An Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership & Canadian-Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship (CAPOS) Online Event December 8-9 2021 North America time / December 9-10 2021 Australasia time
INKE, program
Graham Jensen (U Victoria) and Talya Jesperson (U Victoria)
Canadian HSS Commons
- open online space to gather and share information and resources, make connections, and build community
- in development, national-scale, bilingual community space for academics, researchers, stakeholders and interested members of the public
- hub for open social scholarship in Canada and beyond
- not-for-profit alternative to academia, researchgate...
- share, access, repurpose and develop scholarly projects, education, tools...
- based on the open-source plateform HUBzero, modification
- single sign-on through ORCID
- project repository: upload commons, use research sharing, communication and management tools
- messaging
- blog posts
- access management (public, selected users, private)
- search
Graham Jensen (U Victoria) [email protected]
design to foster collaboration
- remove potentially harmful metrics
- humane metrics initiative: providing useful metrics