHE,
"settings": {
"endpoint": {
"from_secret": "cache_s3_endpoint",
- "bucket": "cache",
- "region": "us-east-1", # not used at all, but fails if not given!
- "path_style": "true",
- "cache_key": cache_key,
"rebuild": rebuild,
"restore": restore,
"mount": mounts,
+ "access_key": {
+ "from_secret": "cache_s3_access_key",
+ },
+ "secret_key": {
+ "from_secret": "cache_s3_secret_key",
+ },
return step
-def genericCachePurge(ctx, name, cache_key):
+def genericCachePurge(ctx, name):
return {
"kind": "pipeline",
"type": "docker",
@@ -3111,16 +2966,20 @@ def genericCachePurge(ctx, name, cache_key):
"steps": [
"name": "purge-cache",
- "image": MINIO_MC,
- "failure": "ignore",
- "environment": {
- "MC_HOST_cache": {
- "from_secret": "cache_s3_connection_url",
+ "image": PLUGINS_S3_CACHE,
+ "settings": {
+ "access_key": {
+ "from_secret": "cache_s3_access_key",
+ },
+ "endpoint": {
+ "from_secret": "cache_s3_endpoint",
+ },
+ "flush": True,
+ "flush_age": "14",
+ "secret_key": {
+ "from_secret": "cache_s3_secret_key",
- "commands": [
- "mc rm --recursive --force cache/cache/%s/%s" % (ctx.repo.name, cache_key),
- ],
"trigger": {
@@ -3138,11 +2997,10 @@ def genericCachePurge(ctx, name, cache_key):
def genericBuildArtifactCache(ctx, name, action, path):
name = "%s_build_artifact_cache" % (name)
- cache_key = "%s/%s/%s" % (ctx.repo.slug, ctx.build.commit + "-${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}", name)
if action == "rebuild" or action == "restore":
- return genericCache(name, action, [path], cache_key)
+ return genericCache(name, action, [path])
if action == "purge":
- return genericCachePurge(ctx, name, cache_key)
+ return genericCachePurge(ctx, name)
return []
def restoreBuildArtifactCache(ctx, name, path):
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 766e9d8214a..36f2c9a5b33 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -60,10 +60,6 @@ tests/acceptance/.yarn/*
-# visual regression testing artifacts
# acceptance test artifacts
diff --git a/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.1.0.cjs b/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.1.0.cjs
index 8584827cdbe..d7379ce02ba 100755
--- a/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.1.0.cjs
+++ b/.yarn/releases/yarn-3.1.0.cjs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ See https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#UNREACHABLE`;e.
`),type:zt.LexerDefinitionErrorType.LEXER_DEFINITION_CANNOT_CONTAIN_UNDEFINED})})}),i}je.performRuntimeChecks=ZIe;function $Ie(t,e,r){var i=[],n=!1,s=(0,Ee.compact)((0,Ee.flatten)((0,Ee.mapValues)(t.modes,function(l){return l}))),o=(0,Ee.reject)(s,function(l){return l[ao]===zt.Lexer.NA}),a=tG(r);return e&&(0,Ee.forEach)(o,function(l){var c=eG(l,a);if(c!==!1){var u=gG(l,c),g={message:u,type:c.issue,tokenType:l};i.push(g)}else(0,Ee.has)(l,"LINE_BREAKS")?l.LINE_BREAKS===!0&&(n=!0):(0,Eu.canMatchCharCode)(a,l.PATTERN)&&(n=!0)}),e&&!n&&i.push({message:`Warning: No LINE_BREAKS Found.
This Lexer has been defined to track line and column information,
But none of the Token Types can be identified as matching a line terminator.
- See https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#LINE_BREAKS
+ See https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#LINE_BREAKS
for details.`,type:zt.LexerDefinitionErrorType.NO_LINE_BREAKS_FLAGS}),i}je.performWarningRuntimeChecks=$Ie;function eEe(t){var e={},r=(0,Ee.keys)(t);return(0,Ee.forEach)(r,function(i){var n=t[i];if((0,Ee.isArray)(n))e[i]=[];else throw Error("non exhaustive match")}),e}je.cloneEmptyGroups=eEe;function qv(t){var e=t.PATTERN;if((0,Ee.isRegExp)(e))return!1;if((0,Ee.isFunction)(e))return!0;if((0,Ee.has)(e,"exec"))return!0;if((0,Ee.isString)(e))return!1;throw Error("non exhaustive match")}je.isCustomPattern=qv;function $H(t){return(0,Ee.isString)(t)&&t.length===1?t.charCodeAt(0):!1}je.isShortPattern=$H;je.LineTerminatorOptimizedTester={test:function(t){for(var e=t.length,r=this.lastIndex;r