LookUp(const gz::math::Vector3 &_pos)
+ {
+ auto outcome = gz::math::Vector3::Zero;
+ if (this->xData && this->xSession)
+ {
+ const auto interpolation =
+ this->xData->LookUp(this->xSession.value(), _pos);
+ outcome.X(interpolation.value_or(0.));
+ }
+ if (this->yData && this->ySession)
+ {
+ const auto interpolation =
+ this->yData->LookUp(this->ySession.value(), _pos);
+ outcome.Y(interpolation.value_or(0.));
+ }
+ if (this->zData && this->zSession)
+ {
+ const auto interpolation =
+ this->zData->LookUp(this->ySession.value(), _pos);
+ outcome.Z(interpolation.value_or(0.));
+ }
+ return outcome;
+ }
+ /// \brief Session for x-axis volumetric data grid, if any.
+ private: std::optional xSession{std::nullopt};
+ /// \brief Session for y-axis volumetric data grid, if any.
+ private: std::optional ySession{std::nullopt};
+ /// \brief Session for z-axis volumetric data grid, if any.
+ private: std::optional zSession{std::nullopt};
+ /// \brief X-axis volumetric data grid, if any.
+ private: const GridT * xData{nullptr};
+ /// \brief Y-axis volumetric data grid, if any.
+ private: const GridT * yData{nullptr};
+ /// \brief Z-axis volumetric data grid, if any.
+ private: const GridT * zData{nullptr};
using namespace lrauv_gazebo_plugins::msgs;
-/// \brief Private data for DopplerVelocityLog
-class DopplerVelocityLogPrivate
+/// \brief Implementation for DopplerVelocityLog
+class DopplerVelocityLog::Implementation
/// \brief SDF DOM object
public: sdf::ElementPtr sensorSdf;
@@ -281,8 +436,82 @@ class DopplerVelocityLogPrivate
/// \brief true if Load() has been called and was successful
public: bool initialized = false;
- /// \brief State of all entities in the world.
- public: WorldKinematicState worldState;
+ /// \brief Initialize DVL sensor
+ public: bool Initialize(DopplerVelocityLog *_sensor);
+ /// \brief Initialize beam arrangement for DVL sensor
+ ///
+ /// This primarily creates rendering sensors.
+ public: bool InitializeBeamArrangement(DopplerVelocityLog *_sensor);
+ /// \brief Initialize tracking modes for DVL sensor
+ ///
+ /// This sets up bottom and/or water-mass tracking modes, as needed.
+ public: bool InitializeTrackingModes(DopplerVelocityLog *_sensor);
+ /// \brief Maximum range for DVL beams.
+ public: double maximumRange;
+ /// \brief Depth sensor resolution at 1 m distance, in meters.
+ public: double resolution;
+ /// \brief Whether bottom tracking mode is enabled
+ /// and which variant if it is.
+ public: TrackingModeSwitch bottomModeSwitch{TrackingModeSwitch::Off};
+ /// \brief Perform bottom tracking.
+ /// \param[in] _now Current simulation time.
+ /// \param[out] _info Optional tracking mode info,
+ /// useful for performance comparison.
+ /// \return velocity tracking result.
+ public: DVLVelocityTracking TrackBottom(
+ const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_now,
+ TrackingModeInfo *_info);
+ /// \brief Whether water-mass tracking mode is enabled
+ /// and which variant if it is.
+ public: TrackingModeSwitch waterMassModeSwitch{TrackingModeSwitch::Off};
+ /// \brief Perform water-mass tracking.
+ /// \param[in] _now Current simulation time.
+ /// \param[out] _info Optional tracking mode info,
+ /// useful for performance comparison.
+ /// \return velocity tracking result.
+ public: DVLVelocityTracking TrackWaterMass(
+ const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_now,
+ TrackingModeInfo *_info);
+ /// \brief Number of bins for water-mass sampling.
+ public: int waterMassModeNumBins;
+ /// \brief Water-mass sampling bin height, in meters.
+ public: double waterMassModeBinHeight;
+ /// \brief Distance to nearest water-mass boundary, in meters.
+ public: double waterMassModeNearBoundary;
+ /// \brief Distance to farthest water-mass boundary, in meters.
+ public: double waterMassModeFarBoundary;
+ /// \brief Bottom tracking mode noise model
+ public: std::shared_ptr bottomModeNoise;
+ /// \brief Water-mass tracking mode noise model
+ public: std::shared_ptr waterMassModeNoise;
+ /// \brief State of the world.
+ public: const WorldState *worldState;
+ /// \brief Water velocity vector field for water-mass sampling.
+ public: std::optional> waterVelocity;
+ /// \brief Water velocity data shape, as dimension names,
+ /// for environmental data indexing.
+ public: std::array waterVelocityShape;
+ /// \brief Reference system in which coordinates for water-mass sampling
+ /// are to be defined in.
+ public: EnvironmentalData::ReferenceT waterVelocityReference;
/// \brief Depth sensor (i.e. a GPU raytracing sensor).
public: gz::rendering::GpuRaysPtr depthSensor;
@@ -290,15 +519,18 @@ class DopplerVelocityLogPrivate
/// \brief Image sensor (i.e. a camera sensor) to aid ray querys.
public: gz::rendering::CameraPtr imageSensor;
- /// \brief Depth sensor resolution at 1 m distance, in meters.
- public: double resolution;
/// \brief Depth sensor intrinsic constants
public: struct {
gz::math::Vector2d offset; /// beams;
- /// \brief Transform from sensor frame to reference frame.
+ /// \brief Rotation from sensor frame to reference frame.
/// Useful to cope with different DVL frame conventions.
- public: gz::math::Pose3d referenceFrameTransform;
+ public: gz::math::Quaterniond referenceFrameRotation;
/// \brief Transform from sensor frame to acoustic beams' frame.
@@ -322,39 +554,58 @@ class DopplerVelocityLogPrivate
gz::math::Quaterniond{0., M_PI/2., 0.}};
/// \brief DVL acoustic beams' targets
- public: std::vector> beamTargets;
+ public: std::vector> beamTargets;
- /// \brief DVL acoustic beams' patches in depth scan frame
+ /// \brief DVL acoustic beams' patches in depth scan frame.
public: std::vector beamScanPatches;
- /// \brief DVL noise model
- public: gz::sensors::NoisePtr noiseModel;
- /// \brief Node to create a topic publisher with
+ /// \brief Node to create a topic publisher with.
public: gz::transport::Node node;
- /// \brief Publisher for velocity tracking messages
+ /// \brief Publisher for velocity tracking messages.
public: gz::transport::Node::Publisher pub;
- /// \brief Flag to indicate if sensor is generating data
- public: bool generatingData = false;
+ /// \brief Flag to indicate if sensor should be publishing estimates.
+ public: bool publishingEstimates = false;
+ /// \brief Setup beam markers for a generic tracking mode.
+ /// \param[in] _sensor (Outer) DVL sensor holding beam arrangement.
+ /// \param[in] _namespace Namespace to tell markers apart.
+ /// \return tracking mode beam markers
+ public: gz::msgs::Marker_V SetupBeamMarkers(
+ DopplerVelocityLog *_sensor,
+ const std::string &_namespace);
+ /// \brief Update beam markers based on tracking output
+ /// both locally and remotely (by publishing).
+ ///
+ /// Beam markers are assumed to have been setup
+ /// by calling `SetupBeamMarkers()`.
+ ///
+ /// \param[in] _sensor (Outer) DVL sensor performing the tracking.
+ /// \param[in] _trackingMessage Velocity estimate message.
+ /// \param[inout] _beamMarkers Beam markers to update.
+ public: void UpdateBeamMarkers(
+ DopplerVelocityLog *_sensor,
+ const DVLVelocityTracking &_trackingMessage,
+ gz::msgs::Marker_V *_beamMarkers);
- /// \brief DVL acoustic beams' lobe markers
- public: gz::msgs::Marker_V beamLobesMessage;
+ /// \brief Bottom tracking mode beam lobe markers.
+ public: gz::msgs::Marker_V bottomModeBeamMarkers;
- /// \brief Whether to show beam visual aids
- public: bool visualizeBeamLobes = false;
+ /// \brief Whether to display bottom tracking mode beams.
+ public: bool visualizeBottomModeBeams = false;
- /// \brief DVL acoustic beams' reflection markers
- public: gz::msgs::Marker_V beamReflectionsMessage;
+ /// \brief Water-mass tracking mode beam lobe markers.
+ public: gz::msgs::Marker_V waterMassModeBeamMarkers;
- /// \brief Whether to show beam visual aids
- public: bool visualizeBeamReflections = false;
+ /// \brief Whether to display water-mass tracking mode beams.
+ public: bool visualizeWaterMassModeBeams = false;
- : dataPtr(new DopplerVelocityLogPrivate())
+ : dataPtr(new Implementation())
@@ -421,49 +672,362 @@ bool DopplerVelocityLog::Load(const sdf::Sensor &_sdf)
// Setup sensors
if (this->Scene())
- if (!this->CreateRenderingSensors())
+ if (!this->dataPtr->Initialize(this))
- gzerr << "Failed to create sensors for "
- << "[" << this->Name() << "] sensor. "
- << "Aborting load." << std::endl;
+ gzerr << "Failed to setup [" << this->Name() << "] sensor. "
+ << std::endl;
return false;
- gzmsg << "Loaded sensor [" << this->Name() << "] DVL sensor." << std::endl;
+ gzmsg << "Loaded [" << this->Name() << "] DVL sensor." << std::endl;
this->dataPtr->sceneChangeConnection =
std::bind(&DopplerVelocityLog::SetScene, this, std::placeholders::_1));
- this->dataPtr->initialized = true;
return true;
-bool DopplerVelocityLog::CreateRenderingSensors()
+bool DopplerVelocityLog::Implementation::Initialize(DopplerVelocityLog *_sensor)
- gzmsg << "Initializing [" << this->Name() << "] sensor." << std::endl;
+ gzmsg << "Initializing [" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor." << std::endl;
const auto dvlTypeName =
- this->dataPtr->sensorSdf->Get("type", "piston").first;
- if (this->dataPtr->knownDVLTypes.count(dvlTypeName) == 0)
+ this->sensorSdf->Get("type", "piston").first;
+ if (this->knownDVLTypes.count(dvlTypeName) == 0)
- gzerr << "[" << this->Name() << "] specifies an unknown"
+ gzerr << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] specifies an unknown"
<< " DVL type '" << dvlTypeName << "'" << std::endl;
return false;
- this->dataPtr->dvlType = this->dataPtr->knownDVLTypes.at(dvlTypeName);
+ this->dvlType = this->knownDVLTypes.at(dvlTypeName);
+ if (!this->InitializeBeamArrangement(_sensor))
+ {
+ gzerr << "Failed to initialize beam arrangement for "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
- this->dataPtr->beams.clear();
- this->dataPtr->beamTargets.clear();
+ if (!this->InitializeTrackingModes(_sensor))
+ {
+ gzerr << "Failed to initialize velocity tracking modes "
+ << "for [" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ gz::math::Pose3d referenceFrameTransform =
+ this->sensorSdf->Get(
+ "reference_frame", gz::math::Pose3d{}).first;
+ this->referenceFrameRotation = referenceFrameTransform.Rot().Inverse();
+ gzmsg << "Initialized [" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor." << std::endl;
+ this->initialized = true;
+ return true;
+InitializeTrackingModes(DopplerVelocityLog *_sensor)
+ sdf::ElementPtr trackingElement =
+ this->sensorSdf->GetElement("tracking");
+ if (!trackingElement)
+ {
+ gzerr << "No tracking modes specified for "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor"
+ << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ sdf::ElementPtr bottomModeElement =
+ trackingElement->GetElement("bottom_mode");
+ if (bottomModeElement)
+ {
+ const std::string switchOptionName =
+ bottomModeElement->Get("when", "always").first;
+ TrackingModeSwitch switchOption;
+ if (!TrackingModeSwitch::fromString(switchOptionName,
+ switchOption))
+ {
+ gzerr << "Unknown bottom mode option '"
+ << switchOptionName << "' for "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ this->bottomModeSwitch = switchOption;
+ if (this->bottomModeSwitch)
+ {
+ sdf::ElementPtr bottomModeNoiseElement =
+ bottomModeElement->GetElement("noise");
+ if (bottomModeNoiseElement)
+ {
+ gzmsg << "Initializing bottom tracking mode for "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor." << std::endl;
+ sdf::Noise bottomModeNoise;
+ bottomModeNoise.Load(bottomModeNoiseElement);
+ if (bottomModeNoise.Type() != sdf::NoiseType::GAUSSIAN)
+ {
+ gzerr << "Unknown bottom mode noise type "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ gzmsg << "Setting bottom mode noise model for "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ this->bottomModeNoise.reset(
+ new gz::sensors::GaussianNoiseModel());
+ this->bottomModeNoise->Load(bottomModeNoise);
+ }
+ this->visualizeBottomModeBeams =
+ bottomModeElement->Get("visualize", false).first;
+ if (this->visualizeBottomModeBeams)
+ {
+ gzmsg << "Enabling bottom mode beams' visual aids for "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor." << std::endl;
+ this->bottomModeBeamMarkers =
+ this->SetupBeamMarkers(_sensor, "bottom_mode");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sdf::ElementPtr waterMassModeElement =
+ trackingElement->GetElement("water_mass_mode");
+ if (waterMassModeElement)
+ {
+ const std::string switchOptionName =
+ waterMassModeElement->Get("when", "always").first;
+ TrackingModeSwitch switchOption;
+ if (!TrackingModeSwitch::fromString(switchOptionName,
+ switchOption))
+ {
+ gzerr << "Unknown water mass mode option '"
+ << switchOptionName << "' for "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ this->waterMassModeSwitch = switchOption;
+ if (this->waterMassModeSwitch)
+ {
+ gzmsg << "Initializing water-mass tracking mode for "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor." << std::endl;
+ sdf::ElementPtr waterVelocityElement =
+ waterMassModeElement->GetElement("water_velocity");
+ this->waterVelocityShape[0] =
+ waterVelocityElement->Get("x");
+ this->waterVelocityShape[1] =
+ waterVelocityElement->Get("y");
+ this->waterVelocityShape[2] =
+ waterVelocityElement->Get("z");
+ if (this->waterVelocityShape[0].empty() &&
+ this->waterVelocityShape[1].empty() &&
+ this->waterVelocityShape[2].empty())
+ {
+ gzerr << "No water velocity coordinates set for "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ gzmsg << "Sampling water velocity from ['"
+ << this->waterVelocityShape[0]
+ << "', '" << this->waterVelocityShape[1]
+ << "', '" << this->waterVelocityShape[2]
+ << "'] variables in environmental data for "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ this->waterMassModeNumBins =
+ waterMassModeElement->Get("bins", 5).first;
+ gzmsg << "Using " << this->waterMassModeNumBins
+ << " water-mass sampling bins for "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ sdf::ElementPtr waterMassModeBoundariesElement =
+ waterMassModeElement->GetElement("boundaries");
+ const double defaultNearBoundary = 0.2 * this->maximumRange;
+ this->waterMassModeNearBoundary =
+ waterMassModeBoundariesElement->Get(
+ "near", defaultNearBoundary).first;
+ const double defaultFarBoundary = 0.8 * this->maximumRange;
+ this->waterMassModeFarBoundary =
+ waterMassModeBoundariesElement->Get(
+ "far", defaultFarBoundary).first;
+ if (this->waterMassModeFarBoundary <= this->waterMassModeNearBoundary)
+ {
+ gzerr << "Far boundary for water mass mode "
+ << "cannot be less than the near boundary "
+ << "for [" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this->maximumRange < this->waterMassModeFarBoundary)
+ {
+ gzerr << "Far boundary for water mass mode "
+ << "cannot greater than the maximum range "
+ << "for [" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ gzmsg << "Setting water-mass layer boundaries to ["
+ << this->waterMassModeNearBoundary << ", "
+ << this->waterMassModeFarBoundary << "] for "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ this->waterMassModeBinHeight = (
+ this->waterMassModeFarBoundary -
+ this->waterMassModeNearBoundary) /
+ this->waterMassModeNumBins;
+ sdf::ElementPtr waterMassModeNoiseElement =
+ waterMassModeElement->GetElement("noise");
+ if (waterMassModeNoiseElement)
+ {
+ sdf::Noise waterMassModeNoise;
+ waterMassModeNoise.Load(waterMassModeNoiseElement);
+ if (waterMassModeNoise.Type() != sdf::NoiseType::GAUSSIAN)
+ {
+ gzerr << "Unknown water mass mode noise type "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ gzmsg << "Setting water mass mode noise model for "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ this->waterMassModeNoise.reset(
+ new gz::sensors::GaussianNoiseModel());
+ this->waterMassModeNoise->Load(waterMassModeNoise);
+ }
+ this->visualizeWaterMassModeBeams =
+ waterMassModeElement->Get("visualize", false).first;
+ if (this->visualizeWaterMassModeBeams)
+ {
+ gzmsg << "Enabling water mass mode beams' visual aids for "
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor." << std::endl;
+ this->waterMassModeBeamMarkers =
+ this->SetupBeamMarkers(_sensor, "water_mass_mode");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ DopplerVelocityLog *_sensor, const std::string &_namespace)
+ constexpr double epsilon = std::numeric_limits::epsilon();
+ const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration lifetime =
+ std::chrono::duration_cast(
+ 1.1 * std::chrono::duration(
+ _sensor->UpdateRate() > epsilon ?
