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Ammar Faruqui ammar-15
trust the process

Get Building St. John's

Xuchen Sun XuchenSun
A Software Developer

Toronto, ON, Canada

Caleb jonathancaleb
🍃 Evolving to be better

Jakisa ICT Uganda

Tiago Ribeiro de Barros tiagordebarros
👨🏻‍💻 Full Stack Web Developer e🧑🏻‍💼 fundador da Parceiros de Negócio.

Parceiros de Negócio Caxias do Sul - RS - Brasil

Jayesh Jawale jayeshjawale95
Principal Software Engineer

Pune, India

Michael Miller millerm30
Full Stack Software Developer.

@Notificationapi-com Mount Pearl, NL

Sam Russell samwise-nl
Husband, father, software developer and portrait photographer from Newfoundland Canada

Canadian Blood Services Newfoundland, Canada

Devin devthedevel
Software Developer, B.Sc. Computer Science. Member of CTS-NL!


Evan Watton evnwttn

@milkmoovement St. John's, NL