Emmanuel Château-Dutier, David Valentine, Zoë Renaudie et Lena Krause
DH2024, August 7
- SSHRC Partnership
- ~20 researchers, 6 canadian museums
- First axis : Exhibited Collections (Marie Fraser dir.)
- www.cieco.co
- Digital lab to support the research
- ouvroir.umontreal.ca
- CRMgeo: A Spatiotemporal Extension of CIDOC-CRM
- Art Tracks http://www.museumprovenance.org
- OntoExhibit (other presentation in this conference)
- CRMaaa ontology
to date, there is no specialized model for the documentation of exhibition or collection diplays
- A spatial perspective on the exhibition
- The Display Ontology
- Pattern presentation with use case: Feux pâles
<iframe width="900" height="506.25" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/XCqiSbplATU?si=tMcEuk9Lycfnties&start=47" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>Das Städel museum in 3D, Ihr Virtueller Besuch im Jahr 1878 http://zeitreise.staedelmuseum.de/vr-app/
In our use case
- archival and visual sources are essentials
- limited constructive evidence (vs archeology)
➜ a spatial documentation model independant of any visualisation techniques
- data exchange and long-term preservation
- various applications
- 3D visualisations
- A GUI for art historians to populate the ontology
- gathering historical information and formulating hypotheses
- generating 3D and simplified visualisation rendering
A perspective on the exhibition based on:
- concept of Exhibit
- spatial logics (definition of abstract topological relationships)
- everything takes place in exhibition spaces
- every exhibition entity (artistic or technical) is an Exhibit
/** Notes **/
- And that is the conceptualization we want to share with the museology community using the semantic web tools.
Reusing the Building Topology Ontology
The Building Topology Ontology (BOT) is a minimal OWL DL ontology for defining relationships between the sub-components of a building.
(Rasmussen et al., 2021b)
Specification: https://w3c-lbd-cg.github.io/bot/
Namespace: https://w3id.org/bot#
The Building Topology Ontology (BOT)
Classes and relationships involved in Zones (Rasmussen et al., 2021b)===vvvvvv===
<style> .reveal #credits { position: fixed; bottom: 0; color: #eee; left: 0; font-size: 14px; } </style>/** Notes **/
: Instantiation syntax
/** Notes **/
- We simply populate the
class to indicate the presence of an exhibit in the exhibition.
Combining the instantiation and the instance
/** Notes **/
- So from now we can combine the instantiation within a single entity, just to make things lighter.
: A space contains an exhibit
/** Notes **/
- And we put that work in an exhibition space.
: Hanging the exhibits
/** Notes **/
- Using the Hanging Interface Class it can easily be stated that the CAPC work (the barcode that welcomes visitors, that we have just seen before) is hung on the entrance display wall, and is contained in the exhibition space.
The bot:
namespace: Describing spaces
/** Notes **/
- The description of spaces uses the classes and properties of the
: Space contains space
/** Notes **/
- foo
Vue de l’exposition Feux pâles (1990), “Préambule”. Photo. : Frédéric Delpech © Claire Burrus, Paris / Jan Mot, Bruxelles./** Notes **/
- And finally the entrance area communicates with a first room via two passages.
: Circulating between spaces
: Intersecting Zones
: Intersecting Zones
: Space contains space
: Space contains space
: Spaces share element
Vue de l’exposition Feux pâles (1990), salle 10 “De la propriété littéraire et artistique”. Photo. : Frédéric Delpech © Claire Burrus, Paris / Jan Mot, Bruxelles.===vvvvvv===
: Exhibit spans spaces
Vue de l’exposition Feux pâles (1990), salle 2 “Le Cabinet d’amateur”. Photo. : Frédéric Delpech © Claire Burrus, Paris / Jan Mot, Bruxelles.===vvvvvv===
: vis-à-vis exhibits
Vue de l’exposition Feux pâles (1990), salle 1 “Inventaire du mémorable”. Photo. : Frédéric Delpech © © Claire Burrus, Paris / Jan Mot, Bruxelles.===vvvvvv===
: aggregate of exhibits
: aggregate of exhibits
: aggregate of exhibits
The Display ontology
- can describe complex curatorial phenomena in fine detail
- offers enough expressivity to leverage the ontological model through inferences
Focusing on the expographic configuration but
compatible with CIDOC-CRM
Semantic web technologies provide an abstract model for effectively reasoning about incomplete and sometimes contradictory documentation.
- Display ontology
https://ouvroir.github.io/display-ontology/ - ouvroir.umontreal.ca