+ 1. / _sensor->UpdateRate() : 0.001));
+ gz::msgs::Marker_V beamMarkers;
+ for (const AcousticBeam & beam : this->beams)
+ {
+ const double angularResolution =
+ this->resolution / beam.NormalizedRadius();
+ const int lobeNumTriangles =
+ static_cast(std::ceil(2. * GZ_PI / angularResolution));
+ auto * beamLowerQuantileConeMarker = beamMarkers.add_marker();
+ beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->set_id(3 * beam.Id());
+ beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->set_ns(
+ _sensor->Name() + "::" + _namespace + "::beams");
+ beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->set_action(gz::msgs::Marker::ADD_MODIFY);
+ beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->set_type(gz::msgs::Marker::TRIANGLE_FAN);
+ beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->set_visibility(gz::msgs::Marker::GUI);
+ *beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->
+ mutable_lifetime() = gz::msgs::Convert(lifetime);
+ gz::msgs::Set(
+ beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->add_point(), gz::math::Vector3d::Zero);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < lobeNumTriangles; ++i)
+ {
+ gz::msgs::Set(
+ beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->add_point(), gz::math::Vector3d{
+ 1.,
+ -beam.NormalizedRadius() * std::cos(i * angularResolution),
+ beam.NormalizedRadius() * std::sin(i * angularResolution)
+ });
+ }
+ gz::msgs::Set(
+ beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->add_point(),
+ gz::math::Vector3d{1., -beam.NormalizedRadius(), 0.});
+ auto * beamUpperQuantileConeMarker = beamMarkers.add_marker();
+ *beamUpperQuantileConeMarker = *beamLowerQuantileConeMarker;
+ beamUpperQuantileConeMarker->set_id(3 * beam.Id() + 1);
+ auto * beamCapMarker = beamMarkers.add_marker();
+ beamCapMarker->set_id(3 * beam.Id() + 2);
+ beamCapMarker->set_ns(
+ _sensor->Name() + "::" + _namespace + "::beams");
+ beamCapMarker->set_action(gz::msgs::Marker::ADD_MODIFY);
+ beamCapMarker->set_type(gz::msgs::Marker::TRIANGLE_FAN);
+ beamCapMarker->set_visibility(gz::msgs::Marker::GUI);
+ *beamCapMarker->mutable_lifetime() = gz::msgs::Convert(lifetime);
+ gz::msgs::Set(beamCapMarker->add_point(), gz::math::Vector3d{1., 0., 0.});
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < lobeNumTriangles; ++i)
+ {
+ gz::msgs::Set(
+ beamCapMarker->add_point(), gz::math::Vector3d{
+ 1.,
+ beam.NormalizedRadius() * std::cos(i * angularResolution),
+ beam.NormalizedRadius() * std::sin(i * angularResolution)
+ });
+ }
+ gz::msgs::Set(
+ beamCapMarker->add_point(),
+ gz::math::Vector3d{1., beam.NormalizedRadius(), 0.});
+ }
+ return beamMarkers;
+InitializeBeamArrangement(DopplerVelocityLog *_sensor)
+ this->beams.clear();
+ this->beamTargets.clear();
int defaultBeamId = 0;
sdf::ElementPtr arrangementElement =
- this->dataPtr->sensorSdf->GetElement("arrangement");
+ this->sensorSdf->GetElement("arrangement");
if (!arrangementElement)
gzerr << "No beam arrangement specified for "
- << "[" << this->Name() << "] sensor"
+ << "[" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor"
<< std::endl;
return false;
@@ -487,7 +1051,7 @@ bool DopplerVelocityLog::CreateRenderingSensors()
gzerr << "Invalid tilt angle for beam #" << beamId
- << " of [" << this->Name() << "]" << " sensor: "
+ << " of [" << _sensor->Name() << "]" << " sensor: "
<< beamTiltAngle.Radian() << " rads "
<< "(" << beamTiltAngle.Degree() << " degrees) "
<< "not in the (-90, 90) degree interval." << std::endl;
@@ -495,12 +1059,12 @@ bool DopplerVelocityLog::CreateRenderingSensors()
// Build acoustic beam
- this->dataPtr->beams.push_back(AcousticBeam{
+ this->beams.push_back(AcousticBeam{
beamId, beamApertureAngle, beamRotationAngle,
gzmsg << "Adding acoustic beam #" << beamId
- << " to [" << this->Name() << "] sensor. "
+ << " to [" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor. "
<< "Beam has a " << beamApertureAngle.Radian() << " rads "
<< "(" << beamApertureAngle.Degree() << " degrees) aperture angle, "
<< "it exhibits a " << beamTiltAngle.Radian() << " rads "
@@ -509,66 +1073,65 @@ bool DopplerVelocityLog::CreateRenderingSensors()
<< "(" << beamRotationAngle.Degree() << " degrees)."
<< std::endl;
- defaultBeamId = this->dataPtr->beams.back().Id() + 1;
+ defaultBeamId = this->beams.back().Id() + 1;
beamElement = beamElement->GetNextElement("beam");
- if (this->dataPtr->beams.size() < 3)
+ if (this->beams.size() < 3)
gzerr << "Expected at least three (3) beams "
- << "for [" << this->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << "for [" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
<< std::endl;
return false;
// Add as many (still null) targets as beams
- this->dataPtr->beamTargets.resize(this->dataPtr->beams.size());
+ this->beamTargets.resize(this->beams.size());
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor =
- this->Scene()->CreateGpuRays(this->Name() + "_depth_sensor");
- if (!this->dataPtr->depthSensor)
+ this->depthSensor =
+ _sensor->Scene()->CreateGpuRays(
+ _sensor->Name() + "_depth_sensor");
+ if (!this->depthSensor)
gzerr << "Failed to create depth sensor for "
- << "for [" << this->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << "for [" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
<< std::endl;
return false;
// Aggregate all beams' footprint in spherical coordinates into one
AxisAlignedPatch2d beamsSphericalFootprint;
- for (const auto & beam : this->dataPtr->beams)
+ for (const auto & beam : this->beams)
// Rendering sensors' FOV must be symmetric about its main axis
- // Configure depth sensor to cover the beams footprint
- // with configured resolution
- this->dataPtr->resolution =
- arrangementElement->Get("resolution", 0.01).first;
- gzmsg << "Setting beams' resolution to " << this->dataPtr->resolution
- << " m at a 1 m distance for [" << this->Name() << "] sensor."
- << std::endl;
+ this->resolution =
+ this->sensorSdf->Get("resolution", 0.01).first;
+ gzmsg << "Setting beams' resolution to " << this->resolution
+ << " m at a 1 m distance for [" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->SetAngleMin(beamsSphericalFootprint.XMin());
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->SetAngleMax(beamsSphericalFootprint.XMax());
+ this->depthSensor->SetAngleMin(beamsSphericalFootprint.XMin());
+ this->depthSensor->SetAngleMax(beamsSphericalFootprint.XMax());
auto horizontalRayCount = static_cast(
std::ceil(beamsSphericalFootprint.XSize() /
- this->dataPtr->resolution));
+ this->resolution));
if (horizontalRayCount % 2 == 0) ++horizontalRayCount; // ensure odd
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->SetRayCount(horizontalRayCount);
+ this->depthSensor->SetRayCount(horizontalRayCount);
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->SetVerticalAngleMin(
+ this->depthSensor->SetVerticalAngleMin(
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->SetVerticalAngleMax(
+ this->depthSensor->SetVerticalAngleMax(
auto verticalRayCount = static_cast(
std::ceil(beamsSphericalFootprint.YSize() /
- this->dataPtr->resolution));
+ this->resolution));
if (verticalRayCount % 2 == 0) ++verticalRayCount; // ensure odd
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->SetVerticalRayCount(verticalRayCount);
+ this->depthSensor->SetVerticalRayCount(verticalRayCount);
- auto & intrinsics = this->dataPtr->depthSensorIntrinsics;
+ auto & intrinsics = this->depthSensorIntrinsics;
intrinsics.step.X(beamsSphericalFootprint.XSize() / (horizontalRayCount - 1));
@@ -576,226 +1139,61 @@ bool DopplerVelocityLog::CreateRenderingSensors()
// Pre-compute scan indices covered by beam spherical
// footprints for speed during scan iteration
- this->dataPtr->beamScanPatches.clear();
- for (const auto & beam : this->dataPtr->beams)
+ this->beamScanPatches.clear();
+ for (const auto & beam : this->beams)
- this->dataPtr->beamScanPatches.push_back(AxisAlignedPatch2i{
+ this->beamScanPatches.push_back(AxisAlignedPatch2i{
(beam.SphericalFootprint() - intrinsics.offset) / intrinsics.step});
- const auto minimumRange =
- this->dataPtr->sensorSdf->Get("minimum_range", 0.1).first;
+ const double minimumRange =
+ this->sensorSdf->Get("minimum_range", 0.1).first;
gzmsg << "Setting minimum range to " << minimumRange
- << " m for [" << this->Name() << "] sensor." << std::endl;
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->SetNearClipPlane(minimumRange);
+ << " m for [" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor." << std::endl;
+ this->depthSensor->SetNearClipPlane(minimumRange);
- const auto maximumRange =
- this->dataPtr->sensorSdf->Get("maximum_range", 100.).first;
- gzmsg << "Setting maximum range to " << maximumRange
- << " m for [" << this->Name() << "] sensor." << std::endl;
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->SetFarClipPlane(maximumRange);
+ this->maximumRange =
+ this->sensorSdf->Get("maximum_range", 100.).first;
+ gzmsg << "Setting maximum range to " << this->maximumRange
+ << " m for [" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor." << std::endl;
+ this->depthSensor->SetFarClipPlane(this->maximumRange);
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->SetVisibilityMask(~GZ_VISIBILITY_GUI);
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->SetClamp(false);
+ this->depthSensor->SetVisibilityMask(GZ_VISIBILITY_ALL);
+ this->depthSensor->SetClamp(false);
- if (this->dataPtr->sensorSdf->HasElement("noise"))
- {
- gzmsg << "Setting noise model for "
- << "[" << this->Name() << "] sensor."
