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练习1: 实现 first-fit 连续物理内存分配算法



实现 first-fit 连续物理内存分配算法


  1. 什么是first-fit 连续物理内存分配算法

    首次适应(first fit, FF)算法,要求空闲分区链以地址递增的次序链接。在分配内存时,从链首开始顺序查找,直至找到一个大小能满足要求的空闲分区为止。然后再按照作业的大小,从该分区划出一块内存空间,分配给请求者,余下的空闲分区仍留在空闲链中。若从链首直至链尾都不能找到一个能满足要求的分区,则表明系统中已没有足够大的内存分配给该进程,内存分配失败,返回。

  2. first fit算法的特点是什么


  3. 分区分配的操作是什么

    • 分配内存:


    • 回收内存


      1. 回收区与插入点的前一个空闲分区F1相邻接。此时应将回收区与插入点的前一分区合并,不必为回收分区分配新表项,而只需修改前一分区F1的大小。

      2. 回收分区与插入点的后一空闲分区F2相邻接。此时也可将两份区合并,形成新的空闲分区,但用回收区的首地址作为新空闲区的首址,大小为两者之和。

      3. 回收区同时与插入点的前、后两个分区邻接。此时将三个分区合并,使用F1的表项和F1的首址,取消F2的表项,大小为三者之和。

      4. 回收区既不与F1邻接,又不与F2邻接。这时应为回收区单独建立一个新表项,填写回收区的首址和大小,并根据其首地址插入到空闲链中的适当位置。


结合 清华大学出版社 严蔚敏 《数据结构》,第196~198页,第8.2节,了解First Fit算法,并重写以下函数:default_initdefault_init_memmapdefault_alloc_pagesdefault_free_pages


//	File:	default_pmm.c
//	Line:	18-95

 * Details of FFMA
 * (1) Preparation:
 *  In order to implement the First-Fit Memory Allocation (FFMA), we should
 * manage the free memory blocks using a list. The struct `free_area_t` is used
 * for the management of free memory blocks.
 *  First, you should get familiar with the struct `list` in list.h. Struct
 * `list` is a simple doubly linked list implementation. You should know how to
 * USE `list_init`, `list_add`(`list_add_after`), `list_add_before`, `list_del`,
 * `list_next`, `list_prev`.
 *  There's a tricky method that is to transform a general `list` struct to a
 * special struct (such as struct `page`), using the following MACROs: `le2page`
 * (in memlayout.h), (and in future labs: `le2vma` (in vmm.h), `le2proc` (in
 * proc.h), etc).
 * (2) `default_init`:
 *  You can reuse the demo `default_init` function to initialize the `free_list`
 * and set `nr_free` to 0. `free_list` is used to record the free memory blocks.
 * `nr_free` is the total number of the free memory blocks.
 * (3) `default_init_memmap`:
 *  CALL GRAPH: `kern_init` --> `pmm_init` --> `page_init` --> `init_memmap` -->
 * `pmm_manager` --> `init_memmap`.
 *  This function is used to initialize a free block (with parameter `addr_base`,
 * `page_number`). In order to initialize a free block, firstly, you should
 * initialize each page (defined in memlayout.h) in this free block. This
 * procedure includes:
 *  - Setting the bit `PG_property` of `p->flags`, which means this page is
 * valid. P.S. In function `pmm_init` (in pmm.c), the bit `PG_reserved` of
 * `p->flags` is already set.
 *  - If this page is free and is not the first page of a free block,
 * `p->property` should be set to 0.
 *  - If this page is free and is the first page of a free block, `p->property`
 * should be set to be the total number of pages in the block.
 *  - `p->ref` should be 0, because now `p` is free and has no reference.
 *  After that, We can use `p->page_link` to link this page into `free_list`.
 * (e.g.: `list_add_before(&free_list, &(p->page_link));` )
 *  Finally, we should update the sum of the free memory blocks: `nr_free += n`.
 * (4) `default_alloc_pages`:
 *  Search for the first free block (block size >= n) in the free list and reszie
 * the block found, returning the address of this block as the address required by
 * `malloc`.
 *  (4.1)
 *      So you should search the free list like this:
 *          list_entry_t le = &free_list;
 *          while((le=list_next(le)) != &free_list) {
 *          ...
 *      (4.1.1)
 *          In the while loop, get the struct `page` and check if `p->property`
 *      (recording the num of free pages in this block) >= n.
 *              struct Page *p = le2page(le, page_link);
 *              if(p->property >= n){ ...
 *      (4.1.2)
 *          If we find this `p`, it means we've found a free block with its size
 *      >= n, whose first `n` pages can be malloced. Some flag bits of this page
 *      should be set as the following: `PG_reserved = 1`, `PG_property = 0`.
 *      Then, unlink the pages from `free_list`.
 *          (
 *              If `p->property > n`, we should re-calculate number of the rest
 *          pages of this free block. (e.g.: `le2page(le,page_link))->property
 *          = p->property - n;`)
 *          (4.1.3)
 *              Re-caluclate `nr_free` (number of the the rest of all free block).
 *          (4.1.4)
 *              return `p`.
 *      (4.2)
 *          If we can not find a free block with its size >=n, then return NULL.
 * (5) `default_free_pages`:
 *  re-link the pages into the free list, and may merge small free blocks into
 * the big ones.
 *  (5.1)
 *      According to the base address of the withdrawed blocks, search the free
 *  list for its correct position (with address from low to high), and insert
 *  the pages. (May use `list_next`, `le2page`, `list_add_before`)
 *  (5.2)
 *      Reset the fields of the pages, such as `p->ref` and `p->flags` (PageProperty)
 *  (5.3)
 *      Try to merge blocks at lower or higher addresses. Notice: This should
 *  change some pages' `p->property` correctly.


