diff --git a/ip-routing-pro/Readme.md b/ip-routing-pro/Readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efc6157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ip-routing-pro/Readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+### Introduction ###
+This demo shows how to implement a basic IP routers with static routing entries using P4, BMv2 and Mininet.
+The basic functionality of IP router is:
+- determine the output port for packet based on destination IP (Longest Prefix Match)
+- decrement TTL value for IP protocol
+- update destination MAC address based on next-hop IP address
+- update source MAC address according to output port
+We have implemented the functionality of IP router as P4 program (router.p4). The program design is as follows:
+- We have used V1Model of P4_16 composed of Ingress and Egress control pipelines
+- For Ingress control pipeline there is one table defined:
+ - **routing_table** - it determines the output port based on IPv4 LPM. When packet is matched the *ipv4_forward* action is invoked. It sets next-hop IP address in the routing_metadata, decrements IPv4 TTL and sets output port.
+- For Egress control pipeline we have defined two tables:
+ - **switching_table** - it is responsible for setting destination MAC based on next-hop IP address, which is retrieved from routing metadata.
+ - **mac_rewriting_table** - it updates source MAC address according to the output port for the packet.
+The router.p4 program defines the data plane of IP routers. Note that the control plane in this demo is realized by populating static rules.
+The structure of the test network is shown below. Each network device has been configured with the **router.p4** program.
+The choice of this topology results from the following **paper[1]**
+├── basic.p4 # for p4 switch
+├── network.py # Try with "sudo python3 FatTree.py" boost mininet with CLI
+├── r1-commands.txt # commands file for router 1
+├── r2-commands.txt # commands file for router 2
+├── Readme.md # YOU ARE HERE!
+├── router.p4 # for p4 router
+├── s1-commands.txt # commands file for switch &
+├── s2-commands.txt
+├── s3-commands.txt
+└── s4-commands.txt
+### Demo ###
+1. First of all you need to setup the environment on your Linux machine.
+2. Enter the ip-routing/ directory.
+`cd ip-routing/`
+3. Run the Mininet topology.
+`sudo python3 network.py`
+4. In the Mininet console, check if ping between h1 and h2 works
+`h1 ping h2`
+or `h1 ping h6` etc.
+5. Have a nice day!
+## Reference
+**[1]** Anagnostakis K G, Greenwald M B, Ryger R S. On the sensitivity of network simulation to topology[C]//Proceedings. 10th IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems. IEEE, 2002: 117-126.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ip-routing-pro/basic.p4 b/ip-routing-pro/basic.p4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7b502b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ip-routing-pro/basic.p4
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+/* -*- P4_16 -*- */
+const bit<16> TYPE_IPV4 = 0x800;
+*********************** H E A D E R S ***********************************
+typedef bit<9> egressSpec_t;
+typedef bit<48> macAddr_t;
+typedef bit<32> ip4Addr_t;
+header ethernet_t {
+ macAddr_t dstAddr;
+ macAddr_t srcAddr;
+ bit<16> etherType;
+header ipv4_t {
+ bit<4> version;
+ bit<4> ihl;
+ bit<8> diffserv;
+ bit<16> totalLen;
+ bit<16> identification;
+ bit<3> flags;
+ bit<13> fragOffset;
+ bit<8> ttl;
+ bit<8> protocol;
+ bit<16> hdrChecksum;
+ ip4Addr_t srcAddr;
+ ip4Addr_t dstAddr;
+struct metadata {
+ /* empty */
+struct headers {
+ ethernet_t ethernet;
+ ipv4_t ipv4;
+*********************** P A R S E R ***********************************