- << std::endl;
- auto noiseElement =
- this->dataPtr->sensorSdf->GetElement("noise");
- using NoiseFactory = gz::sensors::NoiseFactory;
- this->dataPtr->noiseModel =
- NoiseFactory::NewNoiseModel(noiseElement, "gpu_lidar");
- if (!this->dataPtr->noiseModel)
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- this->AddSensor(this->dataPtr->depthSensor);
+ _sensor->AddSensor(this->depthSensor);
- this->dataPtr->imageSensor =
- this->Scene()->CreateCamera(this->Name() + "_image_sensor");
- if (!this->dataPtr->imageSensor)
+ this->imageSensor =
+ _sensor->Scene()->CreateCamera(
+ _sensor->Name() + "_image_sensor");
+ if (!this->imageSensor)
gzerr << "Failed to create image sensor for "
- << "for [" << this->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << "for [" << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
<< std::endl;
return false;
- this->dataPtr->imageSensor->SetImageWidth(horizontalRayCount);
- this->dataPtr->imageSensor->SetImageHeight(verticalRayCount);
+ this->imageSensor->SetImageWidth(horizontalRayCount);
+ this->imageSensor->SetImageHeight(verticalRayCount);
- this->dataPtr->imageSensor->SetNearClipPlane(minimumRange);
- this->dataPtr->imageSensor->SetFarClipPlane(maximumRange);
- this->dataPtr->imageSensor->SetAntiAliasing(2);
+ this->imageSensor->SetNearClipPlane(minimumRange);
+ this->imageSensor->SetFarClipPlane(this->maximumRange);
+ this->imageSensor->SetAntiAliasing(2);
- this->dataPtr->imageSensor->SetAspectRatio(
+ this->imageSensor->SetAspectRatio(
beamsSphericalFootprint.XSize() / beamsSphericalFootprint.YSize());
- this->dataPtr->imageSensor->SetHFOV(beamsSphericalFootprint.XSize());
- this->dataPtr->imageSensor->SetVisibilityMask(~GZ_VISIBILITY_GUI);
- this->AddSensor(this->dataPtr->imageSensor);
- this->dataPtr->referenceFrameTransform =
- this->dataPtr->sensorSdf->Get(
- "reference_frame", gz::math::Pose3d{}).first;
- this->dataPtr->depthConnection =
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->ConnectNewGpuRaysFrame(
- std::bind(&DopplerVelocityLog::OnNewFrame, this,
- std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
- std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
- constexpr double epsilon = std::numeric_limits::epsilon();
- const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration lifetime =
- std::chrono::duration_cast(
- 1.1 * std::chrono::duration(this->UpdateRate() > epsilon ?
- 1. / this->UpdateRate() : 0.001));
- this->dataPtr->visualizeBeamLobes =
- arrangementElement->Get("visualize", false).first;
- if (this->dataPtr->visualizeBeamLobes)
- {
- gzmsg << "Enabling beam lobes' visual aids for "
- << "[" << this->Name() << "] sensor." << std::endl;
- for (const AcousticBeam & beam : this->dataPtr->beams)
- {
- const double angularResolution =
- this->dataPtr->resolution / beam.NormalizedRadius();
- const int lobeNumTriangles =
- static_cast(std::ceil(2. * GZ_PI / angularResolution));
- auto * lobeConeMarkerMessage = this->dataPtr->beamLobesMessage.add_marker();
- lobeConeMarkerMessage->set_id(2 * beam.Id());
- lobeConeMarkerMessage->set_ns(this->Name() + "::lobes");
- lobeConeMarkerMessage->set_action(gz::msgs::Marker::ADD_MODIFY);
- lobeConeMarkerMessage->set_type(gz::msgs::Marker::TRIANGLE_FAN);
- lobeConeMarkerMessage->set_visibility(gz::msgs::Marker::GUI);
- *lobeConeMarkerMessage->mutable_lifetime() = gz::msgs::Convert(lifetime);
- auto * lobeConeMaterialMessage = lobeConeMarkerMessage->mutable_material();
- constexpr gz::math::Color lobeConeColor(1., 0., 0., 0.35);
- gz::msgs::Set(lobeConeMaterialMessage->mutable_ambient(), lobeConeColor);
- gz::msgs::Set(lobeConeMaterialMessage->mutable_diffuse(), lobeConeColor);
- gz::msgs::Set(lobeConeMaterialMessage->mutable_emissive(), lobeConeColor);
- gz::msgs::Set(lobeConeMarkerMessage->add_point(), gz::math::Vector3d::Zero);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < lobeNumTriangles; ++i)
- {
- gz::msgs::Set(
- lobeConeMarkerMessage->add_point(), gz::math::Vector3d{
- 1.,
- -beam.NormalizedRadius() * std::cos(i * angularResolution),
- beam.NormalizedRadius() * std::sin(i * angularResolution)
- });
- }
- gz::msgs::Set(
- lobeConeMarkerMessage->add_point(),
- gz::math::Vector3d{1., -beam.NormalizedRadius(), 0.});
- auto * lobeCapMarkerMessage =
- this->dataPtr->beamLobesMessage.add_marker();
- lobeCapMarkerMessage->set_id(2 * beam.Id() + 1);
- lobeCapMarkerMessage->set_ns(this->Name() + "::lobes");
- lobeCapMarkerMessage->set_action(gz::msgs::Marker::ADD_MODIFY);
- lobeCapMarkerMessage->set_type(gz::msgs::Marker::TRIANGLE_FAN);
- lobeCapMarkerMessage->set_visibility(gz::msgs::Marker::GUI);
- *lobeCapMarkerMessage->mutable_lifetime() = gz::msgs::Convert(lifetime);
- auto * lobeCapMaterialMessage = lobeCapMarkerMessage->mutable_material();
- constexpr gz::math::Color lobeCapColor(1., 0., 0., 0.65);
- gz::msgs::Set(lobeCapMaterialMessage->mutable_ambient(), lobeCapColor);
- gz::msgs::Set(lobeCapMaterialMessage->mutable_diffuse(), lobeCapColor);
- gz::msgs::Set(lobeCapMaterialMessage->mutable_emissive(), lobeCapColor);
- gz::msgs::Set(
- lobeCapMarkerMessage->add_point(), gz::math::Vector3d{1., 0., 0.});
- for (size_t i = 0; i < lobeNumTriangles; ++i)
- {
- gz::msgs::Set(
- lobeCapMarkerMessage->add_point(), gz::math::Vector3d{
- 1.,
- beam.NormalizedRadius() * std::cos(i * angularResolution),
- beam.NormalizedRadius() * std::sin(i * angularResolution)
- });
- }
- gz::msgs::Set(
- lobeCapMarkerMessage->add_point(),
- gz::math::Vector3d{1., beam.NormalizedRadius(), 0.});
- }
- }
- this->dataPtr->visualizeBeamReflections =
- this->dataPtr->sensorSdf->Get("visualize", false).first;
- if (this->dataPtr->visualizeBeamReflections)
- {
- gzmsg << "Enabling beam reflections' visual aids for "
- << "[" << this->Name() << "] sensor." << std::endl;
+ this->imageSensor->SetHFOV(beamsSphericalFootprint.XSize());
+ this->imageSensor->SetVisibilityMask(~GZ_VISIBILITY_GUI);
- for (const AcousticBeam & beam : this->dataPtr->beams)
- {
- auto * refConeMarkerMessage =
- this->dataPtr->beamReflectionsMessage.add_marker();
- refConeMarkerMessage->set_id(2 * beam.Id());
- refConeMarkerMessage->set_ns(this->Name() + "::reflections");
- refConeMarkerMessage->set_action(gz::msgs::Marker::ADD_MODIFY);
- refConeMarkerMessage->set_type(gz::msgs::Marker::TRIANGLE_FAN);
- refConeMarkerMessage->set_visibility(gz::msgs::Marker::GUI);
- *refConeMarkerMessage->mutable_lifetime() = gz::msgs::Convert(lifetime);
- auto * refConeMaterialMessage = refConeMarkerMessage->mutable_material();
- constexpr gz::math::Color refConeColor(0., 1., 0.);
- gz::msgs::Set(refConeMaterialMessage->mutable_ambient(), refConeColor);
- gz::msgs::Set(refConeMaterialMessage->mutable_diffuse(), refConeColor);
- gz::msgs::Set(refConeMaterialMessage->mutable_emissive(), refConeColor);
+ _sensor->AddSensor(this->imageSensor);
- gz::msgs::Set(
- refConeMarkerMessage->add_point(), gz::math::Vector3d::Zero);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- gz::msgs::Set(
- refConeMarkerMessage->add_point(), gz::math::Vector3d{
- 1.,
- -this->dataPtr->resolution * std::cos(i * M_PI / 2.),
- this->dataPtr->resolution * std::sin(i * M_PI / 2.)
- });
- }
- gz::msgs::Set(
- refConeMarkerMessage->add_point(),
- gz::math::Vector3d{1., -this->dataPtr->resolution, 0.});
- auto * refCapMarkerMessage =
- this->dataPtr->beamReflectionsMessage.add_marker();
- refCapMarkerMessage->set_id(2 * beam.Id() + 1);
- refCapMarkerMessage->set_ns(this->Name() + "::reflections");
- refCapMarkerMessage->set_action(gz::msgs::Marker::ADD_MODIFY);
- refCapMarkerMessage->set_type(gz::msgs::Marker::TRIANGLE_FAN);
- refCapMarkerMessage->set_visibility(gz::msgs::Marker::GUI);
- *refCapMarkerMessage->mutable_lifetime() = gz::msgs::Convert(lifetime);
- auto * refCapMaterialMessage = refCapMarkerMessage->mutable_material();
- constexpr gz::math::Color refCapColor(0., 1., 0.);
- gz::msgs::Set(refCapMaterialMessage->mutable_ambient(), refCapColor);
- gz::msgs::Set(refCapMaterialMessage->mutable_diffuse(), refCapColor);
- gz::msgs::Set(refCapMaterialMessage->mutable_emissive(), refCapColor);
- gz::msgs::Set(
- refCapMarkerMessage->add_point(), gz::math::Vector3d{1., 0., 0.});
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- gz::msgs::Set(
- refCapMarkerMessage->add_point(), gz::math::Vector3d{
- 1.,
- this->dataPtr->resolution * std::cos(i * M_PI / 2.),
- this->dataPtr->resolution * std::sin(i * M_PI / 2.)
- });
- }
- gz::msgs::Set(
- refCapMarkerMessage->add_point(),
- gz::math::Vector3d{1., this->dataPtr->resolution, 0.});
- }
- }
- gzmsg << "Initialized [" << this->Name() << "] sensor." << std::endl;
+ this->depthConnection =
+ this->depthSensor->ConnectNewGpuRaysFrame(
+ std::bind(&DopplerVelocityLog::Implementation::OnNewFrame, this,
+ std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
+ std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4,
+ std::placeholders::_5));
return true;
@@ -808,24 +1206,21 @@ DopplerVelocityLog::RenderingSensors() const
-void DopplerVelocityLog::OnNewFrame(
- const float *_scan,
- unsigned int _width,
- unsigned int _height,
- unsigned int _channels,
+void DopplerVelocityLog::Implementation::OnNewFrame(
+ const float *_scan, unsigned int _width,
+ unsigned int _height, unsigned int _channels,
const std::string & /*_format*/)
- const auto & intrinsics = this->dataPtr->depthSensorIntrinsics;
+ const auto & intrinsics = this->depthSensorIntrinsics;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < this->dataPtr->beams.size(); ++i)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < this->beams.size(); ++i)
const AxisAlignedPatch2i & beamScanPatch =
- this->dataPtr->beamScanPatches[i];
- const AcousticBeam & beam = this->dataPtr->beams[i];
+ this->beamScanPatches[i];
+ const AcousticBeam & beam = this->beams[i];
// Clear existing target, if any
- std::optional & beamTarget =
- this->dataPtr->beamTargets[i];
+ std::optional & beamTarget = this->beamTargets[i];
// Iterate over the beam solid angle in camera coordinates
@@ -839,9 +1234,7 @@ void DopplerVelocityLog::OnNewFrame(
assert(u >= 0 && u < _width);
- const float range =
- this->dataPtr->noiseModel->Apply(
- _scan[(u + v * _width) * _channels]);
+ const float range = _scan[(u + v * _width) * _channels];
if (!std::isfinite(range)) continue;
const gz::math::Angle azimuth =
@@ -892,22 +1285,77 @@ void DopplerVelocityLog::SetScene(gz::rendering::ScenePtr _scene)
this->dataPtr->depthSensor = nullptr;
this->dataPtr->imageSensor = nullptr;
- if (this->dataPtr->initialized)
+ if (!this->dataPtr->initialized)
- if (!this->CreateRenderingSensors())
+ if (!this->dataPtr->Initialize(this))
- gzerr << "Failed to recreate rendering sensors for "
- << "[" << this->Name() << "]. Aborting load."
