diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/apiGraph/fullSearch.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/apiGraph/fullSearch.feature index c36611c9374..38c2a08fad8 100644 --- a/tests/acceptance/features/apiGraph/fullSearch.feature +++ b/tests/acceptance/features/apiGraph/fullSearch.feature @@ -92,6 +92,33 @@ Feature: full text search | spaces | + Scenario Outline: search project space folders by tag + Given using spaces DAV path + And the administrator has assigned the role "Space Admin" to user "Alice" using the Graph API + And user "Alice" has created a space "tag-space" with the default quota using the GraphApi + And user "Alice" has created a folder "spacesFolder/spacesSubFolder" in space "tag-space" + And user "Alice" has created a folder "unTagSpacesFolder/unTagSpacesSubFolder" in space "tag-space" + And user "Alice" has created the following tags for folder "spacesFolder" of the space "tag-space": + | tag1 | + And user "Alice" has created the following tags for folder "spacesFolder/spacesSubFolder" of the space "tag-space": + | tag1 | + And using DAV path + When user "Alice" searches for "Tags:tag1" using the WebDAV API + Then the HTTP status code should be "207" + And the search result of user "Alice" should contain only these files: + | spacesFolder | + | spacesSubFolder | + Examples: + | dav-path-version | + | old | + | new | + + @skipOnStable3.0 + Examples: + | dav-path-version | + | spaces | + + Scenario Outline: sharee searches shared files using a tag Given using DAV path And user "Brian" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files