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Mohamed Foula Mo-Foula
Backend software engineer | System designer | Fintech, B2B, Credit, Collections | Problem solver


Eun-chan Cho echo724
Tool Maker

@talabat-dhme Dubai, UAE

Yelaman Yelmuratov yelmuratoff
Mobile Engineer | Flutter / Dart developer

Astana, Kazakhstan

Dinaaz Shaikh dinaaz-codes
25 | MSc Information Technology⁣ Post Graduate 2022 | Software Engineer II @talabat-dhme @deliveryhero

Talabat Dubai, UAE

Adham Sameh AdhamSamehA
I'm an eager learner with a special trait that makes me obsessed with solving complex problems that I encounter

Dubai, UAE

Asem MKL as206em
Hi, I’m Asem and I have been coding daily since 2010.

UAE, Dubai

Sayan Das poke19962008

Delivery Hero Berlin, Germany

Luis A. luisandani

@talabat-dhme Dubai, UAE

Yiğitcan UÇUM yigitcan-dh
Work Account. For Personal: @Yengas

@talabat-dhme Dubai

Muhammad Hassan Afzal hassanafzal1

United Arab Emirates

Ahmed Osama ahmedosama9777
Trying to program softwares that can put a dent in the world.

@talabat-dhme Cairo, Egypt

mahmoud noaman mahmoudnoamanDH
Software Engineer @ Dubai

Amir Awad amir-awad
Senior CSE student @guc-met

German University in Cairo Cairo, Egypt