- << std::endl;
+ gzerr << "Failed to initialize "
+ << "[" << this->Name() << "]"
+ << " sensor." << std::endl;
-void DopplerVelocityLog::SetWorldState(const WorldKinematicState &_state)
+void DopplerVelocityLog::SetWorldState(const WorldState &_state)
+ this->dataPtr->worldState = &_state;
+void DopplerVelocityLog::SetEnvironmentalData(const EnvironmentalData &_data)
- this->dataPtr->worldState = _state;
+ if (this->dataPtr->waterMassModeSwitch)
+ {
+ gzmsg << "Updating water velocity data for "
+ << "[" << this->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ using VectorFieldT = InMemoryTimeVaryingVectorField;
+ const auto & [xDim, yDim, zDim] = this->dataPtr->waterVelocityShape;
+ const VectorFieldT::GridT *xData = nullptr;
+ if (!xDim.empty())
+ {
+ if (!_data.frame.Has(xDim))
+ {
+ gzerr << "No '" << xDim << "' data found "
+ << "in the environment" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ xData = &_data.frame[xDim];
+ }
+ const VectorFieldT::GridT *yData = nullptr;
+ if (!yDim.empty())
+ {
+ if (!_data.frame.Has(yDim))
+ {
+ gzerr << "No '" << yDim << "' data found "
+ << "in the environment" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ yData = &_data.frame[yDim];
+ }
+ const VectorFieldT::GridT *zData = nullptr;
+ if (!zDim.empty())
+ {
+ if (!_data.frame.Has(zDim))
+ {
+ gzerr << "No '" << zDim << "' data found "
+ << "in the environment" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ zData = &_data.frame[zDim];
+ }
+ this->dataPtr->waterVelocity = VectorFieldT(xData, yData, zData);
+ this->dataPtr->waterVelocityReference = _data.reference;
+ gzmsg << "Water velocity data updated for "
+ << "[" << this->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ }
@@ -923,30 +1371,36 @@ bool DopplerVelocityLog::Update(const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &)
if (!this->dataPtr->initialized ||
this->dataPtr->entityId == gz::sim::kNullEntity)
- gzerr << "Not initialized, update ignored.\n";
+ gzerr << "Not initialized, update ignored." << std::endl;
return false;
if (!this->dataPtr->pub.HasConnections())
- if (this->dataPtr->generatingData)
+ if (this->dataPtr->publishingEstimates)
- gzdbg << "Disabling data generation for sensor "
- << "[" << this->Name() << "] as no subscribers"
- << " were found." << std::endl;
- this->dataPtr->generatingData = false;
+ gzdbg << "Disabling estimates publication for sensor "
+ << "[" << this->Name() << "] as no subscribers"
+ << " were found." << std::endl;
+ this->dataPtr->publishingEstimates = false;
- return false;
+ if (!this->dataPtr->visualizeBottomModeBeams &&
+ !this->dataPtr->visualizeWaterMassModeBeams)
+ {
+ // Skipping estimation process
+ // as nothing is observing them.
+ return false;
+ }
- if (!this->dataPtr->generatingData)
+ if (!this->dataPtr->publishingEstimates)
- gzdbg << "Enabling data generation for sensor "
- << "[" << this->Name() << "] as some subscribers "
- << "were found." << std::endl;
- this->dataPtr->generatingData = true;
+ gzdbg << "Enabling estimates publication for sensor "
+ << "[" << this->Name() << "] as some subscribers "
+ << "were found." << std::endl;
+ this->dataPtr->publishingEstimates = true;
@@ -962,252 +1416,610 @@ bool DopplerVelocityLog::Update(const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &)
-void DopplerVelocityLog::PostUpdate(const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_now)
+ const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_now,
+ TrackingModeInfo *_info)
- GZ_PROFILE("DopplerVelocityLog::PostUpdate");
- if (!this->dataPtr->generatingData)
- {
- // Nothing to publish
- return;
- }
- // Populate and publish velocity tracking estimates
- DVLVelocityTracking trackingMessage;
- auto * headerMessage = trackingMessage.mutable_header();
+ // Boostrap velocity tracking message
+ DVLVelocityTracking message;
+ auto * headerMessage = message.mutable_header();
*headerMessage->mutable_stamp() = gz::msgs::Convert(_now);
- this->AddSequence(headerMessage, "doppler_velocity_log");
- trackingMessage.set_type(this->dataPtr->dvlType);
+ // Estimate DVL velocity by least squares using beam axes
+ // and measured beam speeds ie.
+ //
+ // | B0x B0y B0z | | s0 |
+ // | B1x B1y B1z | | vx | | s1 |
+ // | . . . | | vy | = | . |
+ // | . . . | | vz | | . |
+ // | Bnx Bny Bnz | | sn |
+ //
+ // where Bk is the k-th beam axis, v is the velocity to estimate
+ // and sk is the k-th beam measured speed.
size_t numBeamsLocked = 0;
double targetRange = std::numeric_limits::infinity();
- Eigen::MatrixXd beamBasis(this->dataPtr->beams.size(), 3);
- Eigen::VectorXd beamSpeeds(this->dataPtr->beams.size());
+ Eigen::MatrixXd beamBasis(this->beams.size(), 3);
+ Eigen::VectorXd beamSpeeds(this->beams.size());
const EntityKinematicState & sensorStateInWorldFrame =
- this->dataPtr->worldState.at(this->dataPtr->entityId);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < this->dataPtr->beams.size(); ++i)
+ this->worldState->kinematics.at(this->entityId);
+ const double bottomModeNoiseVariance =
+ std::pow(this->bottomModeNoise->StdDev(), 2.);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < this->beams.size(); ++i)
- const AcousticBeam & beam = this->dataPtr->beams[i];
- auto * beamMessage = trackingMessage.add_beams();
+ const AcousticBeam & beam = this->beams[i];
+ auto * beamMessage = message.add_beams();
- auto & beamTarget = this->dataPtr->beamTargets[i];
+ auto & beamTarget = this->beamTargets[i];
if (beamTarget)
- // TODO(hidmic): use shader to fetch target entity id
- const gz::math::Vector2i pixel =
- this->dataPtr->imageSensor->Project(beamTarget->pose.Pos());
- auto visual = this->dataPtr->imageSensor->VisualAt(pixel);
- if (visual)
- {
- if (visual->HasUserData("gazebo-entity"))
- {
- auto user_data = visual->UserData("gazebo-entity");
- beamTarget->entity = std::get(user_data);
- }
- else
- {
- gzdbg << "No entity associated to [" << visual->Name() << "] visual."
- << " Assuming it is static w.r.t. the world." << std::endl;
- }
- }
const double beamRange = beamTarget->pose.Pos().Length();
auto * beamRangeMessage = beamMessage->mutable_range();
- if (this->dataPtr->visualizeBeamLobes)
- {
- const double length =
- beamTarget->pose.Pos().Dot(beam.Axis());
- const auto scale = length * gz::math::Vector3d::One;
- auto * lobeConeMarkerMessage =
- this->dataPtr->beamLobesMessage.mutable_marker(2 * i);
- lobeConeMarkerMessage->set_parent(
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->Parent()->Name());
- gz::msgs::Set(lobeConeMarkerMessage->mutable_scale(), scale);
- gz::msgs::Set(lobeConeMarkerMessage->mutable_pose(),
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->LocalPose() *
- beam.Transform());
- auto * lobeCapMarkerMessage =
- this->dataPtr->beamLobesMessage.mutable_marker(2 * i + 1);
- lobeCapMarkerMessage->set_parent(
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->Parent()->Name());
- gz::msgs::Set(lobeCapMarkerMessage->mutable_scale(), scale);
- gz::msgs::Set(lobeCapMarkerMessage->mutable_pose(),
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->LocalPose() *
- beam.Transform());
- }
- if (this->dataPtr->visualizeBeamReflections)
- {
- gz::math::Pose3d orientation;
- orientation.Rot().SetFrom2Axes(
- beam.Axis(), beamTarget->pose.Pos());
- const auto scale = beamRange * gz::math::Vector3d::One;
- auto * refConeMarkerMessage =
- this->dataPtr->beamReflectionsMessage.mutable_marker(2 * i);
- refConeMarkerMessage->set_parent(
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->Parent()->Name());
- gz::msgs::Set(refConeMarkerMessage->mutable_scale(), scale);
- gz::msgs::Set(
- refConeMarkerMessage->mutable_pose(),
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->LocalPose() *
- orientation * beam.Transform());
- auto * refCapMarkerMessage =
- this->dataPtr->beamReflectionsMessage.mutable_marker(2 * i + 1);
- refCapMarkerMessage->set_parent(
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->Parent()->Name());
- gz::msgs::Set(refCapMarkerMessage->mutable_scale(), scale);
- gz::msgs::Set(
- refCapMarkerMessage->mutable_pose(),
- this->dataPtr->depthSensor->LocalPose() *
- orientation * beam.Transform());
- }
// Use shortest beam range as target range
targetRange = std::min(targetRange, beamRange);
- // Compute target speed as it would have been measured by the beam
- const EntityKinematicState & targetEntityStateInWorldFrame =
- this->dataPtr->worldState[beamTarget->entity];
+ EntityKinematicState targetEntityStateInWorldFrame;
+ if (this->worldState->kinematics.count(beamTarget->entity) > 0)
+ {
+ targetEntityStateInWorldFrame =
+ this->worldState->kinematics.at(beamTarget->entity);
+ }
+ // Transform beam reflecting target pose in the (global) world frame
const gz::math::Pose3d targetPoseInWorldFrame =
sensorStateInWorldFrame.pose *
- this->dataPtr->beamsFrameTransform *
+ this->beamsFrameTransform *
+ // Compute beam reflecting target velocity in the (global) world frame
const gz::math::Vector3d targetVelocityInWorldFrame =
targetEntityStateInWorldFrame.linearVelocity +
targetPoseInWorldFrame.Pos() -
+ // Compute DVL velocity w.r.t. target velocity in the sensor frame
const gz::math::Vector3d relativeSensorVelocityInSensorFrame =
sensorStateInWorldFrame.linearVelocity -
+ // Estimate speed as measured by beam (incl. measurement noise)
const gz::math::Vector3d beamAxisInSensorFrame =
- this->dataPtr->beamsFrameTransform.Rot() * beam.Axis();
+ this->beamsFrameTransform.Rot() * beam.Axis();
const double beamSpeed =
- relativeSensorVelocityInSensorFrame.Dot(beamAxisInSensorFrame);
+ this->bottomModeNoise->Apply(
+ relativeSensorVelocityInSensorFrame.Dot(beamAxisInSensorFrame));
+ const gz::math::Vector3d beamAxisInReferenceFrame =
+ this->referenceFrameRotation * beamAxisInSensorFrame;
+ // Set beam velocity mean and covariance in the reference frame
auto * beamVelocityMessage = beamMessage->mutable_velocity();
- *beamVelocityMessage->mutable_mean() = gz::msgs::Convert(
- this->dataPtr->referenceFrameTransform.Rot().Inverse() *
- beamAxisInSensorFrame * beamSpeed);
- // Track sensor speed w.r.t target as measured by the beam
- // for least squares estimation of sensor velocity
- beamBasis(numBeamsLocked, 0) = beamAxisInSensorFrame.X();
- beamBasis(numBeamsLocked, 1) = beamAxisInSensorFrame.Y();
- beamBasis(numBeamsLocked, 2) = beamAxisInSensorFrame.Z();
+ *beamVelocityMessage->mutable_mean() =
+ gz::msgs::Convert(beamAxisInReferenceFrame * beamSpeed);
+ const auto beamBasisElement =
+ Eigen::Vector3d{beamAxisInReferenceFrame.X(),
+ beamAxisInReferenceFrame.Y(),
+ beamAxisInReferenceFrame.Z()};
+ const RowMajorMatrix3d beamVelocityCovarianceInReferenceFrame =
+ bottomModeNoiseVariance *
+ beamBasisElement * beamBasisElement.transpose();
+ beamVelocityMessage->mutable_covariance()->Resize(9, 0.);
+ std::copy(beamVelocityCovarianceInReferenceFrame.data(),
+ beamVelocityCovarianceInReferenceFrame.data() + 9,
+ beamVelocityMessage->mutable_covariance()->begin());
+ // Build least squares problem in the reference frame
+ beamBasis.row(numBeamsLocked) = beamBasisElement.transpose();
beamSpeeds(numBeamsLocked) = beamSpeed;
- if (this->dataPtr->visualizeBeamLobes)
+ }
+ if (numBeamsLocked >= 3)
+ {
+ // Enough rows for a unique least squares solution
+ const auto svdDecomposition =
+ beamBasis.topRows(numBeamsLocked).jacobiSvd(
+ Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV);
+ // Estimate DVL velocity mean and covariance in the reference frame
+ const Eigen::Vector3d velocityMeanInReferenceFrame =
+ svdDecomposition.solve(beamSpeeds.head(numBeamsLocked));
+ const Eigen::MatrixXd pseudoInverse = svdDecomposition.solve(
+ Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(numBeamsLocked, numBeamsLocked));
+ // Use row-major 1D layout for covariance
+ const RowMajorMatrix3d velocityCovarianceInReferenceFrame =
+ pseudoInverse * bottomModeNoiseVariance * pseudoInverse.transpose();
+ auto * velocityMessage = message.mutable_velocity();
+ velocityMessage->set_reference(DVLKinematicEstimate::DVL_REFERENCE_SHIP);
+ velocityMessage->mutable_mean()->set_x(velocityMeanInReferenceFrame.x());
+ velocityMessage->mutable_mean()->set_y(velocityMeanInReferenceFrame.y());
+ velocityMessage->mutable_mean()->set_z(velocityMeanInReferenceFrame.z());
+ velocityMessage->mutable_covariance()->Resize(9, 0.);
+ std::copy(velocityCovarianceInReferenceFrame.data(),
+ velocityCovarianceInReferenceFrame.data() + 9,
+ velocityMessage->mutable_covariance()->begin());
+ if (_info)
- const auto action =
- beamTarget.has_value() ?
