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Jean-Michaël Celerier edited this page Jul 3, 2017 · 9 revisions


  • Ensure that libossia finds Qt when building :

    cmake ../libossia -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt/5.9/gcc_64/lib/cmake/Qt5 -DOSSIA_QT=1

  • make

  • Create a folder Ossia in `~/Qt/5.9/gcc_64/qml/

  • Inside, copy (or better, symlink) the whole content of libossia/OSSIA/ossia-qt/Ossia as well as


Creating a device

import QtQuick 2.5
import Ossia 1.0 as Ossia

Item {
    Ossia.OSCQueryDevice {
        id: dev
        name: "myDevice"

    Rectangle {
        Ossia.Node { name: "rect" } // /rect is a container
        Ossia.Property on x { } // /rect/x is a float node
        Ossia.Property on y { } // /rect/y is a float node

    Ossia.Parameter {
        node: "/my/absolute/node"
        min: -5
        max: 26
        value: 12
        access: Ossia.Access.Get
        bounding: Ossia.Bounding.Wrap
        filterRepetitions: Ossia.Repetitions.Filtered
        unit: ""
        description: "length of the bamboozle"
        tags: ["foo", "bar"]
        priority: 36
        refreshRate: 50
        stepSize: 20
        defaultValue: 7
        critical: true
        hidden: true
        muted: true

        onValueChanged: console.log(value)

    Item {
        Ossia.Node { name: "foo" } // /foo
        Ossia.Signal {
            node: "buzz" // Relative to closest parent; here /foo/buzz
            onTriggered: console.log('bang')

    Column { 
        Ossia.Node { name: "array" }
        Repeater {
            model: Ossia.Instances { name: "child"; count: 10 }
            Rectangle { 
                Ossia.Node { name: "child." + index }
                Ossia.Property on color { } // /array/child.3/color for instance



import QtQuick 2.5
import Ossia 1.0 as Ossia

Item {
    Component.onCompleted: {
        // Identify the app
        Ossia.Logger.appName = "MyApp";
        // Where will the logger send its messages
        Ossia.Logger.loggerHost = "ws://";

        // How often the heartbeat will tick, in seconds. 
        // 0 will disable heartbeat.
        Ossia.Logger.heartbeat = 5;

        // Allows redirection of Qt / JS messages going through 
        // console.log / qDebug into websockets.
        Ossia.Logger.logQtMessage = true;

        // Manual logging:
        Ossia.Logger.trace("problem: " + 123);"problem: " + 123);
        Ossia.Logger.debug("problem: " + 123);
        Ossia.Logger.warning("problem: " + 123);
        Ossia.Logger.critical("problem: " + 123);
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