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Harry.txt hv33y
weirdo with a passion for making a mess of things
Vanessa Santana vanessa-dev
Web Developer, Fall in love for technology.
Mikhail Kobzarev mihdan
Senior software engineer, Web developer, PHP, WordPress ninja, Contributor to WordPress core, Elementor evangelist. Team Lead.

@KokocGroup @epam @whisklabs @wpl-agency @granatmedia Russia

Daniel Wilson Danw33
Infosec Aspirant, Full-Stack Code Monkey, Binary Plumber, Hobbyist Pixie Wrangler & More! He/Him PGP -

@GambitNash Birmingham, United Kingdom

MahdiSarani mahdisarani
PHP/Wordpress Developer

Kerooshe Iran

Montri Udomariyah Anasxrt
System Admin for CloudRambo and many other Cloud Providers and websites
Gregori Marzio gregmarzio

@gregmarziomedia Cape Town, South Africa

Darryl Dias DarrylDias
3D Artist - Cloud Computing Specialist


Dao daomapsieucap
Another WordPress Developer on 🌏

@viivue Sai Gon

Bridget Willard gidgey
Marketer. Copywriter. Product Owner. Keynote Speaker. Author. CEO. Friend.

Bridget Willard, LLC Corpus Christi, TX

Alex Lion alexclassroom
Founder of Alex's Classroom, WordPress zh_TW GTE/Locale Manager, and senior software localization engineer. Taiwan is Tawain, Taiwan's Independence.

Alex's Classroom Livermore, CA

Jonny Harris spacedmonkey
WordPress core committer. Freelance PHP / React developer. Lover of all things open source.

Spacedmonkey London

Viktor Szépe szepeviktor
I make your web application's life happy 📡 Proactive Operator for hire, DevOps services from a detail-oriented person for #SaaS and open-source packages

G2RM+5M Budapest

Brent Carter bc1121
Programming since 1983. PCjr Cartridge BASIC aficionado.

Austin Innovations USA

David Dennison davidldennison
🎯SEO Mastermind | Content Marketing Wiz | Noob Developer🚀Combining SEO expertise, dev tools, and innovation to thrive at the crossroads of marketing and tech!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

Ewerton Daniel EwertonDaniel
Programar é preciso 🎯

LDA Israel

Basilis Kanonidis Basilakis
CEO of creativeG Wordpress Lover

creativeG Thessaloniki, Greece

Till Krüss tillkruss

@cachewerk & @rhubarbgroup Nelson, British Columbia