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Pac. pacman2108
A self-taught developer who is passionate about coding and computer science.

@Fluent-Modded-Spotify Reykjavik

无重力广场 zhaopufeng


Jai Prakash sharma iamjpsharma
I am passionate about leveraging the power of Technology to solve pertinent real life problems in our society.

BlueBerryfun Pvt Ltd jaipur, rajasthan

Ryder Caswell CaswellRyder
A younger developer trying to change the way of life.

Cazco United States

Aadit Kamat aaditkamat
Former engineer @Shopee and @visa. Now pursuing a Master's degree at the Warrington College of Business, University of Florida.

Getzler Henrich & Associates Gainesville

Xer Monkey-X-Byte
Full-Stack Developer

None ChengDu

Mia Wan mia1996

Texas A&M University Texas

Jayce jasjs1

FontFlex United States


New Zealand

8x4 8times4

Varrock Bank

Adrià arrufat

@bfactory-ai Seoul, South Korea

Andrea Bozzelli bozzelliandrea
Senior Software Engineer @nearform

@nearform Italy

Mark Gardner mjgardner
Just another desperate Perl hacker

Houston, Texas, United States

JesusDa3rd JesusDa3rd
ἀντίχριστος @ βασιλεία τῶν κόλαση

βασιλεία τῶν κόλαση golgotha

Evan Song ferothefox
The world runs on my work. COO @pyrohost, building @modrinth Servers.

@pyrohost @modrinth Tempe, Arizona

Eric Xie xiexieeric

San Francisco, CA

Jiwoong Lee jimoong

Neeva San Jose, CA

Andres af-orozcog
Computer engineering student. Passionate about competitive programming, data structures and algorithms
Hyungtae Kim hyungtae

@neevaco Greater Seattle area, WA

C.Y. Lee cxy
Making for bringing together collectors and artists in web3 music

xDJs / Seattle

Siro Díaz Palazón SiroDiaz
Entrepreneur, Web and mobile dev. Always learning new technologies, marketing and more.

@laliga, @snapclip-tv, @affiliation-tools Murcia, Spain

vishal hirawat hirawatt
Writing software and building gizmos!

planet earth