  1. 准备


  2. default_init


  3. default_init_memmap

    调用路径: kern_init --> pmm_init --> page_init --> init_memmap --> pmm_manager --> init_memmap.


  4. default_alloc_pages


  5. default_free_pages



  1. default_init


    //	File:	default_pmm.c
     * (2) `default_init`:
     *  You can reuse the demo `default_init` function to initialize the `free_list`
     * and set `nr_free` to 0. `free_list` is used to record the free memory blocks.
     * `nr_free` is the total number of the free memory blocks.



    //	File:	default_pmm.c
    //	Line:	96-99
    free_area_t free_area;
    #define free_list (free_area.free_list)
    #define nr_free (free_area.nr_free)


    //	File:	memlayout.h
    //	Line:	155-158
    /* free_area_t - maintains a doubly linked list to record free (unused) pages */
    typedef struct {
        list_entry_t free_list;         // the list header
        unsigned int nr_free;           // # of free pages in this free list
    } free_area_t;



    //	File:	default_pmm.c
    /* *
     * list_init - initialize a new entry
     * @elm:        new entry to be initialized
     * */
    static inline void
    list_init(list_entry_t *elm) {
        elm->prev = elm->next = elm;


    //	File:	default_pmm.c
    static void
    default_init(void) {
        nr_free = 0;
  2. default_init_memmap


    //	File:	default_pmm.c
     * (3) `default_init_memmap`:
     *  CALL GRAPH: `kern_init` --> `pmm_init` --> `page_init` --> `init_memmap` -->
     * `pmm_manager` --> `init_memmap`.
     *  This function is used to initialize a free block (with parameter `addr_base`,
     * `page_number`). In order to initialize a free block, firstly, you should
     * initialize each page (defined in memlayout.h) in this free block. This
     * procedure includes:
     *  - Setting the bit `PG_property` of `p->flags`, which means this page is
     * valid. P.S. In function `pmm_init` (in pmm.c), the bit `PG_reserved` of
     * `p->flags` is already set.
     *  - If this page is free and is not the first page of a free block,
     * `p->property` should be set to 0.
     *  - If this page is free and is the first page of a free block, `p->property`
     * should be set to be the total number of pages in the block.
     *  - `p->ref` should be 0, because now `p` is free and has no reference.
     *  After that, We can use `p->page_link` to link this page into `free_list`.
     * (e.g.: `list_add_before(&free_list, &(p->page_link));` )
     *  Finally, we should update the sum of the free memory blocks: `nr_free += n`.



    • 设置p->flagsPG_property位,这意味着这一页是可用的。P.S. 在函数pmm_init(在pmm.c中),PG_reserved位已经被设置好。

    • 如果该页是可用的而且不是一个空闲内存块的第一页,那么p->property应该被设置为0

    • 如果该页是可用的而且是一个空闲内存块的第一页,那么p->property应该被设置为该块的总页数。

    • p->ref应该被设为0,因为现在p是可用的而且不含有引用。

    在这之后,我们可以使用p->page_link来将该页连接到free_list。(例如:list_add_before(&free_list, &(p->page_link));

    最后,我们应该更新空闲内存块的总数:nr_free += n


    //	File:	memlayout.h
    //	Line:	106-115
    /* Flags describing the status of a page frame */
    #define PG_reserved                 0       // if this bit=1: the Page is reserved for kernel, cannot be used in alloc/free_pages; otherwise, this bit=0 
    #define PG_property                 1       // if this bit=1: the Page is the head page of a free memory block(contains some continuous_addrress pages), and can be used in alloc_pages; if this bit=0: if the Page is the the head page of a free memory block, then this Page and the memory block is alloced. Or this Page isn't the head page.
    #define SetPageReserved(page)       set_bit(PG_reserved, &((page)->flags))
    #define ClearPageReserved(page)     clear_bit(PG_reserved, &((page)->flags))
    #define PageReserved(page)          test_bit(PG_reserved, &((page)->flags))
    #define SetPageProperty(page)       set_bit(PG_property, &((page)->flags))
    #define ClearPageProperty(page)     clear_bit(PG_property, &((page)->flags))
    #define PageProperty(page)          test_bit(PG_property, &((page)->flags))




    //	File:	default_pmm.c
    //	Line:	107-120
    static void
    default_init_memmap(struct Page *base, size_t n) {
        assert(n > 0);
        struct Page *p = base;
        for (; p != base + n; p ++) {
            p->flags = p->property = 0;
            set_page_ref(p, 0);
        base->property = n;
        nr_free += n;
        list_add(&free_list, &(base->page_link));