- gz::msgs::Marker::ADD_MODIFY :
- gz::msgs::Marker::DELETE_MARKER;
- auto * lobeConeMarkerMessage =
- this->dataPtr->beamLobesMessage
- .mutable_marker(2 * i);
- lobeConeMarkerMessage->set_action(action);
- auto * lobeCapMarkerMessage =
- this->dataPtr->beamLobesMessage
- .mutable_marker(2 * i + 1);
- lobeCapMarkerMessage->set_action(action);
+ // Compute total variance for scoring
+ _info->totalVariance = velocityCovarianceInReferenceFrame.trace();
- if (this->dataPtr->visualizeBeamReflections)
+ }
+ if (numBeamsLocked > 0)
+ {
+ auto * targetMessage = message.mutable_target();
+ targetMessage->set_type(DVLTrackingTarget::DVL_TARGET_BOTTOM);
+ auto * rangeMessage = targetMessage->mutable_range();
+ rangeMessage->set_mean(targetRange);
+ }
+ message.set_status(0);
+ if (_info)
+ {
+ _info->numBeamsLocked = numBeamsLocked;
+ }
+ return message;
+ const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_now,
+ TrackingModeInfo *_info)
+ // Boostrap velocity tracking message
+ DVLVelocityTracking message;
+ auto * headerMessage = message.mutable_header();
+ *headerMessage->mutable_stamp() = gz::msgs::Convert(_now);
+ const double waterMassModeNoiseVariance =
+ std::pow(this->waterMassModeNoise->StdDev(), 2.);
+ // Estimate DVL velocity by least squares using beam axes
+ // and average beams speeds ie.
+ //
+ // | B0x B0y B0z | | s0 |
+ // | B1x B1y B1z | | vx | | s1 |
+ // | . . . | | vy | = E [ | . | ]
+ // | . . . | | vz | | . |
+ // | Bnx Bny Bnz | | sn |
+ //
+ // where Bk is the k-th beam axis, v is the velocity to estimate
+ // and E[sk] is the expected k-th beam measured speed.
+ size_t numBeamsLocked = 0;
+ double meanTargetRange = std::numeric_limits::infinity();
+ double targetRangeVariance = std::numeric_limits::infinity();
+ Eigen::MatrixXd beamBasis(this->beams.size(), 3);
+ Eigen::VectorXd averageBeamSpeeds(this->beams.size());
+ const EntityKinematicState & sensorStateInWorldFrame =
+ this->worldState->kinematics.at(this->entityId);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < this->beams.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const AcousticBeam & beam = this->beams[i];
+ auto * beamMessage = message.add_beams();
+ beamMessage->set_id(beam.Id());
+ const gz::math::Vector3d beamAxisInSensorFrame =
+ this->beamsFrameTransform.Rot() * beam.Axis();
+ // Discard beams that do not span both water mass boundaries
+ const auto & beamTarget = this->beamTargets[i];
+ if (beamTarget)
+ {
+ const double beamTargetBoundary =
+ (beamTarget->pose.Pos().Length() * beamAxisInSensorFrame).Z();
+ if (beamTargetBoundary < this->waterMassModeFarBoundary)
+ {
+ // Bottom is too close for water mass tracking
+ beamMessage->set_locked(false);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ const gz::math::Vector3d beamAxisInWorldFrame =
+ sensorStateInWorldFrame.pose.Rot() * beamAxisInSensorFrame;
+ const gz::math::Vector3d beamAxisInReferenceFrame =
+ this->referenceFrameRotation * beamAxisInSensorFrame;
+ // Assume uniform water density distribution for range estimate.
+ auto * beamRangeMessage = beamMessage->mutable_range();
+ const double projectionScale =
+ 1. / -gz::math::Vector3d::UnitZ.Dot(beamAxisInSensorFrame);
+ const double meanBeamRange = projectionScale * (
+ this->waterMassModeFarBoundary +
+ this->waterMassModeNearBoundary) / 2.;
+ const double beamRangeVariance = std::pow(
+ projectionScale * (
+ this->waterMassModeFarBoundary -
+ this->waterMassModeNearBoundary), 2.) / 12.;
+ beamRangeMessage->set_mean(meanBeamRange);
+ beamRangeMessage->set_variance(beamRangeVariance);
+ // Use shortest beam range as target range
+ if (meanTargetRange > meanBeamRange)
- const auto action =
- beamTarget.has_value() ?
- gz::msgs::Marker::ADD_MODIFY :
- gz::msgs::Marker::DELETE_MARKER;
- auto * reflectionConeMarkerMessage =
- this->dataPtr->beamReflectionsMessage
- .mutable_marker(2 * i);
- reflectionConeMarkerMessage->set_action(action);
- auto * reflectionCapMarkerMessage =
- this->dataPtr->beamReflectionsMessage
- .mutable_marker(2 * i + 1);
- reflectionCapMarkerMessage->set_action(action);
+ meanTargetRange = meanBeamRange;
+ targetRangeVariance = beamRangeVariance;
+ // Compute beam speed mean and variance using water mass bin samples
+ double averageBeamSpeed = 0.;
+ double beamSpeedRSS = 0.;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < this->waterMassModeNumBins; ++j)
+ {
+ // Compute offset to mid-bin plane in the sensor frame
+ // (along the -z-axis)
+ const double offsetToBinPlane = (
+ this->waterMassModeBinHeight * j +
+ this->waterMassModeBinHeight / 2 +
+ this->waterMassModeNearBoundary);
+ // Compute sample point as the intersection between
+ // beam axis and mid-bin plane in the sensor frame
+ const gz::math::Vector3d samplePointInSensorFrame =
+ (offsetToBinPlane * beamAxisInSensorFrame) /
+ -gz::math::Vector3d::UnitZ.Dot(beamAxisInSensorFrame);
+ // Transform sample point to the (global) world frame
+ const gz::math::Vector3d samplePointInWorldFrame =
+ sensorStateInWorldFrame.pose.Pos() +
+ sensorStateInWorldFrame.pose.Rot() *
+ samplePointInSensorFrame;
+ // Transform sample point to the environmental data frame
+ const gz::math::Vector3d samplePointInDataFrame =
+ this->worldState->origin.PositionTransform(
+ samplePointInWorldFrame,
+ gz::math::SphericalCoordinates::GLOBAL,
+ this->waterVelocityReference);
+ // Sample water velocity in the world frame at sample point
+ const gz::math::Vector3d sampledVelocityInWorldFrame =
+ this->waterVelocity->LookUp(samplePointInDataFrame);
+ // Compute DVL velocity w.r.t. sampled water velocity in the sensor frame
+ const gz::math::Vector3d relativeSensorVelocityInSensorFrame =
+ sensorStateInWorldFrame.pose.Rot().RotateVectorReverse(
+ sensorStateInWorldFrame.linearVelocity -
+ sampledVelocityInWorldFrame);
+ // Estimate speed as measured by beam (incl. measurement noise)
+ const double beamSpeed =
+ this->waterMassModeNoise->Apply(
+ relativeSensorVelocityInSensorFrame.Dot(beamAxisInSensorFrame));
+ const double prevAverageBeamSpeed = averageBeamSpeed;
+ // Use cumulative average algorithm to avoid keeping samples
+ averageBeamSpeed = (beamSpeed + i * prevAverageBeamSpeed) / (i + 1);
+ // Use Welford's moving variance algorithm to avoid keeping samples
+ beamSpeedRSS +=
+ (beamSpeed - prevAverageBeamSpeed) * (beamSpeed - averageBeamSpeed);
+ }
+ const double beamSpeedVariance =
+ beamSpeedRSS / (this->waterMassModeNumBins - 1);
+ const auto beamBasisElement =
+ Eigen::Vector3d{beamAxisInReferenceFrame.X(),
+ beamAxisInReferenceFrame.Y(),
+ beamAxisInReferenceFrame.Z()};
+ const Eigen::Matrix3d beamVelocityCovarianceInReferenceFrame =
+ beamSpeedVariance * beamBasisElement * beamBasisElement.transpose();
+ // Set beam velocity mean and covariance in the reference frame
+ auto * beamVelocityMessage = beamMessage->mutable_velocity();
+ beamVelocityMessage->set_reference(
+ DVLKinematicEstimate::DVL_REFERENCE_SHIP);
+ *beamVelocityMessage->mutable_mean() =
+ gz::msgs::Convert(beamAxisInReferenceFrame * averageBeamSpeed);
+ // Use row-major 1D layout for covariance
+ beamVelocityMessage->mutable_covariance()->Resize(9, 0.);
+ std::copy(beamVelocityCovarianceInReferenceFrame.data(),
+ beamVelocityCovarianceInReferenceFrame.data() + 9,
+ beamVelocityMessage->mutable_covariance()->begin());
+ // Build least squares problem in the reference frame
+ beamBasis.row(numBeamsLocked) = beamBasisElement;
+ averageBeamSpeeds(numBeamsLocked) = averageBeamSpeed;
+ ++numBeamsLocked;
+ beamMessage->set_locked(true);
if (numBeamsLocked >= 3)
- constexpr auto svdFlags =
- Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV;
- const Eigen::Vector3d estimate =
- beamBasis.topRows(numBeamsLocked).jacobiSvd(svdFlags)
- .solve(beamSpeeds.head(numBeamsLocked));
- const gz::math::Vector3d velocityInSensorFrame{
- estimate.x(), estimate.y(), estimate.z()};
- auto * velocityMessage = trackingMessage.mutable_velocity();
- velocityMessage->set_reference(
- DVLKinematicEstimate::DVL_REFERENCE_SHIP);
- *velocityMessage->mutable_mean() = gz::msgs::Convert(
- this->dataPtr->referenceFrameTransform.Rot().Inverse() *
- velocityInSensorFrame);
+ // Enough rows for a unique least squares solution
+ const auto svdDecomposition =
+ beamBasis.topRows(numBeamsLocked).jacobiSvd(
+ Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV);
+ // Estimate DVL velocity mean and covariance in the reference frame
+ const Eigen::Vector3d velocityMeanInReferenceFrame =
+ svdDecomposition.solve(averageBeamSpeeds.head(numBeamsLocked));
+ const Eigen::MatrixXd pseudoInverse = svdDecomposition.solve(
+ Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(numBeamsLocked, numBeamsLocked));
+ // Use row-major 1D layout for covariance
+ const RowMajorMatrix3d velocityCovarianceInReferenceFrame =
+ pseudoInverse * waterMassModeNoiseVariance * pseudoInverse.transpose();
+ auto * velocityMessage = message.mutable_velocity();
+ velocityMessage->set_reference(DVLKinematicEstimate::DVL_REFERENCE_SHIP);
+ velocityMessage->mutable_mean()->set_x(velocityMeanInReferenceFrame.x());
+ velocityMessage->mutable_mean()->set_y(velocityMeanInReferenceFrame.y());
+ velocityMessage->mutable_mean()->set_z(velocityMeanInReferenceFrame.z());
+ velocityMessage->mutable_covariance()->Resize(9, 0.);
+ std::copy(velocityCovarianceInReferenceFrame.data(),
+ velocityCovarianceInReferenceFrame.data() + 9,
+ velocityMessage->mutable_covariance()->begin());
+ if (_info)
+ {
+ // Track total variance for scoring
+ _info->totalVariance = velocityCovarianceInReferenceFrame.trace();
+ }
if (numBeamsLocked > 0)
- auto * targetMessage = trackingMessage.mutable_target();
- targetMessage->set_type(DVLTrackingTarget::DVL_TARGET_BOTTOM);
+ auto * targetMessage = message.mutable_target();
+ targetMessage->set_type(DVLTrackingTarget::DVL_TARGET_WATER_MASS);
auto * rangeMessage = targetMessage->mutable_range();
- rangeMessage->set_mean(targetRange);
+ rangeMessage->set_mean(meanTargetRange);
+ rangeMessage->set_variance(targetRangeVariance);
- trackingMessage.set_status(0);
+ message.set_status(0);
- this->dataPtr->pub.Publish(trackingMessage);
+ if (_info)
+ {
+ // Track number of beams locked for scoring
+ _info->numBeamsLocked = numBeamsLocked;
+ }
+ return message;
+void DopplerVelocityLog::PostUpdate(
+ const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_now)
+ GZ_PROFILE("DopplerVelocityLog::PostUpdate");
+ if (!this->dataPtr->worldState)
+ {
+ gzwarn << "No world state available, "
+ << "cannot estimate velocities."
+ << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
- if (this->dataPtr->visualizeBeamLobes)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < this->dataPtr->beams.size(); ++i)
- headerMessage = this->dataPtr->beamLobesMessage.mutable_header();
- *headerMessage->mutable_stamp() = gz::msgs::Convert(_now);
- this->AddSequence(headerMessage, "doppler_velocity_log_beam_lobes");
- bool result;
- gz::msgs::Boolean reply;
- constexpr unsigned int timeout_ms = 1000u;
- bool outcome = this->dataPtr->node.Request(
- "/marker_array",
- this->dataPtr->beamLobesMessage,
- timeout_ms, reply, result);
- if (!outcome || !result || !reply.data())
+ auto & beamTarget = this->dataPtr->beamTargets[i];
+ if (beamTarget)
- gzwarn << "Failed to render beam lobes' visual "
- << "aids for [" << this->Name() << "] sensor."
- << std::endl;
+ // TODO(hidmic): use shader to fetch target entity id
+ const gz::math::Vector2i pixel =
+ this->dataPtr->imageSensor->Project(beamTarget->pose.Pos());
+ auto visual = this->dataPtr->imageSensor->VisualAt(pixel);
+ if (visual)
+ {
+ if (visual->HasUserData("gazebo-entity"))
+ {
+ auto user_data = visual->UserData("gazebo-entity");
+ beamTarget->entity = std::get(user_data);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gzdbg << "No entity associated to [" << visual->Name() << "] visual."