+parser MyParser(packet_in packet,
+ out headers hdr,
+ inout metadata meta,
+ inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) {
+ state start {
+ packet.extract(hdr.ethernet);
+ transition select(hdr.ethernet.etherType){
+ TYPE_IPV4: ipv4;
+ default: accept;
+ }
+ }
+ state ipv4 {
+ packet.extract(hdr.ipv4);
+ transition accept;
+ }
+************ C H E C K S U M V E R I F I C A T I O N *************
+control MyVerifyChecksum(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta) {
+ apply { }
+************** I N G R E S S P R O C E S S I N G *******************
+control MyIngress(inout headers hdr,
+ inout metadata meta,
+ inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) {
+ action drop() {
+ mark_to_drop(standard_metadata);
+ }
+ action ipv4_forward(macAddr_t dstAddr, egressSpec_t port) {
+ //set the src mac address as the previous dst
+ hdr.ethernet.srcAddr = hdr.ethernet.dstAddr;
+ //set the destination mac address that we got from the match in the table
+ hdr.ethernet.dstAddr = dstAddr;
+ //set the output port that we also get from the table
+ standard_metadata.egress_spec = port;
+ //decrease ttl by 1
+ hdr.ipv4.ttl = hdr.ipv4.ttl -1;
+ }
+ table ipv4_lpm {
+ key = {
+ hdr.ipv4.dstAddr: lpm;
+ }
+ actions = {
+ ipv4_forward;
+ drop;
+ NoAction;
+ }
+ size = 1024;
+ default_action = NoAction();
+ }
+ apply {
+ //only if IPV4 the rule is applied. Therefore other packets will not be forwarded.
+ if (hdr.ipv4.isValid()){
+ ipv4_lpm.apply();
+ }
+ }
+**************** E G R E S S P R O C E S S I N G *******************
+control MyEgress(inout headers hdr,
+ inout metadata meta,
+ inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) {
+ apply { }
+************* C H E C K S U M C O M P U T A T I O N **************
+control MyComputeChecksum(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta) {
+ apply {
+ update_checksum(
+ hdr.ipv4.isValid(),
+ { hdr.ipv4.version,
+ hdr.ipv4.ihl,
+ hdr.ipv4.diffserv,
+ hdr.ipv4.totalLen,
+ hdr.ipv4.identification,
+ hdr.ipv4.flags,
+ hdr.ipv4.fragOffset,
+ hdr.ipv4.ttl,
+ hdr.ipv4.protocol,
+ hdr.ipv4.srcAddr,
+ hdr.ipv4.dstAddr },
+ hdr.ipv4.hdrChecksum,
+ HashAlgorithm.csum16);
+ }
+*********************** D E P A R S E R *******************************
+control MyDeparser(packet_out packet, in headers hdr) {
+ apply {
+ //parsed headers have to be added again into the packet.
+ packet.emit(hdr.ethernet);
+ packet.emit(hdr.ipv4);
+ }
+*********************** S W I T C H *******************************
+//switch architecture
+) main;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ip-routing-pro/images/Networks.png b/ip-routing-pro/images/Networks.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f11f916
Binary files /dev/null and b/ip-routing-pro/images/Networks.png differ
diff --git a/ip-routing-pro/images/NodeIpAndMACInfo.png b/ip-routing-pro/images/NodeIpAndMACInfo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa2a0eb
Binary files /dev/null and b/ip-routing-pro/images/NodeIpAndMACInfo.png differ
diff --git a/ip-routing-pro/network.py b/ip-routing-pro/network.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06fc675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ip-routing-pro/network.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+from p4utils.mininetlib.network_API import NetworkAPI
+net = NetworkAPI()
+net.addP4Switch('s1', cli_input='s1-commands.txt')
+net.addP4Switch('s2', cli_input='s2-commands.txt')
+net.addP4Switch('s3', cli_input='s3-commands.txt')
+net.addP4Switch('s4', cli_input='s4-commands.txt')
+# Routers
+# There is no p4router API in p4utils.mininetlib.network_API,
+# use a specific p4 script that implements the router functionality.
