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Victor G. vic256

Nantes, France

Baptiste Parmantier LeadcodeDev
Hi 👋 ☕️ Web and software developer since 2016, TS and Dart. 🎓I give training courses in Javascript technologies in schools. 🤖 Founder of @mineral-dart

Leadcode Lost in the time

Hugo Tournache HugoJumper
System Administrator


Ghom GhomKrosmonaute

Perpignan, France


Conodia Bordeaux

Kenzo hellokenzo
Passionate about the design, the web design and the cybersecurity

Lyon, France

Nathael Bonnal NathaelB
Rust enthusiast TmF0aGFlbA==

Nudibranches Montpellier

Gabriel gab4000
I am passionate about computer science and programming. I like to code websites in HTML/CSS/(JS). I also like to create Minecraft Spigot plugins in java.


MosteKarl MosteKarl
Developper Dart / Configurator MC

BotDart - Création de bot Dart paris