+ << " Assuming it is static w.r.t. the world." << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
- if (this->dataPtr->visualizeBeamReflections)
+ TrackingModeInfo bottomModeInfo;
+ DVLVelocityTracking bottomModeMessage;
+ if (this->dataPtr->bottomModeSwitch)
+ {
+ bottomModeMessage =
+ this->dataPtr->TrackBottom(_now, &bottomModeInfo);
+ }
+ TrackingModeInfo waterMassModeInfo;
+ DVLVelocityTracking waterMassModeMessage;
+ if (this->dataPtr->waterMassModeSwitch)
- headerMessage = this->dataPtr->beamReflectionsMessage.mutable_header();
- *headerMessage->mutable_stamp() = gz::msgs::Convert(_now);
- this->AddSequence(headerMessage, "doppler_velocity_log_beam_reflections");
- bool result;
- gz::msgs::Boolean reply;
- constexpr unsigned int timeout_ms = 1000u;
- bool outcome = this->dataPtr->node.Request(
- "/marker_array",
- this->dataPtr->beamReflectionsMessage,
- timeout_ms, reply, result);
- if (!outcome || !result || !reply.data())
+ if (this->dataPtr->waterVelocity)
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->waterVelocity->StepTo(_now);
+ waterMassModeMessage =
+ this->dataPtr->TrackWaterMass(_now, &waterMassModeInfo);
+ }
+ else
- gzwarn << "Failed to render beam reflections' visual "
- << "aids for [" << this->Name() << "] sensor."
+ gzwarn << "No water velocity available, "
+ << "skipping water-mass tracking."
<< std::endl;
+ double bottomModeScore, waterMassModeScore;
+ if (std::isfinite(bottomModeInfo.totalVariance) ||
+ std::isfinite(waterMassModeInfo.totalVariance))
+ {
+ bottomModeScore = -bottomModeInfo.totalVariance;
+ waterMassModeScore = -waterMassModeInfo.totalVariance;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bottomModeScore = bottomModeInfo.numBeamsLocked;
+ waterMassModeScore = waterMassModeInfo.numBeamsLocked;
+ }
+ if (this->dataPtr->bottomModeSwitch == TrackingModeSwitch::On ||
+ (this->dataPtr->bottomModeSwitch == TrackingModeSwitch::Best &&
+ bottomModeScore >= waterMassModeScore))
+ {
+ if (this->dataPtr->publishingEstimates)
+ {
+ auto * headerMessage = bottomModeMessage.mutable_header();
+ this->AddSequence(headerMessage, "doppler_velocity_log");
+ this->dataPtr->pub.Publish(bottomModeMessage);
+ }
+ if (this->dataPtr->visualizeBottomModeBeams)
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->UpdateBeamMarkers(
+ this, bottomModeMessage,
+ &this->dataPtr->bottomModeBeamMarkers);
+ }
+ }
+ if (this->dataPtr->waterMassModeSwitch == TrackingModeSwitch::On ||
+ (this->dataPtr->waterMassModeSwitch == TrackingModeSwitch::Best &&
+ bottomModeScore < waterMassModeScore))
+ {
+ if (this->dataPtr->publishingEstimates)
+ {
+ auto * headerMessage = waterMassModeMessage.mutable_header();
+ this->AddSequence(headerMessage, "doppler_velocity_log");
+ this->dataPtr->pub.Publish(waterMassModeMessage);
+ }
+ if (this->dataPtr->visualizeWaterMassModeBeams)
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->UpdateBeamMarkers(
+ this, waterMassModeMessage,
+ &this->dataPtr->waterMassModeBeamMarkers);
+ }
+ }
+void DopplerVelocityLog::Implementation::UpdateBeamMarkers(
+ DopplerVelocityLog *_sensor,
+ const DVLVelocityTracking &_trackingMessage,
+ gz::msgs::Marker_V *_beamMarkersMessage)
+ auto * headerMessage = _beamMarkersMessage->mutable_header();
+ _sensor->AddSequence(headerMessage, "doppler_velocity_log_viz");
+ for (int i = 0; i < _trackingMessage.beams_size(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto * beamLowerQuantileConeMarker =
+ _beamMarkersMessage->mutable_marker(3 * i);
+ auto * beamUpperQuantileConeMarker =
+ _beamMarkersMessage->mutable_marker(3 * i + 1);
+ auto * beamCapMarker =
+ _beamMarkersMessage->mutable_marker(3 * i + 2);
+ beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->set_parent(
+ this->depthSensor->Parent()->Name());
+ beamUpperQuantileConeMarker->set_parent(
+ this->depthSensor->Parent()->Name());
+ beamCapMarker->set_parent(
+ this->depthSensor->Parent()->Name());
+ const gz::math::Pose3d beamLocalTransform =
+ this->depthSensor->LocalPose() * this->beams[i].Transform();
+ gz::msgs::Set(
+ beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->mutable_pose(), beamLocalTransform);
+ gz::msgs::Set(
+ beamUpperQuantileConeMarker->mutable_pose(), beamLocalTransform);
+ gz::msgs::Set(beamCapMarker->mutable_pose(), beamLocalTransform);
+ const auto & beamMessage = _trackingMessage.beams(i);
+ if (beamMessage.locked())
+ {
+ const double beamRangeStdDev = std::sqrt(beamMessage.range().variance());
+ const double beamRangeLowerQuantile =
+ beamMessage.range().mean() - 2. * beamRangeStdDev;
+ const double beamRangeUpperQuantile =
+ beamMessage.range().mean() + 2. * beamRangeStdDev;
+ gz::msgs::Set(beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->mutable_scale(),
+ beamRangeLowerQuantile * gz::math::Vector3d::One);
+ gz::msgs::Set(beamUpperQuantileConeMarker->mutable_scale(),
+ beamRangeUpperQuantile * gz::math::Vector3d::One);
+ gz::msgs::Set(beamCapMarker->mutable_scale(),
+ beamRangeUpperQuantile * gz::math::Vector3d::One);
+ const gz::math::Vector3d beamAxis =
+ this->referenceFrameRotation * this->beamsFrameTransform.Rot() *
+ this->beams[i].Axis();
+ const double beamSpeed =
+ gz::msgs::Convert(beamMessage.velocity().mean()).Dot(beamAxis);
+ gz::math::Color beamLowerQuantileMarkerColor{0., 0., 0., 0.85};
+ // Linearly map beam speed in the [-1 m/s, 1 m/s] to full-scale hue.
+ beamLowerQuantileMarkerColor.SetFromHSV(180. + beamSpeed * 360., 1., 0.75);
+ auto * beamLowerQuantileConeMaterial =
+ beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->mutable_material();
+ gz::msgs::Set(beamLowerQuantileConeMaterial->mutable_ambient(),
+ beamLowerQuantileMarkerColor);
+ gz::msgs::Set(beamLowerQuantileConeMaterial->mutable_diffuse(),
+ beamLowerQuantileMarkerColor);
+ gz::msgs::Set(beamLowerQuantileConeMaterial->mutable_emissive(),
+ beamLowerQuantileMarkerColor);
+ gz::math::Color beamUpperQuantileMarkerColor =
+ beamLowerQuantileMarkerColor;
+ beamUpperQuantileMarkerColor.A(0.25);
+ auto * beamUpperQuantileConeMaterial =
+ beamUpperQuantileConeMarker->mutable_material();
+ gz::msgs::Set(beamUpperQuantileConeMaterial->mutable_ambient(),
+ beamUpperQuantileMarkerColor);
+ gz::msgs::Set(beamUpperQuantileConeMaterial->mutable_diffuse(),
+ beamUpperQuantileMarkerColor);
+ gz::msgs::Set(beamUpperQuantileConeMaterial->mutable_emissive(),
+ beamUpperQuantileMarkerColor);
+ *beamCapMarker->mutable_material() =
+ beamUpperQuantileConeMarker->material();
+ beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->set_action(gz::msgs::Marker::ADD_MODIFY);
+ beamUpperQuantileConeMarker->set_action(gz::msgs::Marker::ADD_MODIFY);
+ beamCapMarker->set_action(gz::msgs::Marker::ADD_MODIFY);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ beamLowerQuantileConeMarker->set_action(gz::msgs::Marker::DELETE_MARKER);
+ beamUpperQuantileConeMarker->set_action(gz::msgs::Marker::DELETE_MARKER);
+ beamCapMarker->set_action(gz::msgs::Marker::DELETE_MARKER);
+ }
+ }
+ bool result;
+ gz::msgs::Boolean reply;
+ constexpr unsigned int timeout_ms = 1000u;
+ bool outcome = this->node.Request(
+ "/marker_array", *_beamMarkersMessage,
+ timeout_ms, reply, result);
+ if (!outcome || !result || !reply.data())
+ {
+ gzwarn << "Failed to render beam markers for ["
+ << _sensor->Name() << "] sensor."
+ << std::endl;
+ }
diff --git a/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/DopplerVelocityLog.hh b/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/DopplerVelocityLog.hh
index b8edb6c5..332f475a 100644
--- a/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/DopplerVelocityLog.hh
+++ b/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/DopplerVelocityLog.hh
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
@@ -44,7 +46,16 @@ struct EntityKinematicState
using WorldKinematicState = std::unordered_map<
gz::sim::Entity, EntityKinematicState>;
-class DopplerVelocityLogPrivate;
+/// \brief Kinematic state for all entities in the world.
+struct WorldState
+ WorldKinematicState kinematics;
+ gz::math::SphericalCoordinates origin;
+/// \brief Convenient alias
+using EnvironmentalData =
+ gz::sim::components::EnvironmentalData;
/// \brief Doppler velocity log (DVL) sensor, built as a custom
/// rendering sensor to leverage GPU shaders for speed.
@@ -62,15 +73,35 @@ class DopplerVelocityLogPrivate;
+/// 20.
+/// 60.
+/// 10
@@ -94,17 +125,65 @@ class DopplerVelocityLogPrivate;
/// the acoustic beam's symmetry axis w.r.t. the sensor frame -z
/// axis (ie. rotation about the -y axis). Defaults to 0 degrees
/// if left unspecified.
-/// - `` sets the resolution of the beam
-/// arrangement at a 1 m distance. Defaults to 1 cm if left unspecified.
/// - `` enables visual aids to evaluate
/// acoustic beam arrangements. Beam lobes' are rendered and adjusted
/// in size to match range measurements.
-/// - `` enables visual aids to validate acoustic beam
-/// ranging. Beam shortest reflection paths are depicted.
-/// - `` sets the noise model for range measurements.
-/// Defaults to none if left unspecified
+/// - `` configures velocity tracking modes for the DVL.
+/// - `` configures the bottom tracking mode.
+/// - `` enables (or disables) the bottom
+/// tracking mode. Supported values are 'never', to disable it completely
+/// (as if no configuration had been specified), 'always' to
+/// enable it at all times, and 'best' to track at all times but only
+/// publish estimates when it performs best among all configured modes.
+/// Defaults to 'always' if left unspecified.
+/// - `` sets the noise model for velocity
+/// estimates. Only 'gaussian' noise is currently supported. Defaults to
+/// none if left unspecified.
+/// - `` enables visual aids to validate
+/// bottom tracking. Acoustic beam reflection paths are depicted, where the
+/// color scales linearly in hue with measured speed and low opacity sections
+/// depict range uncertainty (+/- 2 standard deviations).
+/// - `` configures the water-mass tracking mode.
+/// - `` enables (or disables) the water-mass
+/// tracking mode. Supported values are 'never', to disable it completely
+/// (as if no configuration had been specified), 'always'
+/// to enable it at all times, and 'best' to track at all times but only
+/// publish estimates when it performs best among all configured modes.
+/// Defaults to 'always' if left unspecified.
+/// - `` set the variables in world
+/// environmental data to be used to sample water velocity w.r.t. the world frame
+/// in each axis. At least one axis must be specified.
+/// - `` set the variable in world
+/// environmental data to be used to sample water velocity w.r.t. the world frame
+/// along the x-axis (that is, towards east). Defaults to none (and thus zero
+/// water velocity in this axis) if left unspecified.
+/// - `` set the variable in world
+/// environmental data to be used to sample water velocity w.r.t. the world frame
+/// along the y-axis (that is, towards north). Defaults to none (and thus zero
+/// water velocity in this axis) if left unspecified.
+/// - `` set the variable in world
+/// environmental data to be used to sample water velocity w.r.t. the world frame
+/// along the z-axis (that is, upwards). Defaults to none (and thus zero
+/// water velocity in this axis) if left unspecified.
+/// - `` sets water-mass layer boundaries.
+/// These boundaries are planar at given z-offsets in the sensor frame.
+/// - `` sets the water-mass layer
+/// boundary that is the closest to the sensor.
+/// - `` sets the water-mass layer
+/// boundary that is the farthest to the sensor.
+/// - `` sets the number of bins to use for
+/// water-mass velocity sampling. Each bin is a slab of water between boundaries.
+/// - `` sets the noise model for velocity
+/// estimates. Only 'gaussian' noise is currently supported. Defaults to
+/// none if left unspecified.
+/// - `` enables visual aids to validate
+/// bottom tracking. Acoustic beam reflection paths are depicted, where the
+/// color scales linearly in hue with measured speed and low opacity sections
+/// depict range uncertainty (+/- 2 standard deviations).
/// - `` sets the sensor type, either 'piston' or 'phased_array'.
/// Defaults to unspecified.
+/// - `` sets the resolution of the beam for bottom
+/// tracking at a 1 m distance. Defaults to 1 cm if left unspecified.
/// - `` sets a lower bound for range measurements.
/// Defaults to 1 cm if left unspecified.
/// - `` sets an upper bound for range measurements.
@@ -138,26 +217,20 @@ class DopplerVelocityLog : public gz::sensors::RenderingSensor
/// \brief Set this sensor's entity ID (for world state lookup).
public: void SetEntity(gz::sim::Entity entity);
- /// \brief Provide world `_state` to support DVL velocity estimates.
- public: void SetWorldState(const WorldKinematicState &_state);
+ /// \brief Set world `_state` to support DVL water and bottom-tracking.
+ public: void SetWorldState(const WorldState &_state);
+ /// \brief Set environmental `_data` to support DVL water-tracking.
+ public: void SetEnvironmentalData(const EnvironmentalData &_data);
/// \brief Yield rendering sensors that underpin the implementation.