+net.addP4Switch('r1', cli_input='r1-commands.txt')
+net.addP4Switch('r2', cli_input='r2-commands.txt')
+# P4 files
+net.addLink('h1','s1', port1=1, port2=2, addr1="00:00:0a:00:01:01", addr2="00:00:00:00:01:02")
+net.addLink('h2','s1', port1=1, port2=3, addr1="00:00:0a:00:01:02", addr2="00:00:00:00:01:03")
+net.addLink('h3','s2', port1=1, port2=2, addr1="00:00:0a:00:02:01", addr2="00:00:00:00:02:02")
+net.addLink('s1','r1', port1=1, port2=2, addr1="00:00:00:00:01:01", addr2="00:00:00:00:05:02")
+net.addLink('s2','r1', port1=1, port2=3, addr1="00:00:00:00:02:01", addr2="00:00:00:00:05:03")
+net.addLink('r2','r1', port1=1, port2=1, addr1="00:00:00:00:06:01", addr2="00:00:00:00:05:01")
+net.addLink('s3','r2', port1=1, port2=2, addr1="00:00:00:00:03:01", addr2="00:00:00:00:06:02")
+net.addLink('s4','r2', port1=1, port2=3, addr1="00:00:00:00:04:01", addr2="00:00:00:00:06:03")
+net.addLink('h4','s3', port1=1, port2=2, addr1="00:00:0a:00:03:01", addr2="00:00:00:00:03:02")
+net.addLink('h5','s3', port1=1, port2=3, addr1="00:00:0a:00:03:02", addr2="00:00:00:00:03:03")
+net.addLink('h6','s4', port1=1, port2=2, addr1="00:00:0a:00:04:01", addr2="00:00:00:00:04:02")
+# Links parameters
+net.setBw('s1','h1', 20) # Mbps
+net.setDelay('s1','h1', 10) # ms
+net.setBw('s1','h2', 20)
+net.setDelay('s1','h2', 3)
+net.setBw('s2','h3', 20)
+net.setDelay('s2','h3', 10)
+net.setBw('s1','r1', 10)
+net.setDelay('s1','r1', 3)
+net.setBw('s2','r1', 10)
+net.setDelay('s2','r1', 3)
+net.setBw('r1','r2', 1000)
+net.setDelay('r1','r2', 5)
+net.setBw('r2','s3', 10)
+net.setDelay('r2','s3', 3)
+net.setBw('r2','s4', 20)
+net.setDelay('r2','s4', 10)
+net.setBw('s3','h4', 20)
+net.setDelay('s3','h4', 3)
+net.setBw('s3','h5', 20)
+net.setDelay('s3','h5', 3)
+net.setBw('s4','h6', 20)
+net.setDelay('s4','h6', 3)
+# IPs for hosts
+# IPs for switch
+net.setIntfIp('s1','h1','') # port 2 = s1-eth2
+net.setIntfIp('s1','h1','') # port 3 = s1-eth3
+net.setIntfIp('s1','r1','') # port 1 = s1-eth1
+# IPs for routers
+net.setDefaultRoute('h1', '')
+net.setDefaultRoute('h2', '')
+net.setDefaultRoute('h3', '')
+net.setDefaultRoute('h4', '')
+net.setDefaultRoute('h5', '')
+net.setDefaultRoute('h6', '')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ip-routing-pro/r1-commands.txt b/ip-routing-pro/r1-commands.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de7c52e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ip-routing-pro/r1-commands.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+table_add routing_table ipv4_forward => 2
+table_add routing_table ipv4_forward => 3
+table_add routing_table ipv4_forward => 1
+table_add routing_table ipv4_forward => 1
+table_add switching_table set_dmac => 00:00:00:00:01:01
+table_add switching_table set_dmac => 00:00:00:00:02:01
+table_add switching_table set_dmac => 00:00:00:00:06:01
+table_add mac_rewriting_table set_smac 1 => 00:00:00:00:05:01
+table_add mac_rewriting_table set_smac 2 => 00:00:00:00:05:02
+table_add mac_rewriting_table set_smac 3 => 00:00:00:00:05:03
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ip-routing-pro/r2-commands.txt b/ip-routing-pro/r2-commands.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9058e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ip-routing-pro/r2-commands.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+table_add routing_table ipv4_forward => 2
