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From Jilin University
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


HVG-Ninja's sagar-vaghela
My works: ✔ NextJs, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJs, NestJs, Prisma, ChatGPT, Mongo, Postgres ✔ JavaScript/TypeScript, GatsBy, Supabess ✔ API Integration,Responsive

Pune, India

Mohd Shahabuddin mohdshahabuddin3

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Cheng Qingyang ENDLESSZ
China University of Geoscience School of Geophysics and Information Technology [email protected]
zhuanghua lupanlpb

USTC Hefei, Anhui China

Yuxiang (Gideon) Tang Y-Tang99
Research Fellow in engineering seismology and earthquake engineering

The University of Melbourne Australia

Hui HuiLIU1121

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Yucheng Wang wangyc2320
Grad student [email protected] Geophysics, Geodynamics

Stony Brook University Stony Brook, New York State, U.S.

Yingchang Liu YingchangLiu
PhD candidate in Geological Resources and Geological Engineering. Researching Microseismic modeling, Waveform inversion and Deep learning.

China University of Petroleum Qingdao, China

Ma yang onsYang

Peking Unv. Beijing

_ee^_ mewoooew
cats rule the world

Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, China Earthquake Administration Beijing

wuhongsheng wuhongsheng


TfeiSeis tengfeideng

TU Freiberg Germany

Qimin Wu QiminWu

Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA

cyRenShui GaoJuqian

河北 · 石家庄

Abhishek makeabhishek
👋 Hi, 👀 I’m interested in acoustics and ultrasound technology. 🤝 I’m looking to collaborate and discuss acoustics and ultrasound applications

Los Alamos National laboratory United Stated

Claudio Satriano claudiodsf
Seismologist, Continuous Learner

@IPGP Paris, France

Yinchu Li ycli0536

Georgia Tech Atlanta

chencx chauncey25
A researcher in Earth sciences, primarily interested in the Mineral System and its Exploration, who is now working on the Receiver Function and its inversion.

Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

Xiaobo.Foo XiaoboFu
A student of Geophysics from Chengdu University of Technology.