/// \internal
public: std::vector RenderingSensors() const;
- /// \brief Create rendering sensors that underpin the implementation.
- ///
- /// \internal
- private: bool CreateRenderingSensors();
- /// \brief Callback for rendering sensor frames
- private: void OnNewFrame(
- const float *_scan, unsigned int _width,
- unsigned int _height, unsigned int _channels,
- const std::string & /*_format*/);
+ private: class Implementation;
- private: std::unique_ptr dataPtr;
+ private: std::unique_ptr dataPtr;
} // namespace tethys
diff --git a/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/DopplerVelocityLogSystem.cc b/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/DopplerVelocityLogSystem.cc
index cff94936..515bca8e 100644
--- a/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/DopplerVelocityLogSystem.cc
+++ b/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/DopplerVelocityLogSystem.cc
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@
@@ -75,17 +77,24 @@ struct DestroySensor
/// \brief A request for a world state update for sensors.
struct SetWorldState
- WorldKinematicState worldState;
+ WorldState worldState;
+/// \brief A request for an environmental data update for sensors.
+struct SetEnvironmentalData
+ std::shared_ptr environmentalData;
/// \brief Union request type.
using SomeRequest = std::variant<
- CreateSensor, DestroySensor, SetWorldState>;
+ CreateSensor, DestroySensor,
+ SetWorldState, SetEnvironmentalData>;
} // namespace requests
// Private data class.
-class DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate
+class DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation
/// \brief Callback invoked in the rendering thread before a rendering update
public: void OnPreRender();
@@ -100,13 +109,16 @@ class DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate
public: void OnRenderTeardown();
/// \brief Overload to handle sensor creation requests.
- public: void Handle(const requests::CreateSensor &request);
+ public: void Handle(requests::CreateSensor _request);
/// \brief Overload to handle sensor destruction requests.
- public: void Handle(const requests::DestroySensor &request);
+ public: void Handle(requests::DestroySensor _request);
+ /// \brief Overload to handle world state update requests.
+ public: void Handle(requests::SetWorldState _request);
- /// \brief Overload to handle world linear velocities' update requests.
- public: void Handle(const requests::SetWorldState &request);
+ /// \brief Overload to handle environment data update requests.
+ public: void Handle(requests::SetEnvironmentalData _request);
/// \brief Implementation for Configure() hook.
public: void DoConfigure(
@@ -130,6 +142,13 @@ class DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate
const gz::sim::UpdateInfo &_info,
const gz::sim::EntityComponentManager &_ecm);
+ /// \brief State of all entities in the world in simulation thread
+ public: std::optional latestWorldState;
+ /// \brief State of all entities in the world in simulation thread
+ public: std::shared_ptr<
+ gz::sim::components::EnvironmentalData> latestEnvironmentalData;
/// \brief Connection to the post-render event.
public: gz::common::ConnectionPtr preRenderConn;
@@ -154,9 +173,6 @@ class DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate
/// \brief Entities of known sensors (in simulation thread)
public: std::unordered_set knownSensorEntities;
- /// \brief State of all entities in the world in simulation thread
- public: WorldKinematicState worldState;
/// \brief Sensor ID per sensor entity mapping in rendering thread
public: std::unordered_map<
gz::sim::Entity, gz::sensors::SensorId> sensorIdPerEntity;
@@ -188,7 +204,7 @@ class DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate
-void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::DoConfigure(
+void DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::DoConfigure(
const gz::sim::Entity &,
const std::shared_ptr &,
gz::sim::EntityComponentManager &,
@@ -196,28 +212,40 @@ void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::DoConfigure(
this->preRenderConn =
- std::bind(&DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnPreRender, this));
+ std::bind(&DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::OnPreRender, this));
this->renderConn =
- std::bind(&DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnRender, this));
+ std::bind(&DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::OnRender, this));
this->postRenderConn =
- std::bind(&DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnPostRender, this));
+ std::bind(&DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::OnPostRender, this));
this->renderTeardownConn =
- std::bind(&DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnRenderTeardown, this));
+ std::bind(&DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::OnRenderTeardown, this));
this->eventMgr = &_eventMgr;
-void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::DoPreUpdate(
+void DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::DoPreUpdate(
const gz::sim::UpdateInfo &,
gz::sim::EntityComponentManager &_ecm)
+ _ecm.EachNew(
+ [&](const gz::sim::Entity &_entity,
+ const gz::sim::components::Environment *_env) -> bool
+ {
+ if (_entity == gz::sim::worldEntity(_ecm))
+ {
+ this->perStepRequests.push_back(
+ requests::SetEnvironmentalData{_env->Data()});
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
[&](const gz::sim::Entity &_entity,
@@ -273,24 +301,10 @@ void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::DoPreUpdate(
-void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::DoPostUpdate(
+void DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::DoPostUpdate(
const gz::sim::UpdateInfo &_info,
const gz::sim::EntityComponentManager &_ecm)
- _ecm.Each(
- [&](const gz::sim::Entity &_entity,
- const gz::sim::components::WorldPose *_pose,
- const gz::sim::components::WorldLinearVelocity *_linearVelocity,
- const gz::sim::components::WorldAngularVelocity *_angularVelocity)
- {
- this->worldState[_entity].pose = _pose->Data();
- this->worldState[_entity].linearVelocity = _linearVelocity->Data();
- this->worldState[_entity].angularVelocity = _angularVelocity->Data();
- return true;
- });
[&](const gz::sim::Entity &_entity,
const gz::sim::components::CustomSensor *)
@@ -304,13 +318,6 @@ void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::DoPostUpdate(
return true;
- _ecm.EachRemoved<>(
- [&](const gz::sim::Entity &_entity)
- {
- this->worldState.erase(_entity);
- return true;
- });
const auto [sec, nsec] =
this->simTime = gz::math::secNsecToDuration(sec, nsec);
@@ -318,14 +325,37 @@ void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::DoPostUpdate(
if (!this->perStepRequests.empty() || (
!_info.paused && this->nextUpdateTime <= this->simTime))
- this->perStepRequests.push_back(
- requests::SetWorldState{this->worldState});
+ requests::SetWorldState request;
+ auto component = _ecm.Component<
+ gz::sim::components::SphericalCoordinates
+ >(gz::sim::worldEntity(_ecm));
+ if (component)
+ {
+ request.worldState.origin = component->Data();
+ }
+ _ecm.Each(
+ [&](const gz::sim::Entity &_entity,
+ const gz::sim::components::WorldPose *_pose,
+ const gz::sim::components::WorldLinearVelocity *_linearVelocity,
+ const gz::sim::components::WorldAngularVelocity *_angularVelocity)
+ {
+ auto & kinematicState = request.worldState.kinematics[_entity];
+ kinematicState.pose = _pose->Data();
+ kinematicState.linearVelocity = _linearVelocity->Data();
+ kinematicState.angularVelocity = _angularVelocity->Data();
+ return true;
+ });;
std::lock_guard lock(this->requestsMutex);
+ this->queuedRequests.push_back(std::move(request));
@@ -359,8 +389,8 @@ gz::rendering::VisualPtr findEntityVisual(
} // namespace
-void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::Handle(
- const requests::CreateSensor &_request)
+void DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::Handle(
+ requests::CreateSensor _request)
auto *sensor =
@@ -379,6 +409,16 @@ void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::Handle(
+ if (this->latestWorldState)
+ {
+ sensor->SetWorldState(*this->latestWorldState);
+ }
+ if (this->latestEnvironmentalData)
+ {
+ sensor->SetEnvironmentalData(*this->latestEnvironmentalData);
+ }
gz::rendering::VisualPtr parentVisual =
findEntityVisual(this->scene, _request.parent);
if (!parentVisual)
@@ -406,8 +446,8 @@ void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::Handle(
-void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::Handle(
- const requests::DestroySensor &_request)
+void DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::Handle(
+ requests::DestroySensor _request)
auto it = this->sensorIdPerEntity.find(_request.entity);
if (it != this->sensorIdPerEntity.end())
@@ -432,22 +472,37 @@ void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::Handle(
-void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::Handle(
- const requests::SetWorldState &_request)
+void DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::Handle(
+ requests::SetWorldState _request)
+ this->latestWorldState = std::move(_request.worldState);
+ for (const auto& [_, sensorId] : this->sensorIdPerEntity)
+ {
+ auto *sensor = dynamic_cast(
+ this->sensorManager.Sensor(sensorId));
+ sensor->SetWorldState(*this->latestWorldState);
+ }
+ this->needsUpdate = true;
+void DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::Handle(
+ requests::SetEnvironmentalData _request)
+ this->latestEnvironmentalData = std::move(_request.environmentalData);
for (const auto& [_, sensorId] : this->sensorIdPerEntity)
auto *sensor = dynamic_cast(
- sensor->SetWorldState(_request.worldState);
+ sensor->SetEnvironmentalData(*this->latestEnvironmentalData);
this->needsUpdate = true;
-void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnPreRender()
+void DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::OnPreRender()
- GZ_PROFILE("DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnPreRender");
+ GZ_PROFILE("DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::OnPreRender");
if (!this->scene)
this->scene = gz::rendering::sceneFromFirstRenderEngine();
@@ -463,19 +518,19 @@ void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnPreRender()
- for (const auto &request : requests)
+ for (auto &request : requests)
- std::visit([this](const auto & request) {
- this->Handle(request);
+ std::visit([this](auto & request) {
+ this->Handle(std::move(request));
}, request);
-void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnRender()
+void DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::OnRender()
- GZ_PROFILE("DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnRender");
+ GZ_PROFILE("DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::OnRender");
if (!this->scene->IsInitialized() ||
this->scene->SensorCount() == 0)
@@ -506,9 +561,9 @@ void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnRender()
-void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnPostRender()
+void DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::OnPostRender()
- GZ_PROFILE("DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnPostRender");
+ GZ_PROFILE("DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::OnPostRender");
for (const auto & sensorId : this->updatedSensorIds)
auto *sensor =
@@ -520,9 +575,9 @@ void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnPostRender()
-void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnRenderTeardown()
+void DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::OnRenderTeardown()
- GZ_PROFILE("DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnRenderTeardown");
+ GZ_PROFILE("DopplerVelocityLogSystem::Implementation::OnRenderTeardown");
for (const auto & [entityId, sensorId] : this->sensorIdPerEntity)
auto *sensor = dynamic_cast(
@@ -546,7 +601,7 @@ void DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate::OnRenderTeardown()
DopplerVelocityLogSystem::DopplerVelocityLogSystem() :
- dataPtr(new DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate())
+ dataPtr(new Implementation())
diff --git a/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/DopplerVelocityLogSystem.hh b/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/DopplerVelocityLogSystem.hh
index a081f0f0..1259ab92 100644
--- a/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/DopplerVelocityLogSystem.hh
+++ b/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/src/DopplerVelocityLogSystem.hh
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
namespace tethys
-class DopplerVelocityLogSystemPrivate;
/// \brief System that creates and updates DopplerVelocityLog (DVL) sensors.
