diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/apiNotification/emailNotification.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/apiNotification/emailNotification.feature index 98e097107ed..e74c8de5263 100644 --- a/tests/acceptance/features/apiNotification/emailNotification.feature +++ b/tests/acceptance/features/apiNotification/emailNotification.feature @@ -70,3 +70,90 @@ Feature: Email notification Click here to view it: %base_url%/f/%space_id% """ + + + Scenario: group members get an email notification in their respective languages when someone shares a folder with the group + Given user "Carol" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files + And group "group1" has been created + And user "Brian" has been added to group "group1" + And user "Carol" has been added to group "group1" + And user "Brian" has switched the system language to "es" + And user "Carol" has switched the system language to "de" + And user "Alice" has created folder "/HelloWorld" + When user "Alice" has shared folder "/HelloWorld" with group "group1" + Then the HTTP status code should be "200" + And user "Brian" should have received the following email from user "Alice" + """ + Hola Brian Murphy + + %displayname% ha compartido "HelloWorld" contigo. + + Click aquí para verlo: %base_url%/files/shares/with-me + """ + And user "Carol" should have received the following email from user "Alice" + """ + Hallo Carol King + + %displayname% hat "HelloWorld" mit Ihnen geteilt. + + Zum Ansehen hier klicken: %base_url%/files/shares/with-me + """ + + + Scenario: group members get an email notification in their respective languages when someone shares a file with the group + Given user "Carol" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files + And group "group1" has been created + And user "Brian" has been added to group "group1" + And user "Carol" has been added to group "group1" + And user "Brian" has switched the system language to "es" + And user "Carol" has switched the system language to "de" + And user "Alice" has uploaded file with content "hello world" to "text.txt" + When user "Alice" has shared file "text.txt" with group "group1" + Then the HTTP status code should be "200" + And user "Brian" should have received the following email from user "Alice" + """ + Hola Brian Murphy + + %displayname% ha compartido "text.txt" contigo. + + Click aquí para verlo: %base_url%/files/shares/with-me + """ + And user "Carol" should have received the following email from user "Alice" + """ + Hallo Carol King + + %displayname% hat "text.txt" mit Ihnen geteilt. + + Zum Ansehen hier klicken: %base_url%/files/shares/with-me + """ + + @skipOnStable3.0 + Scenario: group members get an email notification in their respective languages when someone shares a space with the group + Given the administrator has assigned the role "Space Admin" to user "Alice" using the Graph API + And user "Carol" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files + And group "group1" has been created + And user "Brian" has been added to group "group1" + And user "Carol" has been added to group "group1" + And user "Brian" has switched the system language to "es" + And user "Carol" has switched the system language to "de" + And user "Alice" has created a space "new-space" with the default quota using the GraphApi + When user "Alice" has shared a space "new-space" with settings: + | shareWith | group1 | + | role | viewer | + Then the HTTP status code should be "200" + And user "Brian" should have received the following email from user "Alice" about the share of project space "new-space" + """ + Hola Brian Murphy, + + Alice Hansen te ha invitado a unirte a "new-space". + + Click aquí para verlo: %base_url%/f/%space_id% + """ + And user "Carol" should have received the following email from user "Alice" about the share of project space "new-space" + """ + Hallo Carol King, + + Alice Hansen hat Sie eingeladen, dem Space "new-space" beizutreten. + + Zum Ansehen hier klicken: %base_url%/f/%space_id% + """