  3. default_alloc_pages


    //	File:	default_pmm.c
     * (4) `default_alloc_pages`:
     *  Search for the first free block (block size >= n) in the free list and reszie
     * the block found, returning the address of this block as the address required by
     * `malloc`.
     *  (4.1)
     *      So you should search the free list like this:
     *          list_entry_t le = &free_list;
     *          while((le=list_next(le)) != &free_list) {
     *          ...
     *      (4.1.1)
     *          In the while loop, get the struct `page` and check if `p->property`
     *      (recording the num of free pages in this block) >= n.
     *              struct Page *p = le2page(le, page_link);
     *              if(p->property >= n){ ...
     *      (4.1.2)
     *          If we find this `p`, it means we've found a free block with its size
     *      >= n, whose first `n` pages can be malloced. Some flag bits of this page
     *      should be set as the following: `PG_reserved = 1`, `PG_property = 0`.
     *      Then, unlink the pages from `free_list`.
     *          (
     *              If `p->property > n`, we should re-calculate number of the rest
     *          pages of this free block. (e.g.: `le2page(le,page_link))->property
     *          = p->property - n;`)
     *          (4.1.3)
     *              Re-caluclate `nr_free` (number of the the rest of all free block).
     *          (4.1.4)
     *              return `p`.
     *      (4.2)
     *          If we can not find a free block with its size >=n, then return NULL.

    (4) default_alloc_pages


    • (4.1) 所以你应该在空闲的内存链表中像这样搜索:

      list_entry_t le = &free_list;
      while ((le=list_next(le)) != &free_list) {...}
      • (4.1.1) 在while循环中,获得结构体page并检查该块所含空闲页数(p->property)是否大于等于n

        struct Page *p = le2page(le, page_link);
        if (p->property >= n) {...}
      • (4.1.2) 如果我们找到这个p,这就意味着我们找到了一个尺寸大于等于n的空闲内存块,它的前n页可以被申请。该页的一些标志位应该被设置为:PG_reserved = 1PG_property = 0。然后,取消该页与free_list的链接。

        • ( 如果p->property大于n,我们应该重新计算该内存块的剩余页数。(例如:le2page(le, page_link)->property = p->property - n;
      • (4.1.3) 重新计算nr_free(剩余所有空闲内存页的数量)(译者注:原翻译为块)。

      • (4.1.4) 返回p

    • (4.2) 如果我们没有找到尺寸大于等于n的空闲内存块,那么返回NULL


    //	File:	default_pmm.c
    //	Line:	122-148
    static struct Page *
    default_alloc_pages(size_t n) {
        assert(n > 0);
        if (n > nr_free) {
            return NULL;
        struct Page *page = NULL;
        list_entry_t *le = &free_list;
        while ((le = list_next(le)) != &free_list) {
            struct Page *p = le2page(le, page_link);
            if (p->property >= n) {
                page = p;
        if (page != NULL) {
            if (page->property > n) {
                struct Page *p = page + n;
                p->property = page->property - n;
                list_add_after(&(page->page_link), &(p->page_link));
            nr_free -= n;
        return page;
  4. default_free_pages

    //	File:	default_pmm.c
     * (5) `default_free_pages`:
     *  re-link the pages into the free list, and may merge small free blocks into
     * the big ones.
     *  (5.1)
     *      According to the base address of the withdrawed blocks, search the free
     *  list for its correct position (with address from low to high), and insert
     *  the pages. (May use `list_next`, `le2page`, `list_add_before`)
     *  (5.2)
     *      Reset the fields of the pages, such as `p->ref` and `p->flags` (PageProperty)
     *  (5.3)
     *      Try to merge blocks at lower or higher addresses. Notice: This should
     *  change some pages' `p->property` correctly.

    (5) default_free_pages


    • (5.1) 通过独立内存块的base地址,搜索它正确的位置(从低到高),并插入该页。(可能使用list_nextle2pagelist_add_before

    • (5.2) 重置这些页的参数,例如p->refp->flagsPageProperty)。

    • (5.3) 尝试合并低或高地址的内存块。注意:应该正确修改一些页的p->property


    提示一下,当合并的时候,对于某一内存块中的第一页p,当p + p->property == base或者base + base->property == p时就该将这两块合并了。


    //	File:	default_pmm.c
    static void
    default_free_pages(struct Page *base, size_t n) {
        assert(n > 0);
        struct Page *p = base;
        for (; p != base + n; p ++) {
            assert(!PageReserved(p) && !PageProperty(p));
            p->flags = 0;
            set_page_ref(p, 0);
        base->property = n;
        list_entry_t *le = list_next(&free_list);
        while (le != &free_list) {
            p = le2page(le, page_link);
            le = list_next(le);
            if (base + base->property == p) {
                base->property += p->property;
            else if (p + p->property == base) {
                p->property += base->property;
                base = p;
        nr_free += n;
        list_add(&free_list, &(base->page_link));


  • 数据结构(C语言版),严蔚敏,清华大学出版社

  • 计算机操作系统(第四版),汤小丹,西安电子科技大学出版社