class DopplerVelocityLogSystem :
public gz::sim::System,
@@ -54,7 +52,9 @@ class DopplerVelocityLogSystem :
const gz::sim::UpdateInfo &_info,
const gz::sim::EntityComponentManager &_ecm) override;
- private: std::unique_ptr dataPtr;
+ private: class Implementation;
+ private: std::unique_ptr dataPtr;
} // namespace tethys
diff --git a/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/worlds/dvl_at_portuguese_ledge.sdf.em b/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/worlds/dvl_at_portuguese_ledge.sdf.em
index f558980b..01ba182a 100644
--- a/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/worlds/dvl_at_portuguese_ledge.sdf.em
+++ b/lrauv_gazebo_plugins/worlds/dvl_at_portuguese_ledge.sdf.em
@@ -73,6 +73,20 @@ for tile in tiles:
+ ../data/2003080103_mb_l3_las_1x1km.modded.csv
+ latitude_degree
+ longitude_degree
+ altitude_meter
diff --git a/lrauv_system_tests/test/vehicle/test_dvl.cc b/lrauv_system_tests/test/vehicle/test_dvl.cc
index fb1b8efb..3249fb23 100644
--- a/lrauv_system_tests/test/vehicle/test_dvl.cc
+++ b/lrauv_system_tests/test/vehicle/test_dvl.cc
@@ -42,13 +42,21 @@
using namespace lrauv_system_tests;
using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
+using DVLBeamState = lrauv_gazebo_plugins::msgs::DVLBeamState;
+using DVLTrackingTarget = lrauv_gazebo_plugins::msgs::DVLTrackingTarget;
+using DVLVelocityTracking = lrauv_gazebo_plugins::msgs::DVLVelocityTracking;
+static constexpr double beamInclination{GZ_PI / 6.};
+static constexpr gz::math::Vector3d sensorPositionInSFMFrame{0., 0.6, -0.16};
+// Account for slight roll and limited resolution
+static constexpr double kRangeTolerance{0.2};
TEST(DVLTest, NoTracking)
VehicleCommandTestFixture fixture("bottomless_pit.sdf", "tethys");
- using DVLVelocityTracking =
- lrauv_gazebo_plugins::msgs::DVLVelocityTracking;
Subscription velocitySubscription;
velocitySubscription.Subscribe(fixture.Node(), "/tethys/dvl/velocity", 1);
@@ -56,7 +64,8 @@ TEST(DVLTest, NoTracking)
ASSERT_TRUE(velocitySubscription.WaitForMessages(10, 10s));
- const DVLVelocityTracking message = velocitySubscription.ReadLastMessage();
+ const DVLVelocityTracking message =
+ velocitySubscription.ReadLastMessage();
for (int i = 0; i < message.beams_size(); ++i)
@@ -70,16 +79,42 @@ TEST(DVLTest, NoTracking)
TEST(DVLTest, BottomTracking)
VehicleCommandTestFixture fixture("flat_seabed.sdf", "tethys");
- constexpr gz::math::Vector3d sensorPositionInSFMFrame{0., 0.6, -0.16};
+ constexpr double seaBedDepth{20.};
+ // Assume zero roll and arbitrary resolution
+ const double expectedBeamRange =
+ (seaBedDepth + sensorPositionInSFMFrame.Z()) /
+ std::cos(beamInclination);
- using DVLVelocityTracking =
- lrauv_gazebo_plugins::msgs::DVLVelocityTracking;
Subscription velocitySubscription;
velocitySubscription.Subscribe(fixture.Node(), "/tethys/dvl/velocity", 1);
// Step a few iterations for simulation to setup itself
- uint64_t iterations = fixture.Step(100u);
- EXPECT_EQ(100u, iterations);
+ fixture.Step(2s);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(velocitySubscription.WaitForMessages(1, 10s));
+ {
+ const DVLVelocityTracking message =
+ velocitySubscription.ReadLastMessage();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(message.has_target());
+ const DVLTrackingTarget & target = message.target();
+ EXPECT_EQ(target.type(), DVLTrackingTarget::DVL_TARGET_BOTTOM);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(target.range().mean(), expectedBeamRange, kRangeTolerance);
+ for (int i = 0; i < message.beams_size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const DVLBeamState & beam = message.beams(i);
+ EXPECT_EQ(beam.id(), i + 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(beam.locked()) << "Beam #" << beam.id() << " not locked";
+ EXPECT_NEAR(beam.range().mean(), expectedBeamRange, kRangeTolerance)
+ << "Beam #" << beam.id() << " range is off";
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(message.has_velocity());
+ const gz::math::Vector3d linearVelocityEstimate =
+ gz::msgs::Convert(message.velocity().mean());
+ constexpr double kVelocityTolerance{1e-2}; // account for noise
+ EXPECT_NEAR(linearVelocityEstimate.X(), 0., kVelocityTolerance);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(linearVelocityEstimate.Y(), 0., kVelocityTolerance);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(linearVelocityEstimate.Z(), 0., kVelocityTolerance);
+ }
// Propel vehicle forward by giving the propeller a positive
// angular velocity. Vehicle is supposed to move at around
@@ -104,53 +139,145 @@ TEST(DVLTest, BottomTracking)
ASSERT_TRUE(velocitySubscription.WaitForMessages(50, 10s));
- using DVLTrackingTarget = lrauv_gazebo_plugins::msgs::DVLTrackingTarget;
- const DVLVelocityTracking message = velocitySubscription.ReadLastMessage();
- // Account for slight roll and limited resolution
- constexpr double kRangeTolerance{0.2};
- // Assume zero roll and arbitrary resolution
- constexpr double seaBedDepth{20.};
- constexpr double beamInclination{GZ_PI / 6.};
- const double expectedBeamRange =
- (seaBedDepth + sensorPositionInSFMFrame.Z()) / std::cos(beamInclination);
- ASSERT_TRUE(message.has_target());
- EXPECT_EQ(message.target().type(), DVLTrackingTarget::DVL_TARGET_BOTTOM);
- EXPECT_NEAR(message.target().range().mean(),
- expectedBeamRange, kRangeTolerance);
- for (int i = 0; i < message.beams_size(); ++i)
- EXPECT_EQ(message.beams(i).id(), i + 1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(message.beams(i).locked())
- << "Beam #" << message.beams(i).id() << " not locked";
- EXPECT_NEAR(message.beams(i).range().mean(),
- expectedBeamRange, kRangeTolerance)
- << "Beam #" << message.beams(i).id() << " range is off";
+ const DVLVelocityTracking message =
+ velocitySubscription.ReadLastMessage();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(message.has_target());
+ const DVLTrackingTarget & target = message.target();
+ EXPECT_EQ(target.type(), DVLTrackingTarget::DVL_TARGET_BOTTOM);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(target.range().mean(), expectedBeamRange, kRangeTolerance);
+ for (int i = 0; i < message.beams_size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const DVLBeamState & beam = message.beams(i);
+ EXPECT_EQ(beam.id(), i + 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(beam.locked()) << "Beam #" << beam.id() << " not locked";
+ EXPECT_NEAR(beam.range().mean(), expectedBeamRange, kRangeTolerance)
+ << "Beam #" << beam.id() << " range is off";
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(message.has_velocity());
+ const gz::math::Vector3d linearVelocityEstimate =
+ gz::msgs::Convert(message.velocity().mean());
+ const auto &linearVelocities =
+ fixture.VehicleObserver().LinearVelocities();
+ const auto &angularVelocities =
+ fixture.VehicleObserver().AngularVelocities();
+ const auto &poses = fixture.VehicleObserver().Poses();
+ // Linear velocities w.r.t. to sea bottom are reported
+ // in a sensor affixed, SFM frame.
+ const gz::math::Vector3d expectedLinearVelocityEstimate =
+ poses.back().Rot().RotateVectorReverse(
+ linearVelocities.back() + angularVelocities.back().Cross(
+ poses.back().Rot().RotateVector(sensorPositionInSFMFrame)));
+ constexpr double kVelocityTolerance{1e-2}; // account for noise
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expectedLinearVelocityEstimate.X(),
+ linearVelocityEstimate.X(), kVelocityTolerance);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expectedLinearVelocityEstimate.Y(),
+ linearVelocityEstimate.Y(), kVelocityTolerance);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expectedLinearVelocityEstimate.Z(),
+ linearVelocityEstimate.Z(), kVelocityTolerance);
+ }
+TEST(DVLTest, WaterMassTracking)
+ VehicleCommandTestFixture fixture("underwater_currents.sdf", "tethys");
+ constexpr gz::math::Vector3d waterCurrentVelocity{-1., 0.5, 0.};
+ Subscription velocitySubscription;
+ velocitySubscription.Subscribe(fixture.Node(), "/tethys/dvl/velocity", 1);
+ // Step a few iterations for simulation to setup itself
+ fixture.Step(2s);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(velocitySubscription.WaitForMessages(1, 10s));
+ {
+ const DVLVelocityTracking message =
+ velocitySubscription.ReadLastMessage();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(message.has_target());
+ const DVLTrackingTarget & target = message.target();
+ EXPECT_EQ(target.type(), DVLTrackingTarget::DVL_TARGET_WATER_MASS);
+ for (int i = 0; i < message.beams_size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const DVLBeamState & beam = message.beams(i);
+ EXPECT_EQ(beam.id(), i + 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(beam.locked())
+ << "Beam #" << beam.id() << " not locked";
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(message.has_velocity());
+ const gz::math::Vector3d linearVelocityEstimate =
+ gz::msgs::Convert(message.velocity().mean());
+ constexpr double kVelocityTolerance{1e-1}; // account for noise
+ EXPECT_NEAR(linearVelocityEstimate.X(),
+ -waterCurrentVelocity.X(), kVelocityTolerance);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(linearVelocityEstimate.Y(),
+ -waterCurrentVelocity.Y(), kVelocityTolerance);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(linearVelocityEstimate.Z(),
+ -waterCurrentVelocity.Z(), kVelocityTolerance);
+ }
+ // Propel vehicle forward by giving the propeller a positive
+ // angular velocity. Vehicle is supposed to move at around
+ // 1 m/s with 300 RPM. 300 RPM = 300 * 2 pi / 60 = 10 pi rad/s
+ lrauv_gazebo_plugins::msgs::LRAUVCommand command;
+ command.set_propomegaaction_(10. * GZ_PI);
+ // Rotate rudder clockwise when looking from the top,
+ // which causes the vehicle to move in a counter-clockwise arch
+ command.set_rudderangleaction_(0.8);
+ // Neutral buoyancy
+ command.set_dropweightstate_(true);
+ command.set_buoyancyaction_(0.0005);
+ // Step simulation for some time for DVL estimates to estabilize
+ auto & publisher = fixture.CommandPublisher();
+ for (int _ = 0; _ < 5; ++_)
+ {
+ publisher.Publish(command);
+ fixture.Step(10s);
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(velocitySubscription.WaitForMessages(50, 10s));
+ {
+ const DVLVelocityTracking message =
+ velocitySubscription.ReadLastMessage();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(message.has_target());
+ const DVLTrackingTarget & target = message.target();
+ EXPECT_EQ(target.type(), DVLTrackingTarget::DVL_TARGET_WATER_MASS);
+ for (int i = 0; i < message.beams_size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const DVLBeamState & beam = message.beams(i);
+ EXPECT_EQ(beam.id(), i + 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(beam.locked())
+ << "Beam #" << beam.id() << " not locked";
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(message.has_velocity());
+ const gz::math::Vector3d linearVelocityEstimate =
+ gz::msgs::Convert(message.velocity().mean());
+ const auto &linearVelocities =
+ fixture.VehicleObserver().LinearVelocities();
+ const auto &angularVelocities =
+ fixture.VehicleObserver().AngularVelocities();
+ const auto &poses = fixture.VehicleObserver().Poses();
+ // Linear velocities w.r.t. to underwater currents
+ // are reported in a sensor affixed, SFM frame.
+ const gz::math::Vector3d expectedLinearVelocityEstimate =
+ poses.back().Rot().RotateVectorReverse(
+ linearVelocities.back() - waterCurrentVelocity +
+ angularVelocities.back().Cross(
+ poses.back().Rot().RotateVector(sensorPositionInSFMFrame)));
+ constexpr double kVelocityTolerance{1e-1}; // account for noise
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expectedLinearVelocityEstimate.X(),
+ linearVelocityEstimate.X(), kVelocityTolerance);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expectedLinearVelocityEstimate.Y(),
+ linearVelocityEstimate.Y(), kVelocityTolerance);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expectedLinearVelocityEstimate.Z(),
+ linearVelocityEstimate.Z(), kVelocityTolerance);
- constexpr double kVelocityTolerance{1e-2}; // account for noise
- ASSERT_TRUE(message.has_velocity());
- const gz::math::Vector3d linearVelocityEstimate =
- gz::msgs::Convert(message.velocity().mean());
- const auto &linearVelocities =
- fixture.VehicleObserver().LinearVelocities();
- const auto &angularVelocities =
- fixture.VehicleObserver().AngularVelocities();
- const auto &poses = fixture.VehicleObserver().Poses();
- // Linear velocities w.r.t. to sea bottom are reported
- // in a sensor affixed, SFM frame.
- const gz::math::Vector3d expectedLinearVelocityEstimate =
- poses.back().Rot().RotateVectorReverse(
- linearVelocities.back() + angularVelocities.back().Cross(
- poses.back().Rot().RotateVector(sensorPositionInSFMFrame)));
- EXPECT_NEAR(linearVelocityEstimate.X(),
- expectedLinearVelocityEstimate.X(),
- kVelocityTolerance);
- EXPECT_NEAR(linearVelocityEstimate.Y(),
- expectedLinearVelocityEstimate.Y(),
- kVelocityTolerance);
- EXPECT_NEAR(linearVelocityEstimate.Z(),
- expectedLinearVelocityEstimate.Z(),
- kVelocityTolerance);
diff --git a/lrauv_system_tests/worlds/flat_seabed.sdf b/lrauv_system_tests/worlds/flat_seabed.sdf
index fa6eb5dc..ff8886c0 100644
--- a/lrauv_system_tests/worlds/flat_seabed.sdf
+++ b/lrauv_system_tests/worlds/flat_seabed.sdf
@@ -23,6 +23,14 @@
diff --git a/lrauv_system_tests/worlds/underwater_currents.csv b/lrauv_system_tests/worlds/underwater_currents.csv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21ce673a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lrauv_system_tests/worlds/underwater_currents.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
diff --git a/lrauv_system_tests/worlds/underwater_currents.sdf b/lrauv_system_tests/worlds/underwater_currents.sdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..207acc85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lrauv_system_tests/worlds/underwater_currents.sdf
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+ 0.0 1.0 1.0
+ 0.0 0.7 0.8
+ false
+ underwater_currents.csv
+ latitude_degree
+ longitude_degree
+ altitude_meter
+ 0.02
+ 0
+ 1025
+ 0
+ 1.125
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 3D View
+ false
+ docked
+ ogre2
+ scene
+ 0.4 0.4 0.4
+ 0.8 0.8 0.8
+ 4.5 0 4 0 0.45 3.14
+ 0.1
+ 3000000
+ floating
+ 5
+ 5
+ false
+ false
+ 5
+ 5
+ floating
+ false
+ false
+ 5
+ 5
+ floating
+ false
+ false
+ 5
+ 5
+ floating
+ false
+ false
+ 5
+ 5
+ floating
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ 5
+ 5
+ floating
+ false
+ false
+ 5
+ 5
+ floating
+ false
+ World control
+ false
+ false
+ 72
+ 121
+ 1
+ floating
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ World stats
+ false
+ false
+ 110
+ 290
+ 1
+ floating
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Plot Tethys 3D path
+ docked_collapsed
+ tethys
+ 0 0 1
+ 10000
+ 0.5
+ Inspector
+ docked_collapsed
+ Camera controls
+ docked_collapsed
+ docked_collapsed
+ 6
+ 0
+ 50000
+ 0 100000 0 0 0 0.32
+ 0 1 0 1
+ 100
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
+ true
+ 0 0 10 0 0 0
+ 1 1 1 1
+ 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
+ 1000
+ 0.9
+ 0.01
+ 0.001
+ -0.5 0.1 -0.9
+ true
+ 0 0 1
+ 300000 300000
+ 1.0
+ true
+ 0 0 -100 0 0 0
+ 0 0 1
+ 300000 300000
+ 0.5 0.5 0.5
+ 0.5 0.5 0.5
+ 0 0 1
+ 300000 300000
+ 0 0 -0.5 0 0 0
+ tethys_equipped