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Shengyi Liang Henry-lsy
Pursuing a Ph.D. at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jiho Lee DPS0340
Think Rust!

@MondrianAI @SW-Maestro-OSS Seoul, Republic of Korea

clearli rqli319

Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan

Yunlong Guo yunlongguo2000
I am currently a PhD student at the National Key Laboratory of Autonomous Intelligent Unmanned Systems, Beijing Institute of Technology.

Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing

Luigi Freda luigifreda

University of Rome "La Sapienza"

Zipeng Dai superboySB
Crazy Boy, from BIT

Beijing Institute of Technology China

Dong DO dongdosju

GNC Seoul, Korea

Jinhao Liang jh-source
A Ph.D. student in Computer Science at University of Virginia.
Semin Na ben020410
SNU Undergraduate Student

Seoul, Korea

Jihye Lee penguin1109
CSE 20

Hyundai Motor Company Seoul

Yeom Junwoo yumjunstar
I'm korean who is studying in Kwangwoon Univ., Robotics!

Kwangwoon Univ. Seoul, Korea

Shaw Wang JulyThirteenth
As a student since 4 years old.
JunSeong crowowlbot

Incheon National University Incheon, Republic of Korea

Xin Chen XinChen-stars

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics New Zealand

Tershire Tershire
Perception & Controls
Intelligent Robotics Lab-CBNU; Focus: State estimation, Visual-Inertial system, SLAM, and Control system

CBNU Korea

Russ Hall Russ76
Electronic Tech at Grand Island, Nebraska, USA . Computing since 1983. Programming and online since 1985. Building robots since 2007.

Perfect Security LLC Hastings, NE, USA

Juwon Kim U-AMC
Legged Robot Autonomy, Multi-Robot SLAM & Long-term Autonomy, M.S-Ph.D integrated in @sparolab

Republic of Korea

Jaewon Lee Lee-JaeWon

CILAB @Yonsei_Univ Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jeho Lee jeho-lee
PhD Student at Mobile Embedded Systems Lab., Yonsei University

Yonsei University Seoul, South Korea

R. He RonghaiHe
Master candidate@SYSU | Interested in robotics
saehan Lee/SLAM in the hazardous environments himhan34
Interested in robot exploration and SLAM

FuroLAB(Field and Underwater robotics Lab) Kyungpook National University (KNU)

Giseop Kim gisbi-kim
Assistant Professor of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering, DGIST

DGIST Daegu, South Korea

莫非 BlueeHole

SJTU Shanghai

Zeeshan Basar Sheikh zeeshanbasar
Graduate student at IIT Madras. Currently working on developing robust and fuel optimal for spacecraft soft landing in hazardous terrain.
joonhyung-lee joonhyung-lee
MS @ Korea University.

Korea University Seoul, Repulic of Korea

Yanwen Sun hitersyw
PHD candidate from harbin institute of technology. My supervisor is Prof Yili Fu.

Harbin institute of technology Harbin China

GeonhaPark Seunmul
Interests: Automotive platform SW, OS, Edge AI

Korea, Republic of

ChangHyun, Choi windust7
Hello WoRLd!

Seoul National Univ.

Jonghae Park pjhae
Ph.D. student at SNU

Seoul National Univ.

jhpark Parkjunghoons2

Netmarble Corp. Seoul, South Korea