+table_add routing_table ipv4_forward => 3
+table_add routing_table ipv4_forward => 1
+table_add routing_table ipv4_forward => 1
+table_add switching_table set_dmac => 00:00:00:00:03:01
+table_add switching_table set_dmac => 00:00:00:00:04:01
+table_add switching_table set_dmac => 00:00:00:00:05:01
+table_add mac_rewriting_table set_smac 1 => 00:00:00:00:06:01
+table_add mac_rewriting_table set_smac 2 => 00:00:00:00:06:02
+table_add mac_rewriting_table set_smac 3 => 00:00:00:00:06:03
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ip-routing-pro/router.p4 b/ip-routing-pro/router.p4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cedcdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ip-routing-pro/router.p4
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+/* -*- P4_16 -*- */
+const bit<16> TYPE_IPV4 = 0x0800;
+typedef bit<9> egressSpec_t;
+typedef bit<48> macAddr_t;
+typedef bit<32> ip4Addr_t;
+header ethernet_t {
+ macAddr_t dstAddr;
+ macAddr_t srcAddr;
+ bit<16> etherType;
+header ipv4_t {
+ bit<4> version;
+ bit<4> ihl;
+ bit<8> diffserv;
+ bit<16> totalLen;
+ bit<16> identification;
+ bit<3> flags;
+ bit<13> fragOffset;
+ bit<8> ttl;
+ bit<8> protocol;
+ bit<16> hdrChecksum;
+ ip4Addr_t srcAddr;
+ ip4Addr_t dstAddr;
+struct headers {
+ ethernet_t ethernet;
+ ipv4_t ipv4;
+struct routing_metadata_t {
+ ip4Addr_t nhop_ipv4;
+struct metadata {
+ routing_metadata_t routing;
+parser RouterParser(packet_in packet,
+ out headers hdr,
+ inout metadata meta,
+ inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) {
+ state start {
+ transition parse_ethernet;
+ }
+ state parse_ethernet {
+ packet.extract(hdr.ethernet);
+ transition select(hdr.ethernet.etherType) {
+ TYPE_IPV4: parse_ipv4;
+ default: accept;
+ }
+ }
+ state parse_ipv4 {
+ packet.extract(hdr.ipv4);
+ transition accept;
+ }
+control ingress(inout headers hdr,
+ inout metadata meta,
+ inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) {
+ action drop() {
+ mark_to_drop(standard_metadata);
+ }
+ action ipv4_forward(ip4Addr_t nextHop, egressSpec_t port) {
+ meta.routing.nhop_ipv4 = nextHop;
+ standard_metadata.egress_spec = port;
+ hdr.ipv4.ttl = hdr.ipv4.ttl - 1;
+ }
+ table routing_table {
+ key = {
+ hdr.ipv4.dstAddr: lpm;
+ }
+ actions = {
+ ipv4_forward;
+ drop;
+ NoAction;
+ }
+ default_action = NoAction();
+ }
+ apply {
+ routing_table.apply();
+ }
+control egress(inout headers hdr,
+ inout metadata meta,
+ inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) {
+ action drop() {
+ mark_to_drop(standard_metadata);
+ }
+ action set_dmac(macAddr_t dstAddr) {
+ hdr.ethernet.dstAddr = dstAddr;
+ }
+ action set_smac(macAddr_t mac) {
+ hdr.ethernet.srcAddr = mac;
+ }
+ table switching_table {
+ key = {
+ meta.routing.nhop_ipv4 : exact;
+ }
+ actions = {
+ set_dmac;
+ drop;
+ NoAction;
+ }
+ default_action = NoAction();
+ }
+ table mac_rewriting_table {
+ key = {
+ standard_metadata.egress_port: exact;
+ }
+ actions = {
+ set_smac;
+ drop;
+ NoAction;
+ }
+ default_action = NoAction();
+ }
+ apply {
+ switching_table.apply();
+ mac_rewriting_table.apply();
+ }
+control deparser(packet_out packet,
+ in headers hdr) {
+ apply {
+ packet.emit(hdr.ethernet);
