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Robert Crellin rsdc2
Software Developer and Content Engineer with interests in linguistics, NLP, category theory, quantum computing and programming language typology
Rodolfo Goulart rodolfogoulart
Missionary and Developer by Hobby. My main project Bible Aletheia.
Oleg Onyshchenko seesmof

Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

James Cuénod jcuenod
Autodidact. Academic. Biblical exegesis. Coding is a way of life. 🇿🇦

Seed Company

Leobardo Oscar Alcántara Ocaña leobardooscar
I was born in Mexico city in 1972. I'm interested in Science, Technology, Politics & Human behaviour. I love Music, Cinema, Photography & Web design.

ITESO University Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico

Robert RobH123
Long-time promoter of open-licensed Bible-related software and resources.

@Freely-Given-org New Zealand

Kimi Chen kimi-chen
Learn and create

Sydney, AU

Jean Paul Gotopo Maldonado jpgotopo
Soy Venezolano, residente en Perú. Me apasiona mucho la Programación, actualmente aprendiendo React JS, y he trabajado con Python, Javascript. PHP

JP Designs & Web Peru

Wellyson Freitas wellyfrs
Senior Software Engineer at @n26

@N26 Barcelona, Spain

Guilherme Mourão guipmourao
Data-Driven Marketing Strategist, Front End Developer, SEO Specialist and Biker

Brasil Belo Horizonte

Peter peterlianpi


Dan biblenerd
Husband, father, thinker, anachronism detector, coder, and geek. That sentence was intentionally written with an Oxford Comma.


Taylor McKenna tamckenna
DevOps Engineer

Aspire Software St. Louis, Missouri