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Qingyang Wang JadenWqy

@TigerGraph Boston, MA

stonepage st1page

@RisingWaveLabs @UniqueStudio @heptagonhust Shanghai

Software Engineer
Matthias Zepper MatthiasZepper
Computational biologist experienced in analyzing massive parallel sequencing data. Leveraging software for life science @NationalGenomicsInfrastructure

@SciLifeLab Stockholm

Oz oozle

Riot Games San Francisco, CA

Alberto Ll. x-504
DevOps & AI Engineer

Milky Way

Yinzuo Jiang jiangyinzuo
江胤佐, MS student at ICT, working on Database System.

Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences China

Xuanwo Xuanwo
Vision: Data Freedom. Apache OpenDAL PMC Chair, ASF Member.
baishen b41sh

@datafuselabs beijing

zixi0825 zixi0825
Apache DolphinScheduler Committer Datavines Founder


Eason Chai hackerchai
Backend developer interested in Golang | Rust / GSoC 2020 Student / @qiniu ex @zeabur / OpenPGP:2808 CA08 7B16 3A86

Qiniu Cloud LibrePlanet

Chojan Shang PsiACE
Data Is Dead, Long Live Value. @vesoft-inc GenAI Team member. @apache OpenDAL PMC member.

@vesoft-inc | @apache China

Yu Lei leiysky
Normal Database Developer

Guangzhou, China