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Toast ThatOneToast
Don't be afraid, I don't bite. :)


Gleb Haranin GLEF1X
Software engineer

Greater Philadelphia

Marley MarleyS439
Web Developer | PHP | HTML | CSS | JS | JQuery | Java | MySQL |Bash | Linux Systems

Guerra Imóveis Imobiliária Brasil

Xinlu Lai CrazyBoyM
INTP,现创业中,奇绩孵化器投资,shareAI Lab开源组织 Founder,B站up“飞鸟白菜”,关注多模态理解与生成、决策智能,没事写点开源repo。 感兴趣可以联系交个朋友一起讨论技术和哲学!微信:DreamLinus

[email protected]

House of Cybersecurity houseofcybersecurity
Never let anyone tell you that your story isn't worth sharing.

Reverse Engineer - Vulnerability Researcher Eastern South America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean

Bastin Robin BastinRobin
Chief Data Scientist @CleverInsight #Programmer, #Researcher, #Music Lover #Mentor. Building @letsign, @PredictEasy actively.

CleverInsight Bangalore, Nilgiris

Fiqri Dwi fiqridwi
Front-End Web Developer | Javascript | Typescript | VueJs | ReactJs

Tangerang Selatan

Kostiantyn Kostikov kostikovk
Senior Frontend Developer | Software Engineer
ValDesign ValDesign22
Hi, I am ValDesign. I'm 17 years old. I'm a French web developer.

@DiscordAnalytics Occitanie, France

Denis Oliver Kropp deniskropp
Software scientist for distributed systems. Lately around SFML, MPEG-G, GAlib, AI/ML, LLVM, TypeScript... Please,, thank you!

Exit Berlin

Sanjith Kumar R SanjithKumar2

St. Joseph's Institute of Technology Chennai, India

Next.js Web Developer

@entagk Sohag Egypt

Ashique Bin Iqbal ashiquebiniqbal
Human rights activist | Editor | Educator | Research & Development Specialist | Traveler | Environmentalist | Web Dev | Data Science/ AI/ ML |

The Daily Chandpur Kantha Dhaka

Acaibrid A-caibird
Thirty years on the east bank, thirty years on the west bank; never underestimate a young man in poverty.

New York

Priyansh Shah Priyansh4444
Loading... Loaded successfully: CS @ UCI 2027
Ademar Tellecher AdemarTellecher
Software Engineer

DBS - Direct Business Solutions Brasil

Pouya Kary ✨ pouyakary
dragon's lover — towards new mediums.
Cameron Smith cameronraysmith

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA

Prasun Ghimire prasunghimireofficial
Having a passion for learning new skills and knowledge related to technology, and being skilled in front-end and UI design.
Aseer KT aseerkt
Full Stack Web Developer | Open Source Enthusiast

Kerala, India

Alex Brothman alexbrothman

@berggrueninstitute Los Angeles, CA

K SherkinOne
Research Software Engineer, still listening, still learning, and trying to teach and inform as I go!

The West side of the County of Cork

Scott Blackwood SDBlackwood
Currently a Software & Data Engineer - In a past life I recorded bands and soldered patch bays

Adarga Glasgow

ngn999 ngn999

Hangzhou,ZheJiang, China

Георгий Попов JorgenPo
Software Engineer in STC "Protei". Interested in programming. Use go, c++ and rust

@Protei Saint-Petersburg

Muhammad Shaheer shaheersystems
Building innovative solutions with code and creativity.

Navicosoft Lahore, Pakistan

RDJ Prudhvinani07
# Front-end developer & Malla Reddy University CS student, eager to learn & grow.

Student Hyderabad

Amin Zamani zamaniamin
BackEnd Developer | Python | Django
Lixen LixenWraith
Engineer, Software Developer, Gamer, Human


Oleg Bannyi olegbannyi

XMLSHOP LLC Odessa, Ukraine

Lucien Erard erardlucien
I speak french, german and little english. I have some experience with HTML5, C, JavaScript. I am currently learning Java, Rust, python, Oracle SQL.