+ packet.emit(hdr.ipv4);
+ }
+control MyComputeChecksum(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta) {
+ apply {
+ update_checksum(
+ hdr.ipv4.isValid(),
+ { hdr.ipv4.version,
+ hdr.ipv4.ihl,
+ hdr.ipv4.diffserv,
+ hdr.ipv4.totalLen,
+ hdr.ipv4.identification,
+ hdr.ipv4.flags,
+ hdr.ipv4.fragOffset,
+ hdr.ipv4.ttl,
+ hdr.ipv4.protocol,
+ hdr.ipv4.srcAddr,
+ hdr.ipv4.dstAddr },
+ hdr.ipv4.hdrChecksum,
+ HashAlgorithm.csum16);
+ }
+control MyVerifyChecksum(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta) {
+ apply { }
+) main;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ip-routing-pro/s1-commands.txt b/ip-routing-pro/s1-commands.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f3dd20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ip-routing-pro/s1-commands.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+table_set_default ipv4_lpm drop
+table_add ipv4_lpm ipv4_forward => 00:00:0a:00:01:01 2
+table_add ipv4_lpm ipv4_forward => 00:00:0a:00:01:02 3
+table_add ipv4_lpm ipv4_forward => 00:00:00:00:05:02 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ip-routing-pro/s2-commands.txt b/ip-routing-pro/s2-commands.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8abd924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ip-routing-pro/s2-commands.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+table_set_default ipv4_lpm drop
+table_add ipv4_lpm ipv4_forward => 00:00:0a:00:02:01 2
+table_add ipv4_lpm ipv4_forward => 00:00:00:00:05:03 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ip-routing-pro/s3-commands.txt b/ip-routing-pro/s3-commands.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc6bb19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ip-routing-pro/s3-commands.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+table_set_default ipv4_lpm drop
+table_add ipv4_lpm ipv4_forward => 00:00:0a:00:03:01 2
+table_add ipv4_lpm ipv4_forward => 00:00:0a:00:03:02 3
+table_add ipv4_lpm ipv4_forward => 00:00:00:00:06:02 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ip-routing-pro/s4-commands.txt b/ip-routing-pro/s4-commands.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df08031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ip-routing-pro/s4-commands.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+table_set_default ipv4_lpm drop
+table_add ipv4_lpm ipv4_forward => 00:00:0a:00:04:01 2
+table_add ipv4_lpm ipv4_forward => 00:00:00:00:06:03 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ip-routing/topo.py b/ip-routing/topo.py
index 6fd0f5f..b0f770b 100644
--- a/ip-routing/topo.py
+++ b/ip-routing/topo.py
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def main():
h3 = net.get('h3')
h3.setDefaultRoute("dev eth0 via")
- print "Ready !"
+ print ("Ready !")
diff --git a/mn/p4_mininet.py b/mn/p4_mininet.py
index f96a9f0..46c123a 100644
--- a/mn/p4_mininet.py
+++ b/mn/p4_mininet.py
@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ def config(self, **params):
return r
def describe(self):
- print "**********"
- print self.name
- print "default interface: %s\t%s\t%s" %(
+ print ("**********")
+ print (self.name)
+ print ("default interface: %s\t%s\t%s" %(
- )
- print "**********"
+ ))
+ print ("**********")
class P4Switch(Switch):
"""P4 virtual switch"""