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Stefano ste-hue
started programming in 2020 and haven't stopped
Emma Nogueira EmmaNogueira
Curious professional.

Bochum, Germany

Philipp Daniel Unger ballancier
hacking 21 algorithm with stories

Bochum Querenburg

Turquoise Sound TurquoiseSound
Wisdom Tech: Organizational Behavior, Computational Policy, AI Public Goods, MAS/IDM Governance: Ethics, Decision Making, Economic Modelling

Institute of Wise Innovation

Ali_Eljerrari ali-eljerrari
MERN-Stack Maestro 🚀 Crafting powerful web experiences with MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js.

Coding_Dynasty Morocco

Elizabeth Lui elihylui
Blockchain Engineer based in London :)

London, United Kingdom

saraswathi saraswathi
just a silly lil worm
Brian "bits" Olsen bitsondatadev

@equijoinllc @trinodb @apache Chicago, United States

Tritium Tritium-VLK
Web3 Expert - Solutions, Tokenomics, DeFi ex @balancer

DAOist Berlin, Germany

Josh Cooper cppcooper
Busy looking for the closing bracket.


Sam meisamtaher
Blockchain enthusiast
Yosuke inoue2002
Hi. 👋

関西大学 滋賀県

Yumi Miyahara miyaharayumi
curator @miraikan The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
Jung Han junghan0611
Meditations on Technology, Learning, Life with Text-editor #pkm #toolsforlife #emacs #hangul #lisp #authology


john.xlm JFWooten4
Love a free market for the stocks 🌌
Zow Ormazabal sormazabal
I come from the land of the ice and snow, where the midnight sun and the hotsprings blow.

Academia Sinica - NTU Taipei

RB R25114B
8-bit legal aid lawyer 👾| eat plants 🌱 not planets 🌍 | no borders 🚫 | preguntando caminamos 👣
Dillenhub github-world192
我是dillen 我寫軟體


Battista Cappelletti batcap
Legal and Policy Analyst
Oleg Lavrovsky loleg
🛠️ maintainer 🌳 wrangler ∮scener

aletsdat Köniz, Switzerland

Maarja-Leena Saar infokujur
#opendata #ParticipatoryDemocracy
Toma Tanaka fuyu-quant

BrainPad Inc. Tokyo