diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingInternalGroups/shareWithGroups.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingInternalGroups/shareWithGroups.feature index fd30e5ebe7b..0ab6e18591d 100644 --- a/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingInternalGroups/shareWithGroups.feature +++ b/tests/acceptance/features/webUISharingInternalGroups/shareWithGroups.feature @@ -306,29 +306,4 @@ Feature: Sharing files and folders with internal groups Examples: | shared-resource | | lorem.txt | - | simple-folder | - - @issue-ocis-1250 - Scenario Outline: share a resource with another internal group with expiration date within maximum enforced expiration date - Given the setting "shareapi_default_expire_date_group_share" of app "core" has been set to "yes" - And the setting "shareapi_enforce_expire_date_group_share" of app "core" has been set to "yes" - And the setting "shareapi_expire_after_n_days_group_share" of app "core" has been set to "5" - And user "Carol" has created file "lorem.txt" - And user "Carol" has created folder "simple-folder" - And user "Carol" has created a new share with following settings - | path | | - | shareTypeString | group | - | shareWith | grp1 | - | expireDate | +4 | - And user "Alice" has accepted the share "Shares/" offered by user "Carol" - And user "Brian" has accepted the share "Shares/" offered by user "Carol" - And user "Carol" has logged in using the webUI - When the user tries to edit the collaborator expiry date of "grp1" of resource "" to "+7" days using the webUI - Then the expiration date shown on the webUI should be "+4" days - And it should not be possible to save the pending share on the webUI - And user "Alice" should have received a share with target "" and expiration date in 4 days - And user "Brian" should have received a share with target "" and expiration date in 4 days - Examples: - | shared-resource | target-resource | - | lorem.txt | Shares/lorem.txt | - | simple-folder | Shares/simple-folder | + | simple-folder | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/acceptance/stepDefinitions/publicLinkContext.js b/tests/acceptance/stepDefinitions/publicLinkContext.js index 481c599c3e2..7a072d057bb 100644 --- a/tests/acceptance/stepDefinitions/publicLinkContext.js +++ b/tests/acceptance/stepDefinitions/publicLinkContext.js @@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ const loadPublicLinkWithPassword = async function(linkCreator, password, newSess const editPublicLink = async function(linkName, resource, dataTable) { const editData = dataTable.rowsHash() await client.page.FilesPageElement.filesList().openPublicLinkDialog(resource) + // console.log(1234, editData) await client.page.FilesPageElement.publicLinksDialog().editPublicLink(linkName, editData) return client.page.FilesPageElement.publicLinksDialog().savePublicLink() }