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Matt Hicks edited this page Jun 30, 2022 · 14 revisions
import scribe.output._
  "Custom colors ",
  blue("are supported "),
  bgRed("with backgrounds "),
    "even ",
    green("layered "),
      "styles ",
      italic("are supported")


  • Platform-specific colored output for ANSI, ASCII, HTML, JSON, and even browser-based rich output
  • Programmatic configuration to integrate easily with existing config files
  • Hot-change capabilities to modify how logging works in real-time
Logger("myLogger")                                  // Look-up or create the named logger
  .orphan()                                         // This keeps the logger from propagating any records up the hierarchy
  .clearHandlers()                                  // Clears any existing handlers on this logger
  .withHandler(minimumLevel = Some(Level.Error))    // Adds a new handler to this logger
  .replace()                                        // Replaces by id and name this logger globally allowing programmatic hot-change
  • Asynchronous logger to provide nearly zero-impact logging
Logger.root.clearHandlers().withHandler(handle = AsynchronousLogHandle(
  maxBuffer = 5000,
  overflow = Overflow.DropOld
))"Near zero performance impact!")
  • Lazily evaluated log messages that are only evaluated if written to output
  • Pure Scala SLF4J implementation
  • MDC support to log additional information with each log output
  • MDC compliance with SLF4J
  • to support global values assigned to all logging
  • MDC Support for cross-thread usage:
MDC { implicit mdc =>
  mdc("key") = "value"
  val f = Future {"this will include the MDC key/value")
  Await.result(f, Duration.Inf)
  • Simple and convenient formatter creation via interpolation:
formatter"$date [$threadNameAbbreviated] $level $position - $message$mdc"
  • Zero-cost tracing (include class, method, and line number) generated at compile-time
  • Zero-import logging:"No imports necessary")
  • Scala.js and ScalaNative support
  • Scala 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, and Dotty support
  • Migration library to support importing existing configuration files for other logging systems
  • Slack logging module
  • Logstash logging module
  • Simple timing functionality with elapsed:
scribe.elapsed { ... logging statements include MDC values for elapsed time ... }
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