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Pedro Cunha PedroCunha710
Computer Engineering Student
David Alves davidalves04
At the beginning.

ESTG-IPP Mira, Coimbra

Leandro Afonso 0x1eo

ESTG - Polythecnic of Porto

João Torre Pereira thePeras
Co-Head of Projects @NIAEFEUP

FEUP Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Micael Dias aimproxy
Junior Backend Engineer at @uphold MSc in Computer Science at @nei-estg

@uphold Porto

Pedro Caetano Caetanoz
Student studying Software Engeneering at ESTG Politécnico do Porto

ESTG - Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Politécnico do Porto Aveiro

Hélder Henrique Sousa Dias Branco helderhbranco

ESTG.IPP Felgueiras, Porto, Portugal

Sérgio Félix WallQ
BSc in Computer Science and Engineering

ESTG - Higher School of Management and Technology | Polytechnic Institute of Porto Porto, Portugal


ESTG - Higher School of Management and Technology | Polytechnic Institute of Porto Santo Tirso / Porto

Miguel Costa qMikeehxz
🎓 ESTG - IPP "If something is important enough for you then you do it in spite of the odds!"


Francisco Martins FranciscoMartins20
I love learning, facing challenges and above all I have a huge passion for programming. Ambitious and eager to learn more.
Alice Dias heyliceeee
Software Engineering Degree Student • Member of the Web Development Team NEI-ESTG • Member of the IT Department NEI-ESTG

ESTG - Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão Porto, Portugal

Roberto Faria robertocfaria

ESTG - Higher School of Management and Technology | Polytechnic Institute of Porto Porto, Portugal

Miguel Carvalho Carvalho286
Junior Software and Web Developer

ESTG - Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão | Politécnico do Porto Portugal

António Veiga Antonio-Veiga
I'm problem solver and simultaneously a problem maker. I like cool stuff like Thee.js and IoT. "Trolha de Software Profissional"

IPP - Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão Vizela, Braga

Hugo Guimarães-ESTG-IPP Hugo8220337
Conta usada durante a licenciatura em Engenharia Informática
Luís Morais luismorais14
Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering Student


always trying to improve my own skills