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Victor Buendía VictorSeven
Physicist from Granada, Spain. I research in statistical physics and applications to Neuroscience . I also like to code games and compose music.

Granada, Spain

Yuga Hikida yugahikida
Doctoral researcher in the probabilistic machine learning group, Aalto University 🇫🇮
Muntazir Abidi muntazirabidi
Learner. Building an AI Startup. PhD & Postdoc in Cosmology | Cambridge, Geneva, London

University of Geneva London

KAMALESH KaMaLeSh-junior
Always proud to be a "LEARNER", "BEGINNER" and to be a "FAILURE".


Cameron Smith cameronraysmith

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA

Abel Sen neuroevolutus
Functional and Systems Programmer
Praveen Paudel PraPaudel
Ph.D. Student @ayalab1 | Systems Neuroscience

Cornell University Ithaca, New York

Meet Vyas Meet-Vyas-Dev
I mainly work in Time-Domain Observational Astronomy and on the interface of Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology

International Center for Space and Cosmology, Ahmedabad University Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Sujoy Chabri atanu2531
A software developer with curiosity
sc0v0ne sc0v0ne
AI/ML Engineer and Tech Writer

Ivan Genik ivgnk
Senior Researcher, Laboratory of geopotential fields, Mining Institute. Associate Professor, Department of Geophysics, Perm State National Research University

Mining Institute Perm, Russia

Julian Chan julian-8897
Astrophysics/Machine Learning PhD at the University of Surrey

University of Surrey Guildford, UK

Sodik Umurzakov Sadyk703
PhD Candidate in Economics

Frankfurt, Germany

Bernardo Porto Veronese binado
I'm a PHD student from Brazil studying the interplay between gravitational waves and cosmology.

Vitória, Brasil

Alex adantrobus
Computational Neuroscientist; Machine learning; mountains and Dvorak.

Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit

Joel Dyer joelnmdyer
Senior researcher in AI for agent-based modelling at the University of Oxford (Computer Science & @INET-Complexity)

University of Oxford

Arnau Quera-Bofarull arnauqb
Working on AI for complexity science.

Macrocosm New York

Zhou, Conghao 周丛浩 zhouconghao
Grad @ UC Santa Cruz.

UC Santa Cruz Santa Cruz

Ryan Reece rreece
Machine learning scientist and physicist, formerly with the ATLAS experiment at CERN

@tenstorrent Mountain View, CA, USA

Jack Y. Araz jackaraz
PostDoc at Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University NY, USA

Ismael Mendoza ismael-mendoza
Cosmology PhD Student

University of Michigan

Gilles Louppe glouppe
{"Researcher", "Teacher", "Coder"} #ai #ai4science #deeplearning #bayesian

ULiège Belgium

Cyprien_dtr Cypriendtr
Neuroscience PhD student mainly interested in the computational approach !

[NeuroStim and Brainets team] Institut des Neurosciences des Systèmes et Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone Marseille

Abolfazl Ziaeemehr Ziaeemehr
Postdoctoral Researcher at Institut de Neuroscience des Systèmes- Inserm UMR 1106 at Aix-Marseille University
Nastya Krouglova anastasiakrouglova
PhD student in Computational Neuroscience and Machine Learning
Bradley Gram-Hansen bayesianbrad

Dataminr Oxford

Lars Dingel321
Ph.D. working on simulation-based inference for molecular biophysics.

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies Frankfurt am Main

Álvaro Tejero-Cantero alvorithm
Álvaro Tejero-Cantero

University of Tübingen Tübingen, Germany

Michael Deistler michaeldeistler
PhD student @mackelab, machine learning tools for neuroscience

University of Tübingen Tübingen