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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


John Clema JohnClema
Student of Psychology @uwa | Intern @PawseySC | Software Engineer @IncrementalSystems

@IncrementalSystems Perth, Noongar Boodja, Australia

Eljas Roellin eroell

Helmholtz Munich

Carl Anderson barabo
Hacking Healthcare for Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic United States

Esteban Hebel ehebel

MINSAL Chile Temuco, Chile

Haris Shuaib hshuaib90
CEO @Newton-s-Tree | Head of @GSTT-CSC


Kshitij D Shah ShahKshitij31
Masters student at UTHealth Houston.
Daniel Kapitan dkapitan
Physicist-turned-data-scientist. Helping others to do more with data. Connecting machine learning with self-organisation. Pythonista.

Freelancer and educator in data science & AI @anthology-of-data-science, Fellow @eaisi Rotterdam, the Netherlands

TerminallyLazy TerminallyLazy
I'll eat your sandwich!
Justin McReynolds mcjustin

University of Washington

Solmaz Eradat solmazeradat
Founder | Data Engineer

Data Harmonise Ltd Edinburgh

Smith F Heavner, PhD, RN SmittyHeavner
Exploring data harmonization and real-world data.

Critical Path Institute SC, USA

Linkun Gao LinkunGao

Auckland Bioengineering Institute Auckland, New Zealand

Doug Adams dadams300

Kill Devil Hills, NC

Elanchezhian chezhia

Cincinnati Children's

Boticello boticello
A chucklehead tinkerer


Mehrdad Mizani mehrdadmzn
Informaticist, Heath data Science, Cloud computing, Cybersecurity, Privacy protection, Multi-disciplinary research

BHF Data Science Centre, HDR UK London, England

Kyle Hernandez kmhernan
Director of Bioinformatics

Belay Diagnostics Chicago, IL

Gabi Maeztu merqurio
medical doctor and mathematician. I work at the intersection of medicine and machine learning @iomedhealth

@iomedhealth Basque Country

Alexandre Gomes lexiom
Software Developer | Data Engineer

Mondelēz International Curitiba

jranisau jranisau

University of Toronto Toronto, Canada

Luis Insa luisinsaalbert Spain