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Yuting Hsueh hsuehyt
Animation filmmaker, Assist Prof of Animation at TNUA, Adjunct at NTNU
Caesar Junior ssdewangkaiyang
A better you, A bigger world. 选择做科技工作的人,都是一群有梦想的人吧,这一群人将人类的想法,带进了实现。

Caesar Junior

kagyroy Kagyroy

Kagyroy Works Japan

PommesPeter PommesPeter
Blessed with good gradient.

@neet-cv Guangdong, China

Alaeda Alaeda

Beijing China

Shreyas Skandan ShreyasSkandanS
CIS PhD Student @ University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia

Uwe Hahne uhahne
Since September 2021, I am professor for Computer Vision in media applications at Furtwangen University and this is my Github page.

HS Furtwangen

Gerad Munsch unforgiven512
I'm a proud father, enjoy amateur radio operations as @KD9QZO on the air, and under @unforgiven-development I enjoy working on a variety of embedded systems.

Unforgiven Development Hainesville, IL, USA

Lu Jiahui Marsljhnb9
I am Lu Jiahui a student in Shenzhen Technology university. I want to study in Github and try to make some contributions to the community

Shenzhen Technology University/major in Intelligent Sensing Engineering Shenzhen Technology University

yulin tan Tylontheway
SCUT major in human-computer interaction

South China University of Technology canton, China

Mona Jalal monajalal
Computer Scientist specialized in computer vision, deep learning, machine learning, natural language processing, information retrieval, and front-end web dev.

Toyota Material Handling Columbus, Indiana

hilam hilam8899
I am a free man, I love embeded and C#
y._.h Rhymakers

Sungkyunkwan University

Miguel Xochicale, PhD mxochicale
Research Engineer @UCL-ARC, previously postdoc @KCL-BMEIS. Passion for real-time AI, Medical Imaging Synthesis, MedTech, Medical Robotics & Clinical Translation

University College London London/Oxford, UK

chengshan chengshans
Happy living creature :-J

Dordrecht, Netherlands